
My German husband and I farm diary

Husband derailment, marriage breakdown, seven years of itch, and finally arrived at a beautiful girl. This marriage, Qin Li was a complete failure, except for a divorce agreement, nothing. Desperate, she decided to go far away to further her studies. Originally thought, life is so, but unexpectedly met a magical creature → German farmers. Huh, foreigners go on blind dates? With the mentality of a newspaper, Qin Li embarked on a blind date trip. Unexpectedly, this opens the door of the new century. You raise the chickens, I'll raise the cows, You plant, I plant, Qin Li felt that she seemed to find a second spring. Who says blind dates can't be trusted?

Beeber167 · Urban
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157 Chs

Chapter 89

The village where Yan Sen lived was called Lov, and the next level was the town, which was part of the Berchtesgaden region and therefore under the jurisdiction of the town government there.

Qin Li got on the bus early in the morning and went to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau of Berchtesgaden to get the application form and consult the situation by the way. The receptionist at the office window told her with a straight face that without the "building in accordance with the regulations" certificate, they could not accept her application for a business license for her.

It's a ditch wreck, a farmhouse that needs this approval, that approval, the Germans are too stupid.

Qin Li stamped his feet and ran out of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. In a rage, he ran directly to the tax bureau.

Stinky Pete is stubborn, and if he's unrighteous, then don't blame her for turning on him.

Qin Li found the corresponding window, took the number, etc. Half an hour later, it was finally her turn.

Ignoring the clerk's not so bright face after a busy day, Qin Li gritted his teeth and said, "I want to report..."

Clerk, "Report who?"

"Pete Hunt, chairman of the Love Village Council."

The impatience on the clerk's face changed to surprise, "How can there still be a village committee?"

Qin Li did not answer the rhetorical question, "Why not?"

"Five years ago," said the clerk, "Love was transferred to Berchtesgaden, under the supervision of the town, and the village council should have been abolished at that time."

When Qin Li heard this, he immediately took heart and asked, "If the village committee banned it, where should the" House construction in accordance with the Regulations "be opened?"

"To the town housing office, of course... But."

Before Qin Li could jump for joy, he turned around and asked, "But what?"

"Since the village committee has not banned it, the chairman of the village committee will still open it."

Qin Li asked, "Can it be banned?"

The clerk nodded, "You can go to the town government to put forward an application to ban the village committee, and after the approval, the legal rights of the village committee will be recovered, and all the documents will be opened in the town at that time." But that process usually takes a year."

Qin Li, "...

That's a pretty inefficient thing to do. After a year, she won't even want to have a farmhouse.

Qin Li was a little hesitant, keeping the village committee has the benefit of keeping, the local people to handle some small procedures and documents, in the village can do, do not have to run to the town every time. After all, she is not from the village, and dare not make any suggestions, lest everyone will know that she is the cause and hate her even more.

Think about it, only to report the old Pete, let him step down can not boast.

Qin Li handed over the complaint letter and relevant certification materials, and then went home to wait for news.

She got on the bus, sat down in the last row, and looked down for a while. Now she takes a look every day, on the one hand to monitor Ma Shushu, and on the other hand to see how other Internet celebrities manage hype.

The bus drove for a while, at this time, there was a faint roar of the engine on the road outside, which alerted Qin Li. She unconsciously turned around and saw several motorcycles nipping at the back of the bus. These men were dressed in black leather, leather pants, gold and metal, dressed like punk. Because of the helmet, I can't see the face, but intuition is not good.

Seeing her back, they immediately waved their baseball bats, a pair of teeth and claws, very scary. Qin Li's heart jumped, and she immediately realized that these people were coming for her.

Qin Li became restless, made a phone call to Yan Sen, want to ask him where, can come to the station to meet her.

But Yan Sen mobile phone did not take around, has not answered the phone, Qin Li in the heart dry worry, secretly scold Yan Sen always at the critical moment off the chain.

Qin Li had an idea, pressed the alarm phone on the mobile phone, showed them the screen out of the window, and then put it in the ear to make a call.

What this means is to tell them I'm calling the police.

In fact, Qin Li did not really call the police, the mountain road here is rugged, and so the town police came, how to take more than 50 minutes. If something bad happens, I'm just here to help her pick up her body.

I don't know if this move can scare these people behind, she has no bottom in her heart, like hanging a bucket of water on the heart, seven ups and downs.

I don't know if these motorcycle people just want to intimidate her, or when she called the police, they flinched, in short, they gradually slowed down after some intimidation of her. With a big bend around the mountain road, he stopped following.

Qin Li did not dare to relax, got off the train and trotted all the way home.

Until I ran home and locked the door behind me, I felt a sense of security. She poured herself a glass of water, chugging it to the end, and her beating heart finally quieted.

Who were those people?

She quickly remembered Pete, and Mueller...

It was getting dark. It was late autumn now, and it was dark before six o 'clock in the evening.

Qin Li didnt want to do dinner, sitting in the hall waiting for Yan sen to come back, before Thomas and Ma Shu Shu in the home more than two people, but also a lot of lively.

Now, Yan Sen goes out to work, and she is the only one left at home, which is really impossible to make people feel at ease.

Finally, there was the sound of cars outside and footsteps coming this way. Qin Li was already restless, and now hearing the sound, it was a whoosh and stood up.

She wasn't sure who was coming was Stern, so she ran to the kitchen and grabbed a wok, just in case.

When the door was turned, she was very nervous, imagining all kinds of unexpected events.

But, as it turned out, she was overthinking it.

At this point, who else could it be besides Yan Sen?

See familiar figure, she finally did not put the pot to his head, but still put Yan Sen startled.

She is still standing behind the door when the lights are not on in the house. Is this a ghost movie?

Unexpectedly, Yan Sen had not opened his mouth to speak, and Qin Li put his arm around his neck.

'I'm being followed! "

Qin Li told him in a few words what had happened in the afternoon.

Yan Sen patted her on the back until she was completely calm, and then said, "Are you thinking too much?" Peter and Mueller are both with me today painting the church walls."

'What about Toby?

Yan Sen, "There, too. Almost all the men in the village were there."

Qin Li had been convinced that they had done it, but now when he said this, he became uncertain again and asked, "Who could it be?"

Compared with her nervousness, Yan Sen was not impressed, saying, "It may be from a neighboring village."

Vaguely feeling that things were not so simple, Qin Li retorted, "Why did the neighboring village intimidate me?" I have no quarrel with them."

"A prank, perhaps, and not particularly directed at you." Yan Sen soothed, "The road you mentioned is a fork in the road, which also leads to two other villages."

Although he was right, Qin Li still felt strange and there was something wrong. But where exactly, I can't say.

Seeing that she was still suspicious, Yan Sen hugged her again and said, "Don't be too sensitive, I grew up with Tobey Muller, how much courage they have, I still know."

"They're skinheads! No good can be done."

"But they did work with me all day today, that's a fact."

Qin Li could not refute, had to admit that she was probably too nervous.

If it's not these racists, there's no conflict of interest, and there's no point in scaring her. If it was some kid's prank, then she wouldn't be afraid.

Yan Sen changed the subject and asked, "Did your trip to town go well today?"

Qin Li, "Smooth. The tax office will send someone to investigate in a few days."

Yan Sen, "Anonymous?"

If Pete finds out she's going to blow the whistle, then don't blow the whistle, and she won't be able to live in the village anymore.

Qin Li nodded, "I'm not that stupid."

Yan Sen dark, the battle has begun, a storm is coming their small village. And this war, she's the mastermind, he's the accomplice. But he didn't feel guilty, because he's a guy who doesn't help kisses, and neither does Pete.

Qin Li said, "I consulted the town government today, and they said that the village committee should have banned it, as long as it filed an application."

Yan Sen asked, "So you applied?"

Qin Li shook his head, "Originally I only offended one Peter, if the village committee is banned, it is estimated that the whole village has been offended, then I really can not stay here any longer."

Yan Sen smiled and scraped her nose. "I'm relieved to see you're not stupid."

Qin Li asked, "If Peter goes, who will come to power?"

Yan Sen, "Then the whole village will vote for the election, who gets the most votes, who will go."

Qin Li said, "That's not right. If there's one Pete, there's another Pete. What if the new chairman of the village committee still doesn't approve of me opening a farmhouse?"

Yan Sen has a calm face, "easy to do, elect a person with an open mind as chairman."

Qin Li Gang wanted to ask who, his eyes turned, and his sight fell on him. She snapped her fingers and said, "You."

Yan Sen pointed to himself, "Me?"

Qin Li said, "Yes, it is you. You see your contribution to the village is not small, work and practical, popularity is also OK, who can give up you?"

Yan Sen did not refute, and silence was acquiescence.

Qin Li in the heart of the small ninety-nine, if the chairman of the village committee fell on the head of his family, then open the proof is not so easy?

The question is how do you get votes?

It may have been easier to do before, but recently because of the farmer's happiness, the gap between the villagers and some big ah.

Qin Li patted his head, thought to think to think can not think of a good way.

Yan Sen saw her so distressed, "It does not have to be me." There are a few respected and open-minded people in the village who are also willing to change the status quo in the village."

"It's amazing that anyone wants to develop tourism. Why didn't they come forward that day?"

Yan Sen, "The minority is subordinate to the majority."

It seems that this law is the same everywhere.

Qin Li, "To develop this place into a tourist resort is equivalent to taking the village into the prosperous and powerful road." Not to mention the profits of restaurants and hotels, let us say that you farmers are most interested in the agricultural economy, milk is now nowhere to go, sold to producers and three money is not worth two money, why not just do the tourist business? You can learn about locally produced fresh dairy products, selling fresh milk, selling cheese, selling cheese... That's a good way to get rich."

Qin Li said more and more, as if he saw a pile of gold on the ground. I really can't understand what these Germans are thinking, money will not earn, it is not to let them build factories in the mountains, just to develop tourism, where can pollution go? In China, there is a beautiful village where resorts are springing up in minutes.

Yan Sen nodded, "What you said, some people have mentioned." "However, when tourists come from all over the world, they will inevitably increase the burden on the environment.

Qin Li said, "There are advantages and disadvantages, and there is nothing we can do about it."

"So there are people on both sides."

Qin Li, "What about you? Which end are you on?"

Yan Sen said, "I'm on your side."

It sounds good, but why does it sound a little bad?

Listen to her complaints, Yan Sen serious way, "I am serious."

"Do you want to change the village?"

Yan Sen, "I didn't want to live in silence before, but it has become a habit."

Qin Li could not help asking, "What about now?"

Yan Sen, "Now as long as there is you, everything can be discussed."

Qin Li snorted with a laugh, "How did you not notice before that your mouth is so poor?"

Yan Sen, "I have a lot of good points, waiting to be discovered by you."

Qin Li spat, "Other advantages have not been found for the time being, is that you feel that your skin is getting thicker."

* * *

The next day, Qin Li took Xiaohei to the lake to walk his dog. I had just let the dog go when an unexpected visitor came.

Look closely, it's Janie.

See is Janie this crazy woman, Qin Li's good mood suddenly did not shadow. She tried to avoid it, but Janie was coming at her, and in a couple of steps she was in her way.

"What a surprise, bitch, my father is the chairman of the village committee!" When she said this, she did not know how to boast, like a proud peacock.

Qin Li did not want to see her face, he turned and changed in a direction, see, Jane felt more remarkable, a few steps to catch up to her, "Without my father's proof, you can do nothing." Regret it, who let you and I steal men?"

That a pair of nose upturned superior appearance, let people see the bad, really did not expect, foreign also fight father.

Although Qin Li did not speak, she could tell from her expression that she was depressed.

She was unhappy, Janie was cool, and hit her harder, "Don't you want to open the farm?" Oh, my God, you can't do it. But it's not impossible. You can beg me. If you humbly beg me, I will consider going back and putting in a good word for you, for it is my father."

That's a very arrogant thing to say. It's almost a provocation.

Qin Li bah in the heart, secret way, this battle just started, deer who still can not cover the coffin conclusion, want to let her admit defeat? Not even the door.

However, there was one thing Janie did succeed in, and success killed her good mood in the cradle. Qin Li was not in the mood to walk the dog, blew a whistle, called the little black who had run away, and planned to go home.

Jane saw that she still ignored him, so she shouted at her angrily, "Huh, with this ghost of you, still want to open a shop as a boss, dream on."

That woman has a nasty mouth.

On the other side, little black heard the master's voice, spread his legs, and ran back proudly.

Unexpectedly, seeing the dog, Janie was immediately divided up, and her face showed a panicked expression.

She stared at Black as if she saw a ghost and said, "Dog, Yan Sen actually let you have a dog!"

Qin Li saw her strange, said, "So you are afraid of dogs?"

These two siblings can really live treasure, brother is afraid of insects, sister is afraid of dogs, IQ is low, paper tiger pair.

Seeing Black running toward her, Janie screamed, "No, don't come!"

When she was not looking, Qin Li threw a handful of dog snacks into her pocket, little black smell, immediately wagging his tail to Jane.

Jenny screamed, turned to run, accidentally tripped on the bottom of her foot, and fell over.

Small black see her lying on the ground, also thought she was playing with themselves, the fun heart of the two ha to play incisively and vividly, while biting Janie clothes, while scratching her arm with claws.

Janie was scared to tears, but the more she screamed, the more excited Black became.

The devil has his own dog.

Seeing her so embarrassed, Qin Li that relief, the mood suddenly brilliant up.

Jane looked at the smiling Qin Li not far away, angry, pointing at her to put words, "You wait and see, I will not let you go."

Qin Li did not take his threat to heart at all, said, "First ask the black will not let you go."

Janie felt her hand warm and looked down to see Black licking her hand. She suddenly screamed, no mind and Qin Li to pinch, she jumped half a foot high, turned and ran.

Little black followed him all the way.

A person and a dog, the instant run disappeared, but the woods also vaguely spread Janie's heart-wrenching screams, and black cheerful barking.

Qin Li sighed, it is good to have a dog, anti-theft and anti-idiot.