
My Hero Academia: Ajin Gamer

Join our discord! https://discord.gg/zf87PSe It's fun talking to haters and people who like my garbage! My grammar considerably improved from my latest novels which I deleted btw. Check out my patreon and support me! https://www.patreon.com/AkiHuiWriting?fan_landing=true ************** First volume is about Izuku's childhood. It's pretty much about shaping Izuku's and other character's personalities. It's also a relationship development arc. Second Volume will be much more darker with people dying and there would be mature content with 18+ scenes as well. -------------------------------------------------- Cover was drawn by myself. Obviously, I don't own BOKU NO HERO ACADEMIA NOR IT'S CHARACTERS... Well I added some of my own characters to the list. Chapter releases will most of the time be 1 per day when I don't have any work. Right now I am trying to make 2 per day but I am a soldier. I go on missions and I am not always available. I also have life. Please do understand. ALSO IT IS GENDER BENDER SO PLEASE, REFRAIN FROM SPAMMING ME ABOUT HE,SHE GRAMMAR, CUZ I MAKE SURE THOSE ARE ALWAYS RIGHT.

Disappoinment · Tranh châm biếm
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130 Chs

Villains Vs Heroes Part 3

While still holding Izukus's head, Katsuro pulled the capture tape out of her pocket and tried to wrap him in it.

Izuku was quick to recover and kicked her in the face.

Katsuro flew through the holes she created and fell on the ground.

She had a giant footprint mark on her face. Izuku's face, on the other hand, was white and full of plaster.

They both glanced at each other and couldn't help but smile.

"That hurt...Kacchan. Be a little more gentle with your childhood friend, will you?" he gently rubbed the back of his head and felt that it was bleeding.

*Pfft* "Please! Don't make me laugh! I need to bust your head open, so stop resisting and die, Deku!" Katsuro dashed towards him and planned on taping him up again, but Izuku countered it by throwing her away.


'My shoulder is dislocated as well. It looks like she isn't holding back, huh. In a real fight against a villain, it would be wise to kill myself and revive, but I can't do that here now, can I...'

He gave her a weak smile and cracked a joke.

"Heh, what do you know...the old Kacchan has resurfaced, nice to see you again. It's been a long time. Are you doing well?"

"Of course! I've been thinking about you a lot lately, and I found my answer!" she tore off a giant chunk of debris from a nearby wall and threw it towards Izuku.

"Thinking about me lately? I am flattered!"

Izuku easily dodged the falling debris and went straight at her. Katsuro finally saw an opening and tried to attack him, but Izuku saw through her. He grabbed her arm and painfully slammed her to the ground.


The fall hurt her a lot, but she still stood up while holding her back.

"You know, I've been observing you for a long time, Kacchan. So, fights like this one put you at a huge disadvantage." he smiled and continued, "You always start with a big right-handed swing."

Before she could recover, he walked up to her and hit her with a powerful left hook straight to the face, then followed up with a kick into the stomach.

Katsuro stumbled onto the ground but still got up.

She spat a mixture of blood and saliva on the ground and took a boxing fighting stance, something Izuku hadn't seen before.

"So you are saying you've got me all figured out, huh? Then, you have always known how I felt, right?"


"You are an annoying piece of shit, you know that?"


"Silence, huh. Well, there is no need to talk about it now. You know, Deku...Before we get to that point, I still feel like I need to repay you for something."

"...What would that be?"

"...I have to teach a lesson...to my troublemaking womanizer..." she pulled out two oddly shaped objects from her hero costume and put them on her gloves.

Izuku narrowed his eyes at the pair of metallic objects on her hands and asked. "...Is that what I think it is?"

"Yes, it is, and believe me, it's going to hurt you a whole fucking lot!" Katsuro kissed both of her fists for luck and propelled herself forward using her quirk.

She will no longer hide the truth.

She will no longer run away from the truth.

She will no longer allow him to run away from the truth.

"Aghhh!" with a battle cry of love, she once again, propelled herself towards the person she holds the dearest.

"I love you Deku, so die!"


Some students couldn't help but cringe at the sight of the brutal fight between Izuku and Katsuro. Unfortunately, they couldn't tell what they were talking about, but the level of violence was enough for them to understand it was something serious.

"Will they be alright? Both of them are bleeding so much..." Mina frowned upon seeing that Izuku was injured this heavily.

Koji was curled up into a ball on the ground playing with some ants.

Jiro twirled her phone jacks between her fingertips and hoped for the best.

Even Tokoyami closed his eyes while facing the screen.

'Fight it out, you two. Bakugo, open his eyes to the truth and prove your worth.'

Ochaco put both of her hands on her face. She couldn't watch what was unfolding before her any longer.

"This fight is too physical...I can't watch this...Can't we just stop them Aizawa-sensei?"

Aizawa was silent, so All Might replied to her instead.


Aizawa nodded. "Indeed, there is some kind of enmity between them, so let them fight it out. They need to get over it, or else they will never be able to work together as heroes. If the situation worsened, we have Youthful Heroine on standby."

Ochaco was disappointed with the answer but she understood what her teachers meant.

"Um...Aizawa-sensei...are those allowed?" Sero noticed that Katsuro pulled a certain object out of her costume.

Aizawa widened his eyes.

"...That little...where did she get her hands on that? They are banned in Japan."

While the scene might have been brutal to some students, it was still within the norm of an average fight, that was until a certain blonde-haired tomboy pulled a pair of brass knuckles to face her opponent.


*Yawn* "I guess my job here is done. All that's left is to tape her up. It sure was a tiring battle."

Denki shook the rest of the electricity coat off of him. Being in that state for more than five minutes hurt his body.

His stamina was almost completely spent. If he had to fight her for a bit longer, he was sure to lose.

'I wonder why she didn't use her fire quirk. If she did, I would lose without a doubt.'

Without a doubt, he was right. Shiro had spent years of her life training her fire quirk and only a few months for her ice quirk. If she were to fight him with her fire quirk, or even both of her quirks at the same time, he would stand no chance.

Before coming closer to her, Denki looked from afar to make sure she was unconscious and wasn't just pretending.

After a few seconds, he judged that she was out cold and walked towards her.

Just as he was about two meters away from the fallen Shiro, a red flame emerged from her back and climbed all the way up to her face. The left side of her face ignited into magnificent flames and 'brought her back to life'.

She slowly regained consciousness and stood up.

"Ah...you are kidding me, right? No way...I have no more fuel for this fight..." Denki knew that another pain was coming his way. "Can't you just stay down?"

Shiro didn't reply and instead, sent a medium-sized fireball his way.

"Ah, shit..."

Denki barely dodged and hid behind a pillar.

He looked at the timer on top of the wall, and it read two minutes remaining.

'There is no way I can hold her off for that long...where are you Izuku!? Didn't you say you were gonna help me with this?!'

He looked at his left palm, a small water droplet formed on top of it.

'I can't use this...This needs to stay as my trump card.' Denki thought.

"Stop hiding! Come out!" Shiro completely forgot that all she needed to do was to capture the bomb.

She ignored the objective and spread her flames all around the room in a frenzy.

"Oh, come on! What is she...oh no..." Denki peeked through a hole in the pillar and noticed that right above Shiro was a huge flame cloud.

Shiro closed her eyes and outstretched both of her hands towards the fire. The fire slowly took form into something resembling a bird.

"A Pheonix?! Ahhhh!"

Denki screamed as a large fire cloud blew his way. Shiro expanded her raging cloud of fire and shock waves. The force of destruction that struck the nearby walls was enough to melt the concrete.

'If that touches me, I am dead!' Denki promptly moved and jumped out of the window before the room turned into hell.

The sea of flames engulfed the entire room, burning everything in it. Nothing was spared, even the metallic bomb villains were supposed to protect has melted away.

'Crazy fucking girl...almost lost my life in a practice bout...where are the teachers anyway?! Just stop this match and let me rest already!'

Denki complained as he was holding onto the ledge of the window under the bomb room.


The entire room turned silent as they watched Shiro's explosion.

"Incredible...there was nothing Denki could have done at that moment. In his shoes, I would freeze on the spot and maybe even lose my life in the blast, yet he still managed to somehow escape through the window." Momo sighed.

"Well, light is my one and only weakness, so I would undoubtedly lose as well." Tokoyami evaluated.

"Shiro-chan is scarry, ribbit."

"U-Um...AIZAWA...WHAT ARE THESE STUDENTS?!" All Might was a bit freaked out. That kind of blast would definitely injure him greatly. It just wasn't normal to possess this kind of power as a teenager.

Denki on the other hand managed to beat Shiro in the beginning before she used her second quirk.

Both of them showcased an incredible performance of quirks and talent.

"Well, you need to take into account that this was Endeavor's daughter, it was obvious she is incredibly strong as she inherited two quirks and she was personally trained by Endeavor. Yet this was a bit overkill. If I was in her shoes, I would just lure him to me and trap him in my ice and be done with it. Once again, her mind was clouded and she wasn't using her head properly..."

Aizawa knew that she must have worked hard to obtain this level of power, but he was disappointed in her decision making.

He looked at the remains of the bomb through the screen and sighed.

'The objective was to capture the bomb, not to destroy it. The villain team has already won, even if their weapon was deemed useless.'

He wondered when All Might is gonna notice the fact that there is no longer anything that could be called a bomb.

'Well, I will keep quiet, I still want to know how the match between those two ends."