
The unexpected Kindness

" What has gone wrong with you Renee, you have decided to run down the business." Mr Liam said to Renee furiously.

" You don't decide for me father, it is my life." Renee replied. This got Mr Liam pissed off, he raised his hands and about slapping Mr Liam, when Isabella held his hands. " No…" she screamed. " Darling, what are you trying to do.?" Isabella asked aggressively.

" You should speak to your daughter, else I will teach her the lesson of her life." He reacted angrily, and went back to the sofa he was sitting on. " Isn't this selfishness.?" She shouted at him.

"Daughter stop it, he is your father." Isabella reacted standing.

Renee, unable to calm herself, left the house immediately.

" You should ask sense into your daughter, she should have know that we are doing this for her benefit." Mr Liam added.

" We should be Happy that she is not getting married to that church rat, but a Billionaire. Isn't that enough to build the business high,and connection as well." Isabella speaks to him. Mr Liam's heart was calm to Isabella's words.

" You are right, yet we don't have to lose Lucas." He replied.

" Then place him on salary, this will help in keeping him behind." She added.

" This is where you got it wrong." Mr Liam told her, sitting looking at her Eyeball to eyeball.

" What do you mean by that.?!" She asks him, anxiously. 

" With the increment in his salary, Lucas will have no option than to save to establish his." " While I want to enslave him." 

" There are other ways to treat his type, leave him to me, I will handle him myself." Isabella told him.

" Irrespective of what you would do in keeping him down, Liam won't pay nor increase his salary." He concluded and kept on watching a program.

" Alright," Isabella answered, while she thought of having the situation favorable for both, including Lucas.

Lucas, having a recap on how he was deceived by Renee.

" This was where she seduced me to bed, alright in this room. I thought I was with the love of my life unknown to me, she is cunning and strange." He speaks, stepping down from the bed when his phone rings.

" That must be Norah." Lucas said and picked up his phone.

" Good morning Lucas, !" Norah made it slowly. 

" Am fine." Lucas answered snugglishly.

" You are troubled, Lucas, what exactly is the matter.?" She still asked him on the phone.

" Am okay miss Norah." He answered," can we discuss this later, am about leaving for work." He answered her, while they ended the calls.

" Why is she so kind and caring to me? She should go to her class." So confused and unexplained, Lucas pulled down his underwear and rushed down to the bathroom, where he took his bath. 

" I pray I shouldn't meet with Renee in the sitting room," Lucas says with regret over once being Renee 's husband.

After a few minutes of dressing up, he boarded a taxi down to the restaurant as usual.

" She wasn't in the sitting room," Lucas said after he had breathed down.

He was about cooking when he sighted Mr Benjamin, the loan lender he had borrowed money from, coming along with the police men.

" He! Lucas said with his hands on his mouth. " What will I do now, seeing that I have failed to pay back my debt?" Lucas, saying this, checked around the kitchen, where he could sneak out from the restaurant. 

" I will have to go this way." He said and thought of using the backyard.

" Excuse us.?" The policeman demand fro the receptionist.

" How can we help you please.?" The receptionist asked him, with the expectation that they might have come to eat.

" Where is Lucas.?" Benjamin shouted loudly.

" Are you not Mr Benjamin the money lender, why do you seek for Lucas." The receptionist asked, be so concerned.

" Get him for me, Lucas won't leave here until he has paid me my money or ends up in jail." Mr Benjamin sticks to it. "

Sherman in his office watched it from his CCTV, and had to call the receptionist.

" Come along with him." She said, while the receptionist did as instructed.

" Gentle men, how can we help you.?" Sherman asked kindly.

" Where is Lucas, that unfaithful man who has refused to pay off his debt.?" Sherman asked, furiously.

" I don't know what you are talking about. Where have Lucas turned a debtor to you.?" Sherman said this to get more information.

" Can I see him.?" Mr Benjamin requested.

" I think this is the right time to deal with Lucas, I pray what Mr Benjamin said is truth I will freely hand Lucas over to him to be messily beating." Sherman speaks within himself and sends for Lucas. Unfortunately Lucas was nowhere to be found. 

" He is nowhere to be found." The cleaner standing replied Sherman.

" Check around." Said the policeman, to follow. Yet after searching the nook and corner of the restaurant, Lucas wasn't found.

" Am sorry, you have to come along with me,." Benjamin said to Sherman.

" Why.?" Sherman asked.

" Here is the agreement, he had signed the loan with the business name." Benjamin showed Sherman proved.

" But!" Sharman tried defending.

" You either sent for him or you will have no choice but to take us to Renee." Benjamin added. Sherman remained calm, and had to involve Renee in this.

" I will have to notify Renee, she has to do the necessary."  Sherman said, and about putting a call to Renee when Renee arrived at the restaurant with Xavier. This Is Xavier first time visiting the Luxurious restaurant.

" What is going on here ?" Renee asked as she set eyes on Benjamin and the police men.

Benjamin quickly replied to her.

" This is a sign of incompetence, you should have inquired from me before lending him the money." She replied to Benjamin, and insisted not to pay.

" Please darling, we have to pay off the debt, knowing the danger incurred if we fail to." Xavier said and demanded from Benjamin his business account.

Benjamin quickly replied to him, while Xavier quickly made a deposit of $600.

" Settle the police men with the balance." Xavier told Benjamin as he paid an additional $200 dollars rather than $400 which was to be paid by Lucas. 

" Excuse me Mr Benjamin." Renee stopped him.

" Always be careful." She said to him and added.

" I have divorce Lucas, therefore, he shouldn't be addressed as my husband any longer." She informed Benjamin.

" Exactly." Xavier answered and had to comply with that.

" We are having a wedding anytime soon, so get ready to attend our wedding." Xavier indirectly invites Benjamin and the police men to his unfixed wedding with Renee.

" I will be there." Benjamin answered with a smile on his face.

Meanwhile, Lucas ran to Norah house, while at the Kitchen preparing Norah meal, he was carried away by the circumstances that have befallen him.

" Where will I his myself, seeing that Renee and her father will jail me if they got to know about the loan.?" Heard himself with a worried heart.

" Should I plead with Norah to lend me some money, or should I break up my savings box and pick a little from it to pay Benjamin instalmentally." The thought kept ringing in him.

" I have no option than to break up the saving box." Lucas concluded, expecting Sherman's call.

"" Something must have transpired at the business center, I haven't see Sherman call." He said nodding his head. However, Lucas got the meal prepared but tasteless this time.

" I have to say the truth, Lucas, this meal is tasteless." Norah said to him,as she was unable to eat from Lucas' meal.

Lucas's breathed down as he pleaded with her.

"Am sorry Miss Norah, I don't know what came over me." He said.

Norah dropped the spoon at hand, drawing closer to Lucas.

" Is there anything you are bidding from me.?" She asked him eyeball to eyeball.

" Am fine Miss Norah." Lucas replied with a smile.

" Why then do you prepare me such a tasteless meal, if you weren't worried, did you do that intentionally.?" She asked to be pissed off.

" She has divorce me." Lucas replied to her.

" You mean Renee divot you.?!" Norah asked him Curiously. " She must have blind not to have see the true love you have for her." 

"If I had see this coming, I wouldn't have falling in love with her." Lucas regretted his past with Renee.

" This is a surprise, I thought Renee will get to see the gift she has with her, unknown to me, she didn't." Norah told him with an eye full of pity.

" I think I am the cause, loving her with the whole of my heart, has caused Me much worry." 

" You did no wrong by loving her, Lucas." Norah replied to him, and drew her Chair closer to Lucas.

" She failed to understand the fact that you are a treasure given to her, even though you weren't in her class." Norah tried calming him down.

" She made me a debtor." Lucas said unknown to him.

" How?" Norah got interested in the conversation. Meanwhile, Lucas opened up to her.

" I will give you the money, and please, do not worry yourself over what to eat or take good care of yourself. I promise you won't regret our friendship." Norah answered Lucas kindly.

" Thanks for your help, but I don't need it." He tried stopping her.

" Don't try that Lucas, this is not a loan, where you have to pay back. Rather am given it out to you out of my Goodwill." She answered him, insisting that Lucas accept the money and the opportunity she had presented to him.

" Meanwhile, I would have scolded you over using the business in gaining the loan." She added, and sipped from the glass of wine before her. 

"It wasn't my fault." He replied to her.

" Yes I know Lucas, it wasn't your fault, which is the reason why I won't scold you." Norah smiles before Lucas, with her shining teeth around.

" Have you been told how beautiful you?" Lucas asked her, smiling.

" Hahahhahaha," Norah laughed.

" Wooo! Am blushing." Norah said to Lucas and laughed placing her head on his chest.

"To say the fact, Miss Norah, you are beautiful." He added.

" Thanks," Miss Norah answered, "be fill with joy for putting a smile on Lucas' face again.

" You have finally made me smile again." Lucas told her.

" Yes, I love it when you smile." She replied to him. Lucas, still on his apron, was asked to stand by Norah.

" Come on and dance with me." Norah said to him, putting a smile on Lucas' face.

" It is almost late, I have to go home." Lucas stopped the excitement hour with Norah using such an excuse.

" Alright Lucas, I understand you." She replied to him, and placed her hands on his chest.

" Do not forget, that you have a heart that care for you." Norah told him, but Lucas wasn't fast to understand Norah at that moment,reason being that he had been filled with the deceived words Renee had used in winning his heart.

" Thanks for your care." He reciprocated.

After that, Norah wrote a cheque of $600 dollars and handed it over to Lucas.

" Why for Miss Norah.?" Lucas asked after he had gone through the cheque.

" This is not to bribe you over me my friend, instead to make you happy, having this that you need most at this moment, please don't refuse it." She pleaded with Lucas. Lucas, still with the cheque, shocked his head as tears were flowing down his cheek.

" Am speechless." He replied Norah.

" Is okay.!" Norah told him, and uses her handkerchief in cleaning up the tears from Lucas eye and his cheek. Lucas hugged her, and was about to leave, when she called him. " Lucas." Norah called. " Yes, miss Norah." He replied to her.

" Feel free to visit whenever you wish." She added.

" Thanks Miss Norah." Lucas appreciated and fastened to Norah car park, to be driven home by her driver, as instructed by Norah.