Antoinette was a old friend of Ruth and it’s been ages the seen each other until one day them came across themselves and had a conversation from there. Antoinette was going through the most hardship of life until she met her old friend Ruth and from there Ruth decided to help her out, but upon the help Ruth did for Antoinette, she did Ruth evil at the end…. see how life is so blurry sometimes
Characters: Alex, Ruth, Wisdom and Antoinette
(Alex takes the family out for fun together with Antoinette)
Alex: Ladies do your things whiles the men we also have our talk. (Alex and Wisdom sits under the summer hut as they watch the women swim)
Wisdom: Dady how do u see auntie Antoinette?
Alex: How do u mean my boy?
Wisdom: Do u like her? Is she a good woman? (He looks at his father's face with brightly shone eyes)
Alex: Why do you ask? Is there something you want to tell me?
Wisdom: Not really, I just wanna know. It's nothing serious.
Antoinette: Hey guys I think you should come and join us. Let's have a challenge and see who wins.
Ruth: Yeah the challenge begins now. (Ruth boldly orders)
Wisdom: Dad do we have a choice? I guess no. Mom has thrown the challenge already. Shall we. (Wisdom smiles and look at his father's face)
Alex: Sure why not. He says that reluctantly. (The challenge began)
Ruth: Alex begin with Antoinette and let's see who wins. (He looks at his wife's face with much surprise)
Antoinette: I'll win. I challenge you to come.
Alex: This is indeed a serious task. (He dives into.....and begun swimming)
Wisdom: The next challenge will be on a marathon mom.
Ruth: Really!!!!!
Wisdom: Yeah!!!!!!! (He answers with excitement)
The challenge was soon over and Antoinette won. Antoinette hugged Alex and they both smiled.
Ruth: We won!!!!! (Excitedly screamed)
Wisdom: Now to the next challenge...
Alex: Which is...?
Wisdom: Mom tell them...
Ruth:'s...a...mara...thon..... (Happily exclaimed)
Alex: And this time, it's gonna be my big man... Wisdom and you (He points his finger to Ruth) sweet mom.
Antoinette: Okay guys u ready??? On your marks (They both go down) get set. Go!!!!!! (She ordered) (The race began and Wisdom won) He quickly ran to embrace his father.
Wisdom: We won daddy. (He jubilates happily with his dad)
Alex: We also won this time. My boy made me proud. He's the best.
Antoinette: But we also won the first challenge. Give us some credit. (Hihihihi she giggles)
Alex: In fact that was a cheat.
Ruth: Ooooh please!!!!! Save yourself that stress we just won. If u can't beat them....
Antoinette: You join them.
Ruth: Exactly..... (With an attractive smiles)
Wisdom: But my dad is right.
Ruth and Antoinette: Hahahahahaha
Alex: Guys I guess we are exhausted. Let's go home. It was fun having u guys around.
Antoinette: ooooh yeah I really enjoyed myself. This has not happened to me for over a decade now. Thanks Mr. Alex. (They drove back home)