
My Hero Academia: Ajin Gamer

Join our discord! https://discord.gg/zf87PSe It's fun talking to haters and people who like my garbage! My grammar considerably improved from my latest novels which I deleted btw. Check out my patreon and support me! https://www.patreon.com/AkiHuiWriting?fan_landing=true ************** First volume is about Izuku's childhood. It's pretty much about shaping Izuku's and other character's personalities. It's also a relationship development arc. Second Volume will be much more darker with people dying and there would be mature content with 18+ scenes as well. -------------------------------------------------- Cover was drawn by myself. Obviously, I don't own BOKU NO HERO ACADEMIA NOR IT'S CHARACTERS... Well I added some of my own characters to the list. Chapter releases will most of the time be 1 per day when I don't have any work. Right now I am trying to make 2 per day but I am a soldier. I go on missions and I am not always available. I also have life. Please do understand. ALSO IT IS GENDER BENDER SO PLEASE, REFRAIN FROM SPAMMING ME ABOUT HE,SHE GRAMMAR, CUZ I MAKE SURE THOSE ARE ALWAYS RIGHT.

Disappoinment · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
130 Chs

Greed Of A Pig


Katsuro was injured, yet she still pressed on. Left hook after right hook, Izuku was able to dodge each strike without much effort. It would be different if she was in her top condition, but at this point, she could barely stand.

Izuku looked at her and sighed. "Kacchan...I think it's time we stopped this. Let me tape you up and we can talk after the match."

Izuku knew that she was barely holding on anymore, even with her knuckles, if she couldn't touch him, they were useless.

"Shut it!" After missing another barrage of attacks, she stopped for a few seconds to catch her breath.

"Fight back...you weakling...don't just dodge!"

"Alright then."

Just as she provoked him, Izuku stepped towards her and threw a right hook. Katsuro wasn't able to dodge in time and his fist impacted her ribs.

*Cough* "Too weak! Try again, nerd!" *Cough*

Her vision was hazy, yet she still wanted to release her pent up anger and emotions. This was the only thing keeping her on her feet.


"Shut it... shut it shut it shut up!" She threw a barrage of chaotic punches that hit nothing but air.

"You are ignorant, selfish, and disgusting!"

Izuku parried all of her attacks and noticed a gap in her defense. With a quick jab, he delivered a finishing blow into her stomach.

The air in her lungs was blocked, and she couldn't breathe. She lifelessly knelt on the ground as Izuku approached her with a capture tape.

"Sorry Kacchan, I've had fun, but we need to stop now, there are only about two minutes left on the clock." Izuku put the tape on her shoulder. The moment he circled her body with it, Katsuro would lose. However, she wouldn't go down without a fight.

"Fun...Fun? All of this was...fun to you? Haha...I should have expected this." Katsuro hung her head while gritting her teeth. The frustration on her face slowly turned into a maniacal grin.

*Click* *Click*

"Hmm?" Izuku heard a weird sound as if something fell on the ground.

Looking closer, two pins were laying on the ground.

The pins distracted Izuku long enough for Katsuro to grab his arm. She pulled him towards her with both of her hands and refused to let go. She then entwined both of her legs around his torso and smiled.

"What are you doing?" He asked while trying to pull his hand away from her, but she wouldn't budge.

"I doubt you weren't aware, but I will still mention it. The grenade designs on my hands weren't there only as a part of the costume, they are weapons for combat..."

Izuku widened his eyes, sensing the dread.

'The pins! They were from the bombs!'

"It's over, Deku. There is nowhere to run." she pressed a button on top of the gauntlets with some difficulty and the grenades hissed and blew up in her hands.

The moment she pressed the button, it released a burst of light and everything went white for Izuku.





Why is it so bright?

Where am I?

Did I die for real this time? Was that my last time ever reviving?

No matter where Izuku looked, there was only endless brightness, following him. Other than that, The irritating ringing he kept on hearing made him dizzy and weak.

He felt that there was something inside of his mouth, presumably dust or sand. That meant he was still alive.

He also felt that he could still move his hands and legs, and yet, it seems that he lost his ability to see.

'Be it temporary or permanent, this is no joke...'

He put his hands in front of him and tried to find something resembling a wall that he could lean on, but there was nothing around him.


Nothing happened. He couldn't even see the window.

'Damn it! Even Observe is not working?! Does that mean once I go blind, I can't access the menu?'


'Fuck this ringing sound! Ah! Finally!'

Izuku was never so glad to have found a wall in his life before. He sat down and leaned on it, trying to recover from what just happened.

The ringing in his ears has partially subdued, but he still couldn't see anything.

What Izuku was hit by, was indeed a flashbang. It was personally made for Katsuro as a part of her suit. She was the one who specifically asked for the flashbang. It acted as the last wall of her defense and as one of her trump cards.

'What is Kacchan thinking...unleashing something like this? Heck, is she alright? She was hit by the same attack. She was in range after all...'

Needless to worry, he felt a metallic object hitting his cheek and he fell to the ground.

"Gotcha. Hehe."

He laid on the ground and heard her giggle. Her footsteps were getting closer and closer until they finally came to a halt a few centimeters away from him.

He felt a sudden weight on his chest and wondered what that was about.

"Let us talk now!"

Izuku heard her voice loud and clear as if she was sitting on top of him and talking to him from that small distance.

Which was in this case, also the truth.

"You are amazing, Kacchan, that last move completely got me, I still can't see anything."

"Shut up, I am not here to talk about that!" She grabbed him by his collar and punched him with the knuckles.

Izuku was already used to pain from the countless deaths he has experienced in his experiments with Himiko, but it still hurt no matter how many times he felt it. He never became completely numb to the pain.

The idea of dying on the other hand, was way easier.

"I never would have thought that you had that up your sleeve. It completely caught me off guard." Izuku showed her a weak smile.

"Shut up!"

She gave him another jab, so strong that he felt his vision returning to him.

Maybe he deserved all of this?

He could have easily won this match a long time ago.

He could have used his inventory quirk, ajin shout, or call Blackie back to help him to easily restrain her, and yet, he didn't.

Maybe he felt like he needed this, he needed someone to beat the shit out of him. He needed someone to beat common sense into him. As he couldn't carry this burden on his own anymore.

He had no one he could tell, no one who would understand what he was going through.

Tell his friends? They would laugh at him and say, "You are way too popular, man, I envy ya!"

Tell his mom? She would reply, "The more wives for my little Izuku the better! We will have a grand family!"

Tell his dad? Who was never there for him, never, even home?

Tell Himiko? Who was so ignorant of the real world and so ignorant to the whole idea of dating that she would say, "Sure I don't mind, as long as I can be with you, it's Okie Dokie!"

He needed someone with common sense. Someone with common sense who would tell him that dating more than one girl was wrong and that he should just choose one girl and bear through it like a man.

"I don't wanna talk about any of that shit! Just give me an answer already! Do you love me, or not?" she gave her all in that shout, making sure Izuku couldn't avoid it anymore.


He was about to change the subject again, but as his eyes slowly regained their vision, he noticed that she was crying.

"Hey...there is a strange liquid flowing down your cheeks...you gotta get that checked...hehe."

"...Haha...You are such an unbelievable asshole...just yes or no would be enough...why, just why are you dodging this subject so much?" Katsuro gave him a wry smile as she wiped her tears away.

"...Do you...truly wish to know?" Izuku muttered. Slowly losing his resistance.

He wanted to open his heart to someone...Maybe the moment finally came. Maybe he finally found the right person to talk to.

"Yes! Just tell me! Am I not attractive enough? Are you dating someone already? Are you interested in the same sex?"

His face darkened as he heard the last question.

"Definitely not any of them!"

He could already hear Kirishima's voice in the background, shouting.

'Be manly!'

It gave him shivers.

Izuku laid there in defeat and looked at the ceiling.

"...There are two reasons... the first one is the fact that due to some abnormal reason, a lot of girls seem to be interested in me, but I am pretty sure you already knew that...I never would have thought I would be so fortunate as to meet so many nice girls..."

Katsuro frowned as she heard what he was saying.

'So he was dating someone after all...'

Her heart couldn't take it. But she tried to ignore the feeling for now and focused on his answer. She might not get another chance to talk to him like this ever again.

Izuku started talking in a low voice. "...I simply can't choose...I don't know what to do…" then switched to an aggressive, if not a shouting tone.

"What would someone else do? What do I do!? What should I do!?"

Katsuro widened her eyes as she didn't understand his outrage.

"I am not dating anyone! I can't date anyone! If I do that, at least three girls would be disappointed and sad, and I don't want to break their hearts! I don't want that! I don't want to see them daily, only to meet their gaze every morning, questioning if I made the right decision! If I made the right choice!" He yelled and freed one of his legs. He kicked her into the stomach and got away from her hold.

Katsuro lost her balance and fell on the ground face first. She wasn't even angry and didn't even feel the pain of his kick as she was busy processing his words.

Izuku got back up, his face twisted in rage.

"Is it weird!? That I don't want these girls to suffer!? Should I just date you!? Even though we both love each other, there is also Itsuka, Himiko, and heck I even felt my heart race with Nemuri! What about them!? I care about all of you! About all of you! That's why I don't wanna date anyone! Do you get it already!?"

He poured out the feelings of his heart, the feelings he has locked away and now, he awaited an answer. An answer that would bring him back to reality. An answer so harsh that it would give him a reality check.

Katsuro observed his hysteric outrage in silence.

"You...you are so dumb…"

Part of her was angry, that he mentioned a name of another woman she hadn't heard about before, part of her was disgusted about his answer, part of her was excited because he admitted he loved her and part of her was confused and tried to think of something to tell him.

"I don't think I've ever heard someone more arrogant, conceited and greedy in my entire life...Your greed can rival that of a pig, no, you are greed itself."

"True that, I am a terrible greedy person that doesn-"

"But, you are also kind-hearted, amiable, hard-working, smart and an amazing person."

"..." Izuku opened his mouth wide.

"You would defend your friends at any cost, you would save them no matter who was against you, you even held back quite a lot in this bout and never used your quirk on me so that I wouldn't be injured."

"And I could go on and on. If you have one bad point, there will be an endless list of good points about you that I will gladly tell you about."

"...N-No...it wasn't supposed to go like this...w-why?"

"It's actually selfish for me to continue this conversation because it's bringing you so much pain... you've had a lot on your mind huh, Izuku…"

Izuku could barely endure the sensation of his throat being blocked and having warm feelings fill up his heart. This was the first time he heard her say his name in fourteen years.

He knew it wasn't supposed to go like this. He was supposed to be yelled at and beaten up so that he could finally get over it and yet, after saying her piece, Katsuro continued with her warm words.

Looking at her face within the corner of his eye, he opened his quivering mouth…

"...I... it's my fault for hiding things from you... I'm sorry…I will come clean. The second reason I didn't want to enter a relationship is..."