
My German husband and I farm diary

Husband derailment, marriage breakdown, seven years of itch, and finally arrived at a beautiful girl. This marriage, Qin Li was a complete failure, except for a divorce agreement, nothing. Desperate, she decided to go far away to further her studies. Originally thought, life is so, but unexpectedly met a magical creature → German farmers. Huh, foreigners go on blind dates? With the mentality of a newspaper, Qin Li embarked on a blind date trip. Unexpectedly, this opens the door of the new century. You raise the chickens, I'll raise the cows, You plant, I plant, Qin Li felt that she seemed to find a second spring. Who says blind dates can't be trusted?

Beeber167 · Thành thị
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157 Chs


It rains heavily in late autumn.

After a week of continuous rain, it finally cleared up. It will soon be winter, and the grass will be cut from the pasture, bundled into sushi rolls, and stored. All this physical work, it's back to the son. Men outside, women inside, Qin Li's task is to cook at home, while milking.

After staying here for more than half a year, Qin Li is like a new person. Now she has milked the milk, planted the fields, received the children, and cooked the rice.

As time goes by, cows and people have feelings, too. As soon as she came near the barn, they would come to her and make love to her.

The calf of the black eagle, Qin Li named it Qin Sheng, that is, Qin Li delivered the meaning. The little guy snuggled up to his mother, only half a month's work, has grown very strong, really strong as an ox!

Seeing Qin Sheng, Qin Li was very pleased, and did not regret selling the ring for cattle.

The milk production this season has been particularly good, far ahead of schedule, which would have been a good thing. However, in recent years, the dairy market is severely saturated, and supply exceeds demand, so no matter how good the milk is, it can't sell any good price.

The price paid by the manufacturers who buy their milk is very low, only 03 euros for a kilogram of unprocessed pure milk, which is equivalent to two yuan. Only 300 euros a ton, they produce about 5-10 tons of milk a season, and the total income for three months is about 1,500 to 3,000, minus various expenses, such as feed, vaccines, artificial insemination, and regular veterinary examinations. The net profit after deduction is often only half. In short, to get rich by raising cattle, this is a fool's dream. Most dairy farmers, like Yan Sen, have moved on to something else, and ranching is just a sideline.

Yan Sen has bought a set of pasteurized milk, which can only be stored for 48 hours, but can be pasteurized for a week.

Qin Li poured the milk into the sterilizer, is preparing to disinfect, who knows just pressed the switch, heard a bang, the fuse burst.

All around immediately plunged into darkness.

Fortunately, it is the afternoon, although it is rainy, but there is still a ray of light in. Qin Li can only put down the work at hand and go to see the switch box, but it is full of dense circuits. She could not understand it at all, for fear of electric shock, and did not dare to move.

However, it is very troublesome to jump off the switch, mainly because she has done half the disinfection of fresh milk. If you leave this milk in a container for an afternoon, it's bound to go bad. And the worst part is, it doesn't even come out. It's a rush.

Qin Li call Yan Sen call back, Yan Sen suddenly also repair, throw the car keys to her, let her go to the neighbor to borrow some diesel back, their own power should be urgent.

The neighbors live far away, a ten-minute drive away, and after Qin Li parks his car, he heads straight for Schroeder's house.


Qin Li rang the doorbell, and in a few moments Mrs. Schroeder came out with a baby in her arms.

Seeing that it was Qin Li, the smile on her face was a little stiff, and she did not welcome her into the house, but just stood outside the door and asked coldly, "What's the matter?"

Qin Li just wanted to borrow diesel and hurry home to work, so he did not notice her attitude was not natural.

After hearing her out, Mrs. Schroeder said impassively, "No."

Then, he slammed the door shut and almost clipped Qin Li's hand.

What's going on here? Qin Li some dumbfounded, and the Schroder family in the past no grudge recently no grudge, why suddenly put a face to her?

Qin Li puzzled, is it really because she wants to open the farmhouse, the whole village people have given her to hate on?

Not so much!

But others do not open the door, she can not force to break, helpless, can only resentfully turn back. As soon as I reached the entrance of the yard, I bumped into Mr. Schroeder coming back from work.

It was a short man, with green eyes, and a short, muscular figure. When he saw Qin Li, he put his head out and said hello, parked the tractor, opened the door and jumped down.

"Miss Qin Li, why are you here?"

Mr. Schroeder is still very enthusiastic, see him as usual, Qin Li relaxed the guard, the fuse is broken, the milk disinfection half of the thing said.

Mr. Schroeder heard this and without a word went to the toolshed to get the diesel tank.

Qin Li is very grateful, thank words have not yet said, see Mrs. Schroeder pulled the door, striding out.

She snatched the key from Mr. Schroeder's hand and said, "Who said anything?"

Mr. Schroeder looked surprised and asked, "What's the matter, dear? Isn't it just some diesel?"

Mrs. Schroeder pursed her lips, not very happy, "No is no. We don't have enough of ourselves, so why are you a good person?"

"We're not short..." Mr. Schroeder is single-minded, how can not understand, diesel is not necessary, there is no situation at home, generally do not use. People need urgent help, such as putting out a fire, and distant relatives are better than close neighbors, mutual help should be, there is no reason not to borrow ah.

Mrs. Schroeder glared at him, blocked his words back, and then smiled at Qin Li, "I'm sorry, we are not convenient to borrow, so please think of your own way."

People have said so, Qin Li can not continue to stay in a dead face, just smile with Mr. Schroeder. She turned and took one step when she heard Mrs. Schroeder's voice say, "Wait."

Mrs. Schroeder took out a pair of Chinese calligraphy and painting from the room, threw it in front of Qin Li, looked at her from a commanding position, and said, "I'm sorry, we don't appreciate your Chinese culture, so give this back to you, and don't walk with us anymore."

Qin Li was startled, his face was not flushed by a burst of white, as if someone had given her a blow.

When he was in China, Qin Li had learned a little calligraphy and traditional Chinese painting, and could imitate the master's calligraphy and painting with a little aura. This is a landscape painting, she painted when she was free, and then went to Asia Super to buy the scroll framed. It was originally hung in the hall of the farmhouse, one day, Mr. Schroeder came to Yan Sen to drink beer and play chess, and saw it was very impressive, saying that the calligraphy and inscription looked very imposing. Although he could not understand it, he was longing for it and hoped that Qin Li would have time to draw one for him.

Seeing that he liked it, Qin Li generously gave him this proud work. Did not expect to be thrown out as garbage by the other hostess today, of course, she was puzzled.

I did not expect that the farmers here are so simple and frank, do not like to directly show in the face, even perfunctory do not want to, really do not know whether to cry or laugh.

Qin Li bent down, silently picked up the scroll, patted the dust, and then carefully rolled it up and held it in his hand.

Embarrassed, Mr. Schroeder shouted to his wife, "What are you doing? If someone gives you a gift, even if you don't like it, you can't throw it on the floor."

Mrs. Schroeder said, "I'm sorry, I already threw it away, what do you want? Divorce me? For such a small thing?"

Mr. Schroeder's cheeks were red with anger. "How can you be such a bitch?"

Mrs. Schroeder pulled up her chest. "Yes, that's me, the first day you met me."

Qin Li did not want to stay any longer, and after saying hello to Mr. Schroeder, he turned and left.

"Shall I take you?"

Mr. Schroeder did not finish his words, he was his wife twisted his ears and pinched the room, "Send a fart, give me a child to go."

Mr. Schroeder, "What's the matter with you today? It's unreasonable."

"I just don't like this woman, she's been messing with our village since she got here, and I don't want anything to do with her, okay?"

These words are really hurt self-esteem, any dignified person will be unhappy, Qin Li holding the painting, strode out.

When he returned to the farmhouse, Yan Sen was still repairing the switch, and when he heard footsteps, he turned and asked, "How was it?" Did you borrow it?"

Qin Li has qi weak tunnel, "No."

Yan Sen said, "That's a little troublesome, it seems that I can only go to the town gas station to buy... Hey, what's wrong with you? Why do you look so listless?"

Qin Li said, "I... They don't seem to like me very much."

Yan Sen asked, "Who?"

Qin Li, "People from the village."

Yan Sen joked, "I thought you realized the day of the meeting that the original arc is so long."

"Most of the people who opposed me that day were on Peter's side. I didn't treat them as normal people," Qin said.

Yan Sen, "Then what?"

Qin Li, "Class enemy."

Yan Sen burst out laughing. "Why?"

You see, they're Nazis and I'm a communist, not a class enemy?"

Yan Sen was amused by her and teased, "You know our history quite well."

Qin Li, "You don't even look at what I studied in college."

Yan Sen knew why and asked, "What major?"

Qin Li, "German Literature!"

Yan Sen joked, "But the German is still so bad."

Qin Li, "...

After glaring at Yan Sen, Qin Li pulled back the far-fetched topic and said, "The Schroders used to be very friendly, especially Mr. Schroder. I thought they were different from other families."

Yan Sen soothed, "What do you want people to like? I like it."

Qin Li grunted, pushed him away, walked back to the hall, found a thumbtack, and hung the calligraphy and painting back to the original place.

* * *

Qin Li online brush Weibo, accidentally saw someone in the show week black duck, saw the duck bones mixed with pepper pepper, almost across the screen can be greedy cry, drool off a ground.

Early in the morning, self-abuse, this is what is the kind of!

Qin Li angrily threw away his phone, ran downstairs to the kitchen, and served himself small wontons.

There are more chicken soup cooked yesterday, just used to adjust the soup, after a while, the small wonton out of the pot. Smell fragrant chicken soup, mouth bite full firm shrimp meat filling, mood suddenly happy.

As a member of the foodie nation, her mood of the day is to change with the diet, eat well, the mood is brilliant, eat badly, the mood is bad.

Today is Saturday, do not have to start work, Yan Sen Ben also want to sleep in, who knows, early in the morning someone in the air poison to lure him. Chicken soup smell, even with the quilt covering the head is no use, it is heaven and earth, omnipresent ah! He tossed and turned, unable to sleep, his appetite stimulated by the smell, and his stomach growled. I had no choice but to get up.

Walking downstairs, I saw Qin Li eating wontons, one at a time, eating the fragrance.

As a German tradition, one meal in the morning and one meal in the evening are cold. Before Qin Li came to his home, he had never had the habit of eating meat and soup in the morning. But since Qin Li invaded with food culture, he surrendered. Not with what, not with their own stomach!

Besides, the chicken soup was so delicious, it made his mouth water. I don't think about anything. I just want to eat.

So he strode into the kitchen and asked, "Is there any food left?"

Qin Li startled and immediately nodded, "Yes."

"Give me a bowl."

Qin Li, "Didn't you say you only eat bread in the morning?"

Yan Sen, "Except today."

Qin Li got up and served him the wontons. Yan Sen stretched out his hand, grabbed her bowl, and finished the wontons in a couple of bites.

Why the small wonton, not the big wonton? One bite, it is not enough to enjoy ah, have not had time to chew on a few mouthfuls, on the stomach, feel as if did not eat anything.

In short, just four words: not enough!

He did not sigh, Chinese food is really delicious, minutes to activate the taste buds on the tongue. Sweet, sour, bitter and astringent, no matter what the taste, seems to be able to combine together, and with seamless, no sense of violation. Even Italian food, which was already excellent to him, did not have the same feeling of being irresistible and wanting to eat it.

Thinking of this, he bowed his head and drank the soup, and then licked his mouth endlessly, asking, "Is it OK?"

"Okay, okay, don't rush."

Qin Li made the wontons, filled them with chicken broth, sprinkled them with green onion and pepper, and served them to him.

Yan Sen smelled the smell and sang even louder. He couldn't wait to pick up a wonton and put it in his mouth.

Whiff of

Of course it was a blister.

Looking at him, Qin Li could not help laughing, poured him a cup of cold water, put it on the table and said, "You eat slowly, no one will rob you!"

Qin Li sat back on the seat, took the bowl, wanted to continue to eat her, but found that his bowl was empty a hundred years earlier. Boy, didn't even give her a mouthful of soup.

It's a joke. Well, she was full anyway, so she just took the bowl away.

Yan Sen wolfed down two big bowls and fifty small wontons until he was overstuffed.

He touched his stomach very feeling authentic, "Your Chinese food is really strange." When I eat, I feel like I can't fill my stomach. After I finished eating, I was hungry again in less than an hour."

Qin Li smiled and said, "This is the pasta. When you get hungry, eat some more bread."

Yan Sen shook his head, "Eat what you make, and then eat bread, where there is flavor."

This was very helpful, Qin Li was secretly happy, but his mouth could not help teasing him, "Are you still a German?"

"When I eat, I wish I was Chinese."

Qin Li was amused by him, this guy's ability to say sweet words is growing day by day!

Qin Li suddenly thought of the Zhou Black duck seen on the Internet, and his heart was also very yearning, he asked, "Where is there to buy duck bones here?"

Yan Sen said, "Duck?"

Qin Li nodded.

Yan Sen said, "In a few days, there will be a market in the village. At that time, birds and animals will be sold."

Hearing this, Qin Li felt interesting and said, "There are more and more chickens in the chicken cage, can we also sell a few ah." Eggs are too late to eat, and there are more chickens to poop, which is troublesome to clean up."

Yan Sen nodded, "However, the chicken is not worth much, the old chicken no one wants." If you want to sell, you can only sell half-sized baby chickens."

Qin Li asked, "How much can a chicken be sold for?"

She thought it would be at least five euros, the price at the supermarket outside, and they raised their own free-range chickens.

Who knows, he stretched out two fingers, "die two euros."

Two euros, that's a hell of a price!

Qin Li could not help but look disappointed, "This price is too low to sell it."

"Chickens are not worth as much as ducks."

Qin Li, "Then why don't you raise some ducks? Anyway, the chicken house is so big, raising one or two more ducks, it doesn't feel crowded."

Yan Sen, "Don't eat duck eggs."

Qin Li, "If you don't eat, I will!"

You can pickle duck eggs yourself, you can also do preserved eggs, duck has no hormones, protein is higher than chicken, and there is no harm!

Listening to what she said, Yan Sen laughed, "That is simple, when the time to go to the market to buy a few ducklings back to raise."

Oh yeah! Qin Li listened to very happy, thought, duck farm will have to sell the duck claw tongue duck duck duck gizzard duck claw shell, can be homemade Zhou Black Duck then.

At the thought of some to eat, Qin Li's spirit is full of vigor, even the action of picking up is also a lot of quick.

After breakfast, Qin Li changed into work clothes and prepared to clean the chicken coop. Since the chicken is so cheap, it is not sold, and the few young chickens are better to chop themselves. Stewed soup, spicy chicken, chicken and mushroom... Eat up what you can, and then free up a spot in the coop for the ducks.

In this way, they have chickens, ducks and geese. When you want to eat what to kill what, anyway, are home-raised, no toxins no pollution, life is not too good oh.

Yan Sen see her so positive, also can not bear to sweep her fun, as she is happy, love how to toss.

Qin Li made a calculation in his heart, and then carrying a broom and dustpan, he walked excitedly to the mouth of the chicken coop.

I was about to give them a thorough cleaning, and I hadn't opened the door to the coop when I suddenly noticed something unusual. Logically, at this point in time, the chicken cage should be very lively, cocks crowing, hens clucking eggs... But now, there was no movement inside. It was very quiet!

The first thing she thought was, the chicken coop wasn't ransacked by a weasel, was it? Although we have not encountered weasels so far, but here is surrounded by woods, the ecological environment is very good, it is difficult to say that there are not these carnivorous beasts.

Thinking of this, Qin Li immediately opened the chicken house and went in to see what it was. At the time, she was still thinking that if there was a weasel or a fox, she would have to find a way to fix it.

But when she went in and looked around, she was immediately shocked. The sight was beyond her imagination, and she screamed aloud.