
My Girlfriend From Turquoise Pond Requests My Help After My Millennium Seclusion

Gods and demons are everywhere in the Grand Desolate World. Jiang Lan finally becomes a disciple of Kunlun Mountain; specifically—the only disciple of the Ninth Summit. Knowing the dangers outside, he decides to stay hidden in the Ninth Summit’s Netherworld Cave and cultivate in seclusion. With a unique sign-in system unknown to everyone else, Jiang Lan acquires several divine powers, Dharma treasures, and other aids to enhance his cultivation along the way. His current goal is to keep his actual cultivation level a secret, remain a low-key Kunlun disciple and stay out of harm’s way until he is strong enough to take on any obstacles. Only when he emerges from his cultivation after some time does his Master bring him an important message: Kunlun has found him a fiancée.

Red Pepper Afraid Of Spicy · Huyền huyễn
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Teaching You How To Hide Your Cultivation

Dịch giả: Atlas Studios Biên tập viên: Atlas Studios

Jiang Lan lowered his head, not looking at Miao Yue.

The pressure was great, but there was no sense of danger.

His heart was calm as usual.

Of course, he had no chance of escaping if someone of this level were to attack him.

Therefore, he just waited patiently.

He wanted to see what this Martial Aunt of his was up to.

"Fast?" Miao Yue's voice carried a smile.

"Normally speaking, there aren't many people in Kunlun who manage to advance to the Essence Soul Realm within 150 years. Your cultivation speed is still too fast. "

Jiang Lan was puzzled. What did this mean?

Miao Yue returned to her seat to sit down before speaking again.

"As the only disciple of the Ninth Summit, you don't lack resources or guidance. The Ninth Summit is basically yours. So why did you advance so quickly? "

Jiang Lan looked up at Miao Yue. He seemed to understand now.

"Martial Aunt, you mean that you want me to hide my cultivation?"