
My Girlfriend In Japan

Transmission into a new body in a new world. How to live it? Well let’s just go with the flow for now.

Shadoudia · Tranh châm biếm
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13 Chs

12- Fame..is addictive.

Jin spent the day scrolling through his social media with a proud smile, relishing the mostly positive feedback.

The numbers didn't stop growing.

Jin marveled as the YouTube video surpassed the 2 million views milestone, and his subscriber count soared beyond 42k, showing no signs of slowing down. The community post he shared also garnered applause and, admittedly, a fair share of..thristy comments.

Jin found himself in a curious mix of amusement and uncertainty. While some comments seemed like playful banter, others hinted at genuine k-pop stan's alike admiration.

The community post was bombed from what seemed like females (or at least he assumed), going wild over his face.

'The benefits of good looks sure are impactful when entering a field where one can strategically use them'

Despite the positive attention, Jin couldn't ignore the slight discomfort stirred by certain comments. He had the option to turn Comment Moderation for a more controlled environment, but Jin found a strange comfort in the raw, unfiltered feedback, even if it meant the occasional oddity.

Jin's TikTok account thrived alongside his YouTube success. The edits he posted garnered significant attention, proving that the allure of cool edits held appeal.

Jin's edits, short and simple, wove through montages of photos and scenes, capturing the audience's attention and piquing their interest effortlessly.

Edits condense content, providing a quick, visually stimulating experience that aligns with the fast-paced nature of online platforms. So it a smart move to make when posting.

Jin's edits also stood out from the typical dynamic ones that make you think, "This goes hard." Instead, they exuded a serene quality, inviting viewers into a peaceful visual experience. After all who doesn't like peace, right?

Alright enough talk about edits, let's look at the numbers.

Jin's TikTok bore the name "Shadoudia," a name that seamlessly echoed across all his social media platforms. Its uncommon nature proved fortunate, as it stood distinctively without being claimed by others.

The TikTok posts proved to be a remarkable success with just two posts, garnering a substantial amount of attention. Impressively, one of the posts amassed around 3 million views, while the other secured an equally impressive 900k+, a testament to the platform's ability to swiftly propel content into the spotlight.

Might seem like huge numbers, but is just short clips, so it wasn't that impressive. Or maybe it was considering is his first posts.

Getting views is the easiest part, getting people to interact with the content is the harder part. But still the posts had quite a bit of interactions, so that's to celebrate.

The TikTok comments painted a different picture compared to YouTube, with a more subdued and positive tone. Many users expressed love for the peaceful vibes, and one of the top comments even stood out,

[Guys I been here for a day. Help I'm stuck]


Jin's older Twitter post also experienced a surge in likes, courtesy of the new wave of followers migrating from YouTube. His follower count on Twitter now as well stood at an impressive 11k, marking a substantial growth in his online presence.

Oh! Jin's short YouTube post, featuring the same content as TikTok, enjoyed success, although the TikTok version outshone it in terms of fame.

This discrepancy in performance across platforms added an layer to Jin's exploration of diverse online landscapes.

Jin then posted the other video in YouTube shorts as well.

'Fame…I only got a tiny taste of it and is amazing..I can see why attention seekers exist. But I shouldn't let it go over my head, who knows this might even be my first and last popular content in the internet.'

"What type of content should I make next?"




Jin was in the midst of a nap when a series of notification sounds abruptly jolted him awake.

He checked his phone.

[Suneo: Tell me how, you ended up at my fyp TT]

[ Suneo: https://youtu.be/xvFZjo5PgG0?si=CZSPtSNkRSkzNq5-]

He clicked the link,



It was a rickroll.

[Jin: Good one, you got me,ha ha 😐]

Suneo then sent a another link. Which this time was a legit one.

It was a TikTok video… of him. Somone made a edit out of his YouTube video.

Dont tell, I'm going even more viral? This could either be the last edit of him, or one of the few..

OR Jin'a face might be all over TikTok soon. Like how once in a while there is a short phase of time, where somone's face and their content takes over the platform.. Like a meme.



- Jin isn't the only one getting fame. I'm to. Will this fanfic is. Might be MUCH less then that of Jin's but thanks for the recent increase of support.

-And sorry for not uploading yesterday, I was planing to not today as well, but then I see I had a WHOOPING 20+ total comments, collections over 400, from the previous 300s, 10+ more power stones and so much supportive comments to. After all this how could I NOT feel motivated!?

-Thanks for all the suggestions guys, appreciate the help, amazing readers!

-Might try to squeeze out a big chapter tomorrow as my thanks. No promises.

-Oh yea also got one new review, now one step closer to 10 reviews. Thanks 🙏

-Next chapter might include content with Shoko finally, gotta show love to her to.

-Thanks for reading and again all the support!

Till next time!