
Chapter 84- Favoured.

Sebastien's POV.

I was happy that so far, no matter the outcome of the rulling, it looked like it will be in my favour, with the reaction I saw them give when Margarita showed Raina's Pictures.

"And when he told me that she had a cut, I found out, the object involved was poisoned with Brume, which is very bad for vampires and sometimes infect them badly, but it is always worse for humans, lethal mostly, and this is how it looked." Margarita said pressing the next button and showing the way Raina's cut expanded.

"I tried stopping the poison, but a lot of it already spread in her system, so she really survived out of her fighting spirit." Margarita said.

"He must have not known she was your mate, that's why he did that." Mariá countered.

"Oh he knew, most especially the Memoar," I paused pointing to Jason, "he was given a job to take her away, knowing she was my mate in the first place." I added and I heard whispers, but they were mainly positive so I didn't mind.

"Is this true?" The king asked Jason and Marcel and they nodded kindly.

"What are you both saying, you didn't even make all these known when I asked you, what if you were threatened." Councilman Matthew said and I laughed.

Raina linked her hands with mine and I smiled.

"So you mean he knew who your mate was?, How are we just finding out about her now?" The king asked.

"He knew because it was someone close to me that made him take her, that's why, and I didn't want my other vamps knowing this because I didn't want her hurt, I knew they'll try to get her because of me, or do anything hurtful to her." I said calmly.

"Why did you file this case Councilman?" The king turned to councilman Matthew and I smiled, it was going the way I wanted.

"Because he hurt my son's." Councilman Matthew said irritatingly.

"Did my grandson hurt them without reason?" My grandfather asked.

"Stop supporting him in every rubbish he does." He turned to my grandfather glaring, he was loosing his cool.

"Stop supporting your sons too, they are just as bad or even worse." My grandfather shot back.

"Order." The king said and the hall was quiet again.

"Why did you place a complaint Councilman?" The king asked again clearly Irritated, "because from everything we're hearing now, you just made your sons matter worse, there's no way Sebastien is getting punished, your sons are the ones getting punished." The king said and I heard Councilman Matthew sigh.

"The law has changed over decades and we've been using a new law now, Vampires are allowed to do whatever to their kind as long as they are in the wrong," the king said scratching his head and I smiled.

"This shouldn't have been a filed case or a complaint in the first place." The king added.

"Anyways there's one law that hasn't changed and everyone who is part of this council, both the councilmen and the court ladies will get to vote what we should do." The king said.

I tensed as much as the law changed some of the councilmen could still choose to support him, so it scared me a little.

I turned to my right and saw Raina hold my hands tighter, I knew she was comforting me and I smiled softly.

"Those in favour of Jason and Marcel, vote please." The king said as I saw votes drop.

It was counted by Mariá who also voted for him.

"We have 48 votes in total." An attendant counted and sat down.

"Those in favour of Sebastian, vote please." The king said and I closed my eyes, I could feel, and hear the voting, but I didn't want to read anyone's mind so I wouldn't be scared than I was earlier.

"We have 86 votes in total." I smiled when the attendant said that, I couldn't believe it.

"How can you support him when he hurt them?" Councilman Matthew stood up in anger and I heard whispers.

"Your sons are at wrong here." Councilman Jenor said.

"They've doing terrible things, and you brought them to the Council, I'm sure Sebastien just wanted to punish them and that was all." Councilman Jenor added with a sigh.

"I would've given them a severe punishment for hurting the humans, but it looks like Sebastien punished them well, they'll still get their verdict, but they should thank Sebastien, he saved them from further harsher punishment." The king said.

I relaxed completely letting my self read some minds, I really wanted to know if I was being supported because of Grandfather's influence or because I was really supported.

"I like him, he's a cool vampire, and he works hard for his family members, doesn't go causing trouble, and I'm sure that's why the mother blessed him with a mate." One said and I smiled.

"Those brats had it coming, he never warned his sons, yet he told us to vote in favour of them, I'm glad I followed my senses." Another said and I laughed.

"I hate him, I hate him so freaking much,.he found a way to dodge this, I even convinced my other court ladies to vote for him, but it didn't work, some of them didn't, saying he did no wrong,I guess he still has his way around vampires heart." I knew where the thoughts came from, I faced Mariá and she glared at me and I scoffed, she was still scornful because of me.

"I'm happy he got supporters, because I was scared he wouldn't have one, guess others watched him and he is loved, I didn't even have to influence or convince them to support him." I smiled knowing that was from my grandfather, we had our struggles,but Grandpa supported me as I would.

"So are we free to go." I startled immediately Raina tugged my shirt and asked me, I was busy reading minds and I forgot she was here close to me.

"Yes we will go soon." I told her softly.

"That's great, I'm so happy and relieved and very happy and excited, and elated, I could mention how happy I am." She said smiling, her eyes formed the usual heart shaped it does when she was genuinely happy, and I chuckled.

"I can't believe this ,I was so scared, I kept clutching your hands in comfort, but you were also giving me strength, because I was terrified of what they'll do to you." Raina said and she squealed loudly without realising it, making everyone's gaze and attention back to her, she was still smiling broadly, she tiptoed and placed a kiss on my cheek.

"I was so terrified, trust me I was, but I'm happy you didn't get blamed for protecting me." She said a little too loudly, because the hall was quiet, and she didn't realize she was being stared at, she saw my expression and paused, "why aren't you saying anything?, Are you also elated?" She asked then she paused and turned around and felt everyone's gaze finally and said "oh" softly, I chuckled softly and she turned to me pinching me hard.

"Ow." I said and she rolled her eyes, I couldn't help it I laughed.

"Now I understand why I didn't get a reply." She said softly and I nodded.

"Don't be too happy, thinking he would protect you always, you're just weak if you can't take care of yourself, always waiting for him, pathetic." Mariá said and I stilled, I wanted to go meet her, but I felt Raina grip my hands, shaking her head.

"You've clearly showcased how much you hate me, since you came to get us at the gate, that's why you're spewing rubbish." Raina said with a bitting tone, I smiled because if Mariá knew Raina she wouldn't say anything, even if she was human, she could still defend herself.

"What do you mean?" Mariá asked irritated.

"I mean you should stop behaving like a love deranged or affected vampire, it shows how weak you are, you're attacking me because he left you, how is that my fault?" Raina asked throwing her hands in the air and shrugging her shoulders.

"Don't you dare compare me to you, I'm stronger than you." She said.

"No, you're clearly weaker and obsessed with my man," Raina replied and I heard an "ooo" in the hall, "being a vampire is just a plus one for you, I can defend myself in ways I can, and the reason he uses a poisoned blade on me, is because I have him that mark in his face while escaping," Raina said, "so I'm not weak in anyway, some vampires just have inferiority complex." She pointed to Jason and Marcel and also Mariá and the hall laughed.

"I see the mother really gave you your match Sebastien." The king said with a smile and the hall laughed.

"She's fiesty, that's nice, I'll welcome you more when you become a vampire." The king said and Raina smiled bowing.