
My Girlfriend From Turquoise Pond Requests My Help After My Millennium Seclusion

Gods and demons are everywhere in the Grand Desolate World. Jiang Lan finally becomes a disciple of Kunlun Mountain; specifically—the only disciple of the Ninth Summit. Knowing the dangers outside, he decides to stay hidden in the Ninth Summit’s Netherworld Cave and cultivate in seclusion. With a unique sign-in system unknown to everyone else, Jiang Lan acquires several divine powers, Dharma treasures, and other aids to enhance his cultivation along the way. His current goal is to keep his actual cultivation level a secret, remain a low-key Kunlun disciple and stay out of harm’s way until he is strong enough to take on any obstacles. Only when he emerges from his cultivation after some time does his Master bring him an important message: Kunlun has found him a fiancée.

Red Pepper Afraid Of Spicy · Huyền huyễn
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Someone Is Here To Act Cool?

Dịch giả: Atlas Studios Biên tập viên: Atlas Studios

Jiang Lan walked on the path which led to the Eighth Summit.

In fact, other than his master, there was no problem with the other summit leaders being away for a few days.

The Eighth Summit was even more so.

As long as Kunlun needed someone who had the offensive power, the Eighth Summit's summit leader would definitely appear, and he would not be at a disadvantage.

However, it was more important to Jiang Lan whether he was around these few days.

The path to the Eighth Summit was not small, and there were trees surrounding it.

Mountains and rivers flowed, looking beautiful and pleasing to the eye.

The fragrance of the plants was refreshing.

There were flowers and plants everywhere on the mountain. They looked ordinary, but they were actually flowing with sword intent.

There was a powerful sword array formation here.