
Mad but Embarrassed

Mia could not bring herself to come out of her room. How was she going to face him?

She wasn't actually bothered because she had quarrelled with him earlier and called him a pervert when he had taken care of her, but she was embarrassed because he had seen her almost naked. That thought still did not sit well with her no matter how much she thought about it.

Why was the heaven punishing her like this? Was that Shaman correct after all?

First, she had collapsed and he had helped her come back by breathing for her with his mouth. Then, he had also helped her last night while she was almost naked. Why did it have to be him? 

Why did it just have to be him and not anyone else? 

She was starving and dehydrated and so she knew she had to leave the room. She could not hide inside forever.

She first peeked to make sure he was no where in sight before she opened the door and forced herself out. 

When she passed by the sitting room, she jumped when she heard the sound of the TV.

She had thought he was the one sitting there but on a second look, she realised it was his sister that was sitting on the couch. 

As if sensing that someone was watching, Chloe turned her head to see Mia standing behind her and quickly stood up. Mia was clothed in a baggy short and Tshirt, both black in color while her hair was parted and tied in two ponytails, making her look like a high schooler.

"I guessed you were sleeping so I didn't bother going in." Chloe explained. "And I'm sorry for suddenly barging into your room like that. I thought you were in danger" She added. 

Mia thought Chloe wasn't as bad as she had thought. She seemed nicer than the way people in school had painted her to be. Or maybe she was only doing this because she knew Mia had the upper hand in all of these. She could guess that Chloe was going to be in big trouble if she did not leave. And that was not her business. It's  what she got for indulging in fraud. 

Mia walked past her to the kitchen. She was quite uncomfortable with the whole apology and 'pretending to be nice' thingy.  She knew Chloe didn't just come over to chitchat with her. 

"So what is it?" Mia asked when she closed the fridge after taking a can of water and she saw Chloe had also followed her inside the kitchen.

"I got a good place for you. Nicely furnished, steady electricity and water supply.  Oh.. I even stocked the fridge to the brim. It's enough for you to get by before we go on another vacation."

"I knew it." Mia said uninterestedly before gulping down half the can of water. 


"Oakland!" Chloe said while trying not to show how excited she was. 

Oakland was a really nice estate. Most working class people could not afford it, talk less of students. 

Thankfully, she had her ways and had asked a friend for it since she was out of town at the moment.

"Oakland? Are you fucking kidding me?" Mia asked with dead eyes and a low voice. "That's like a hundred miles away from school"

"I know. But it's very nice and the environment is conducive. Trust me, you're going to like it. It's why I came here. To show you the place." Chloe tried to cajole.

"There's no way I'm gonna leave here for that place. I don't care about how nice it is or anything. I agreed to follow James here because it is closer to school and aside from that, I won't leave here. Who knows what you're both going to do to his things?" She frowned. 

Chloe knew she was not supposed to get angry but she could not help it. This was Oakland for goodness sake. If she had the opportunity,  she would stay there instead of going to school from home. She didn't  see any reason why Mia would be rejecting such offer. 

"I'll pick you up every morning on my way to school. I swear." Chloe swore before adding. "I also swear not to mess with your friend's things"

"You don't even have the right to swear like that since it's not your house. Besides, how sure I am that the place in Oakland belongs to you? I don't  trust you and I won't."

Chloe knew she wouldn't be able to survive her brother's  temper when he gets pissed. He had not really been very angry with her because he loved her but when he meant business, she knew she would be done for. She had to do something about him before things got out of hand. 

"I won't go anywhere. Trust me." As Mia left the kitchen, she added. "And you should return home now if that's the reason you came here. When my mind is made up, nothing can change it." She stated firmly.

Immediately she got back to the sitting room, she bumped into Leo who was coming out of his own room and jumped in shock since she had not expected to bump into him. 

Leo looked mad but somehow embarrassed to see her.