

Antoinette was a old friend of Ruth and it’s been ages the seen each other until one day them came across themselves and had a conversation from there. Antoinette was going through the most hardship of life until she met her old friend Ruth and from there Ruth decided to help her out, but upon the help Ruth did for Antoinette, she did Ruth evil at the end…. see how life is so blurry sometimes

wilfredbedrin · Hí kịch
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45 Chs

Bedroom ​​​​Night​

Characters: Alex and Ruth

Alex enters the house and everyone is asleep. He walks into the bedroom.

Ruth: Honey please where have you been? (She feels sorry and very disturbed) I'm so sorry if I upset you.

Alex looks at his wife's face and says nothing. Ruth goes down on her knees to apologize to her husband.

Alex: No No No No... It's alright my dear. You don't have to. (Alex takes off his attire and sits on the bed)

Ruth: I hope I'm forgiven?

Alex: Are we going into this again? (He gently asks his wife) let's go to bed.

Ruth: Okay. (Alex pampers his wife. She puts her head on his chest)

Alex: I'm sorry for raising my hand on you but you shouldn't have used that word on me. I'm not in any way justifying my action though. My concerns is about our family, our home and our son. Have u thought of that.

Ruth: Honey please don't get worried she's a nice person. We've been friends since childhood. We even went to the same school. She can't do anything to hurt me after all I've done for her.

(The dialogue continues)

Alex: hmmmmn don't come tomorrow and point accusing fingers. If u say she's a nice person I have nothing much to say. She's welcome to our home but just be careful.

Ruth: Thank u darling u are the best.

Alex: I can see somebody wants to convince me. (He smiles)

Ruth: Nothing will happen please let's be positive in our thinking.

Alex: It's okay. Tomorrow is Saturday right?

Ruth: Yes and what about that?

Alex: I guess all of us can go out and spend some time together.

Ruth: Wow!!!! (Ruth kissed her husband and they went to bed)