
My Delivery System

Being reincarnated in Chainsaw Man isn't as easy as it seems, and even more so that he's apparently reincarnated as the older brother of the second protagonist of the story Asa Mitaka. But with the [ Delivery System] he will survive and protect what's important to him in this shitty world he's living in. A/N : A fair warning this is a crossover fanfic, while there isn't any additional crossover yet, there will be in the future. Current Crossover Series : Chainsaw Man Kenichi The Strongest Disciple

Charlottes · Tranh châm biếm
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12 Chs


"Oi! The Devil is mine! You can't have that!" Denji's voice managed to make him snap out of it.

"Why not?" Hiru blurted without thinking, as he doesn't really know how to deal with him, well her.

"Because it's mine! I saw it first!" Denji lied, he could see that clearly.

Deciding to humor her, he said. "Even so, I killed it first, therefore it's mine."

She could only growl as she doesn't have any come back from that, then she let out a sigh. "Fine, let's go Pochita, it seems like we won't have any bread to eat today.."

Although it wasn't loud, Hiru heard it quite clearly, then he remembered how poor Denji was compared to him.

And that made him feel a bit guilty, after all in comparison to her situation, this wasn't all bad.

"Wait." He said.

Denji paused her movement and stared at him in suspicion. "What is it?"

"Why do you need this Devil anyway?" Hiru knew, however he would act like he didn't know. After all, not asking about it would be more suspicious.

Denji didn't hesitate to answer. "I'm gonna sell it, duh."

Okay, she's more honest than he thought.

"Alright then, you can have it." Hiru replied, and thought. 'It's not like I can sell it anyway, after all it's illegal, only the Mafia or any shady organization would be able to sell this Devil corpse due to their connection.'

Simply if there's no buyer, there's no point in this corpse.

There's no value if no one would buy it, and it's more useful to Denji and it is to him.

Denji was shocked at that. "J-just like that?"

Hiru shrugged and replied. "It's not like I can sell it legally anyway."

Seeing that he was indeed giving it to her, she was quick to say. "A-alright! You can't take it back since you already gave it to me!"

Hiru was amused at her reaction, he wasn't planning on taking it back anyway. "Of course, I already gave my word, I'll give it to you."

With that, Denji smiled widely and hurriedly approached the corpse as she got closer.

A horrid smell assaulted Hiru's nostrils and he quickly covered them, he realized that the smell came from Denji and couldn't help but thought. 'How many days or maybe weeks since she last took a bath?!'

"Hehe, it seems that we're going to have a bread feast tonight Pochinta!" Denji happily smiled at her dog.

Pochinta also started barking happily at his partner's apparent joy.

"A bread feast? With the money you get from selling that Devil corpse, you could buy more than a bread feast you know?" Hiru knew exactly why Denji couldn't afford more than a pack of bread, but he wasn't supposed to know that so he pretended to remain ignorant.

It wasn't like he had a particular reason for hiding the fact that he knew about Denji's life, it's just a dumb move saying things that he's not supposed to know, it might attract unnecessary trouble for him as he's very weak right.

Denji seeing that there's no point hiding, and also the fact that he gave her the Devil's corpse for free, she said. "Well, I have a debt to pay, most of the money I earn by selling this Devil corpse goes there."

"You got a debt? How much?" Hiru was unclear how much debt Denji bastard of a father left, but it must've been millions.

"I dunno, 30 million I think?" Denji looked thoughtful as she mentioned her father's debt.

"30 million? You don't look like someone who would have that much of a debt." He mentioned.

Denji shrugged and answered. "It ain't mine, it's from ma' pop's when he died, I inherited his debt."

Hiru knew this, and this was absolutely wrong, the debt of the father shouldn't be passed onto the daughter who was innocent and doesn't have to do with it, but life is unfair and there's rarely justice in this world.

Saying that it wasn't her responsibility to pay the debt that wasn't hers was probably going to be pointless anyway, it's not like it's going to change anything.

Hiru wasn't a kind person, he was the first to admit that, however he wasn't evil, he would help a person if they needed help, he wouldn't ignore them if he could do something about it.

But in this case, he couldn't really do anything as he neither had the influence or the power to completely destroy the organization that Denji was working on.

"I see…" He accepted the fact that he was helpless to do anything with her situation, that's why he's going to help her the second best way possible.

While he may not be able to free her from this terrible influence, he would at least make her happy, even if it's temporary as far as he knew this girl barely had any happy memories.

"Say…do you want to have dinner with me? My treat." Hiru would at least make sure she would be well fed tonight.


Her life was a massive piece of crap, it was no exaggeration that her life was terrible from childhood, her father would always hit her even though she didn't do anything wrong, starve her to death because he found it assuming.

Anyway, she wasn't going to talk about that bastard as she got nothing but terrible memories about him.

And when that man died, she thought that she would at least have a better life, but she was naive as not only that bastard left a debt, she also had to pay it and if not those Mafia guys would dissect her body for money or sell her as a slave to someone.

Honestly, that would have been her fate if it wasn't for Pochinta, meeting him was nothing sort of miracle because of her partner she managed to live a day longer.

Even when her life was shitty, she didn't want to die, even if this world is terrible as she hoped dearly that one day, she would see it's beautiful side, like her mother told her about.

The story of her mother before she died became her hope, that one day she would experience that wonderful life her late mother was talking about, but unfortunately she hasn't experienced it as her life was harsh, unforgiving, cruel.

It's like everyone in this accursed world hated her for being alive, the things she had done to survive, selling her eye, her kidney and her purity.

Sometimes, she wondered if it's okay to give up. She was honestly getting tired of this thing called 'life' no one cared about her, whether she lives or dies, no one would remember her existence.

Her dream was to live a normal life, someone who gets treated like a normal human being and not as an animal.

Denji has a lot of dreams, not just living normally but also eating delicious food that she would often hear from people and also a house, a cozy place of comfort that she could relax in and call her home, not like the shed she has now.

And most importantly is getting a boyfriend, a kind that would treat her like a normal person, she wasn't asking for much, it doesn't matter if they were ugly or handsome as long as they treat her with a speck of kindness she would be satisfied.

But she knew that it would only be in her dream to have someone like that, after all who would want an ugly, poor, dying, stinky girl like her?

She was undesirable in any way possible, but she couldn't help but dream of having someone like that, dreams were free so that's why she could dream all she wanted even if it won't become reality as it would comfort her even for a little bit.

And today, something unexpected happened, different from any moment of her life. She met a guy, a handsome boy, that she was surprised that she didn't blush on the spot after seeing him.

However, she was more focused on the Devil corpse that was beneath the handsome guy, she wasn't really going to hunt a Devil today as the Mafia old guy would usually call her if they wanted her to hunt a Devil.

But if she could get her hands on that Devil corpse, then she would have more money to buy a pack of bread that could last her weeks!

Denji tried to claim the Devil corpse by saying that she got it reserved and hoping the guy would take the bluff, but unfortunately it didn't, what did she expect anyway?

There's no way she would have won a verbal communication with him, especially when he looked educated while she's not.

Bitter about her failure, she was about to leave the place, however the unexpected happened as the guy wanted to give her the Devil's corpse for FREE!

It was natural to be suspicious, after all she has been tricked so many times but still end up falling for them due to limited intellect and no basic education.

However, to her surprise he wanted nothing for the Devil corpse as he stated that he wouldn't be able to sell them legally, she doesn't know what it means but it's probably a good thing for her and she happily went to the Devil corpse to collect it and sell it for money.

The nice handsome guy asked her a few personal questions which she answered without hesitation as it doesn't really hold much of a value to her anyway and besides, she wasn't the type of person that could hold a secret for a long time.

Unless she was threatened to death of course.

After asking those questions, once again he managed to surprise her, by asking her something she would have never expected in a hundred years.

"Say…do you want to have dinner with me? My treat." He said.

"Eh?" Denji's jaw dropped from her mouth and couldn't help but thought. 'I-i know this from some magazine I read, i-is he asking me out? OMG I'm going to have a date with this hunk?!'

With that in her mind, her face blushed as her heart was beating a mile per hour at this point.

If this continues she might die from heart attack.

A/N: Before you complain about a non-virgin girl, please think logically as if Denji was a girl. There's no doubt her purity is guaranteed to be taken by some bastard as her life from her childhood is that terrible. I could have put more details but it would make you guys uncomfortable. That's why I only hinted a little of how terrible her childhood was, a condensed version so that anyone with a faint heart would be able to take it.

As you may have noticed that Denji is a bit smarter and less like a horny deviant that's because she's a girl or at least what would become of Denji if he were a female for me, but the majority of her male counterpart personality still remains.

Support me on P@.treon, even if it's just for a month I'd be really grateful.


There's currently 5 advanced chapters

there and would increase in the future.

Sorry, it's been a while since I've updated, since I refuse to update in webnovel or any other platforms that I added this story unless I write a single chapter in P@treon.