
My Girlfriend In Japan

Transmission into a new body in a new world. How to live it? Well let’s just go with the flow for now.

Shadoudia · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs


*Chapter 11: Viral?**

Jin was sleeping, his face damp with sweat and subtle twitches revealing the turbulence within his dreams.

With a sudden jolt, Jin awakened abruptly, his eyes wide and alert, breaking free from the clutches of the unsettling dream.

In his dream, Jin found himself encircled by a crowd of people, their voices merging into a bursts of praises. Some shouted declarations of admiration like, "I'm a big fan, Jin!" and "We love you!"

Yet, amidst the cheers, a contrasting murmur emerged. In his dream, some voices cut through the admiration with words laden with hate. "We know your real identity," they accused, while others labeled him as fake.

These harsh phrases mingled with the praise.

The verbal battleground in Jin's dream intensified as the hateful words grew louder, drowning out the positive ones. The tide had turned, and the negativity overwhelmed the once-joyful chorus of admiration.

The dream took a disconcerting turn as the crowd closed in, encircling Jin completely. Nowhere to run, he found himself trapped within the tightening circle of voices.

The people's expressions morphed into an eerie gaze, accompanied by a dark, foreboding aura.

The overwhelming noise in the dream had become almost unbearable, and just as the figures inched closer, Jin's eyes snapped open with a gasp.

Glancing at the clock, Jin noted the time – 11:20 AM. A realization dawned as he acknowledged having slept in, a logical outcome after staying up late the night before.

Jin rose from his bed, heading to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. The cool liquid provided a refreshing start as he went through the motions of washing up right after, readying himself for the day.

With a wry smile, Jin mused, "What a way to start the day." The events of the morning had gifted him a clear entry for his diary—something he had neglected the day before due to a lack of time.

"I'm not even anywhere near touching fame, and I've already got such nightmares?" Jin questioned with a shake of his head.

"Maybe I'm not suited for this line of work.."

Questions swirled in Jin's mind as he pondered the origin of the streaming idea. To think the introverted version of himself engaging in such public activities felt like a paradox. Was he influenced by the lingering traits of the old Jin, or was it the newfound confidence from his now better transformed body and face? The speed of change gnawed at him – wasn't it too fast? Or maybe because the current small audience offered a sense of comfort, but would the nerves intensify as the viewership grew?

Uncertainties danced through his thoughts.

Whatever is to early in the morning to be thinking about this. He ignores the fact is actually kinda late.

Jin went to check his phone first, he had new messages from Shoko and Suneo.

[Shoko: JIN!! Nice vidoe! And is doing so well to!! Congratulations 🎊]

[Sueno: Don't let the fame change you son *insert wise chinese guy with big beard*]

Video? Jin went to check the stats of the video.

—My 1 Year Body Transformation as a Teen (Natural?)

Views: 569300

Likes: 96k

Comments: 2.9k

Shares: 8.7k

Subscribers(Updated): 19k

Top Comments—

[vinicius_Br: Bro is it natural though? Real question is that] -4k likes

[NerdSage: Such profound aesthetics, truly beautiful 😻] - 3k likes

[Lord_Rings: Ima do that challenge, keep you guys updated 😉] -2.5k likes

[DeezeNuts420: Bruh I wanna live where you live, so peaceful] -1.9k likes

YOOOOO is this not viral? or close to it!

Is even at #11 for trending!!

Mom! I'm famous!…oh wait she is dead.

Chuckling to himself, Jin pondered, "How the heck did this happen?" Despite the bad start to the morning, he couldn't help but feel a surge of enthusiasm.

But how did this even happen? Is it the algorithm helping me out or what?

The high stats numbers were amazing to look at, and the influx of so many new subscribers added to the excitement.

Jin takes a look at the comments more, and wow is remarkable how diverse they are.

In the comments, there were about three main groups of people, each bringing their own unique take.

The first group comprised individuals skeptical about the authenticity of Jin's physique, expressing a range of opinions from harsh criticism to genuine concerns, and unfortunately, some were just spreading plain hate. No escaping hate.

The second group, firmly believed in the video and showed lot of support. They expressed their admiration, showered Jin with compliments, and some even found motivation, pledging to take on Jin's challenge. The real test would be if they followed through on their words and committed to the journey.

Lastly was..how to explain, Fan girls?

It seemed like group of thristy teenagers girls, or maybe even women??, that was showering him with support and praises to. But..it was a bit too much. Better than explaing, just look at it for yourself.

[NextDoorNeighbor: Look at those muscles, I want to just run my hands through them 👀]

[AngryCupcake: Ughh I was I had a boyfriend like that, I would do anything for you 😳🥵]

[TheOneBehindYou: Such a cute face, is unfair, how would somone be so hot and adorable at the same time ):]

[AngryPrincess: Somthing is wet 💦]

Alright that's enough.. Had to say, the last group might be Jin's favorit- ahem!

These weren't even the "worst" ones..there was many more, which Jin would take his sweet time reading later.

Jin felt a sense of pride after receiving such abundance of flattering words and..naughty words. This was an entirely new experience for him.

Is this how those teenagers pop stars feel?

Seizing the opportunity of the video's newfound fame, Jin decided to capitalize on it. He created a series of edits from the clips of the video and uploaded them to YouTube Shorts and TikTok.

Jin also checked his other social media accounts, which had experienced some growth. Some people were engaging by clicking the links provided in the video's description.

Grateful for the overwhelming support, Jin also posted a community message to express his heartfelt thanks.

He even shared a picture of his joyous face on the post, capturing the genuine happiness from the support he received. This was especially intended for those girls..can't keep them thristy..

He did the same for Twitter.

"Ok! Things are look a bit promising for me!"

AN: I feel like gave him fame to quickly, but wanted to speed things up a bit.

Here is a picture of him. Not the best accuracy but ye. Just imagine him looking more handsome I guess 🤷‍♂️. [image]

Thanks for reading.

Till next time!