
My brutal system

Eshi was a prisoner who had lost his memory and don't know why he was there but one things that always fascinated was freedom. Freedom from all his suffering. He just wanted to life as he wanted and only think that was able to help him was Power but for as a prisoner he doesn't know how to achieve it, but one day trying to find something to sell in the dump yard, he came across a unknown package and after finding what was inside it his life changed. It's said that destiny have already written you just work towards achieving it. story is set in this brutal world where nobody is safe from the ultimate truth DEATH.

Spectra00 · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs


"What did you say.." Mathew asked Dave.

But before he could ask anything else one person started firing at Dave but before it could hurt Dave just formed a shield of aura with his right hand.

"well, looks like some one is eager to fight" Dave said looking at the soldier who had fired his shot.

"who said you to fire" Mathew angrily said.

"But he said he would attack the ba.." the soldier tried to argue but looking at the eyes of his commander he stopped.

Eshi looking all of this was unsure what was happening and tried to use his inspect skill but before he could use it.

"What are you trying to do" the man said standing in front of Eshi.

"wait when did he.." before Eshi could complete his sentence the man was kicked by Mathew on face.

"who said you could move" Mathew question the man.

"... Well looks like it's time to get serious" the man said spitting the blood from his mouth.

"who are you and why are you actually here." Mathew questioned again.

"why don't you find your self" Dave said with a smile on his face .

As Dave said these words the aura around his body started to dense up and formed a protective layer around his body and with in a second he was right in front of Mathew and bending down with his right hand he punched Mathew and the punch send him flying back a few meters but before his punch could have reached Mathew's face he had blocked it by crossing his arms in front of his face.

'he is strong.. I was barely able to block his attack ' Mathew's thought to himself 'This getting dangerous I have to do something'

"Everybody get down the mountain and contact the base to check if everything is okay" Mathew ordered the soldiers.

"well looking like someone is worried" David said laughing.

"who is worried... I just don't want them to be a hindrance to me" Mathew said with a smirk but as he said red aura started to cover his body.


As Eshi started to run with all the soldiers down the mountain he saw Mathew was covered in red aura had started to run towards the intruder. "I hope he will be able to Defeat him" Eshi said looking at his quest that popped up when the man was in front of him as he tried to use his inspect skill.



Instant Quest - SURVIVE

Reward - 20 Stat point

Failure - Death


"Why only survive is there is no chance if we could defeat that man" Eshi said to himself as he still doesn't understand the system how it actually works. As Eshi and the group of soldiers were running back at the village they soon came across the snow beast that harbour the mountain. There beast were like bulls but had big white fur that helps them to blend with their surroundings.

Many soldiers started to use their earth elemental power as it was very widely used around the lower class people and due to the soldiers usually came from small villages they mostly use earth abilities. Fighting the snow bulls were not easy due to the shear number of the beast. As Eshi was seeing soldier fighting. Two of the bulls headed towards him as Eshi avoided one the second one hit him with his horns and lifted him few meters above the ground. Eshi got slammed on a near tree and spitted a mouth full of blood.

"Fucking hell... They are strong" Eshi spoke in agony. He also saw some of his fellow troops getting slammed by the bulls just like him " hopefully I am not the only one getting slammed" Eshi said pressing the right side of his chest as it looks life a few ribs had been broken.

"shit while climbing Mathew had taken care of all them like they were nothing" Eshi said thinking about Mathew who was fighting Dave. " I hope he could defeat him"

As Eshi was looking around he saw their condition were not looking very good but the number of snow bulls was just kept increasing.

"LISTENING EVERYONE....." one soldier shouted who had killed about three snow bulls "we have to make a run for it as we are very outnumbered and we still had to report the incident to the base as fast as we can and here we are just wasting time so everyone just try to avoid the attack and run downward. For those who are injured I am very sorry but you all have to manage yourself " as the soldier completed his statement all the soldiers started to run downward for those that were injured just started to drag their bodies some of the uninjured tried to help them but they too got hit by the horns.

" Shit I have to think about some fast" Eshi said to himself and opened his panel

NAME -??? (ESHI)

RACE - Half Human

XP - 52/200







NATURE - selfish

AVAILABLE Points - 42

Eshi still got his 42 available Stat points which he was saving so he could remain unnoticed by the higher ups but this situation was different he have to think about something if he was going to survive this. Eshi soon activated his inspect skill on the beast.


Snow bulls - beast that harbour the snowy mountains

Killing reward - +1 Stat point


"Just one are you fucking kidding me" Eshi cursed looking at the reward. Then Eshi decided to use his Stat points as if he had to survive he had to use his skills.

Eshi decide to use his Stat points to increase his agility and strength.


Eshi current status

NAME -??? (ESHI)

RACE - Half Human

XP - 52/200



STRENGTH - 25(+10)

AGILITY - 35(+20)

ENDURANCE - 25(+12)


NATURE - selfish

AVAILABLE Points - 0


As Eshi uses his Stat he felt a huge surge of energy in his body and the pain he felt got suppressed by the feeling of power. As Eshi started to run down soon four of the snow bulls noticed him and started to attack him but due to his increase Stats he easily avoided the attack from the three and punched the last one with his full strength. Due to the punch the bull got slammed on the ground but soon he started to get up as it got up it started to shake his head and started to drag his leg on the ground.

"well I think it got angry" Eshi said and started to run towards the forest on the side of the path which lead to the top. But the angry bull also started to chase Eshi.

As Eshi ran hundred meter away from all his fellow troops and the beast that were attacking them. As he stopped in some what of a open area Eshi looked at the bull that was chasing him.

"it looks like you are not going to leave me" Eshi Said to the beast but the beast only snorted in anger "Fuck it I am gonna kill it" Eshi shouted and ran towards the beast. Looking at Eshi the bull also started to run towards him. As they were going to clash Eshi used all his agility nerves bluges from his forehead and his legs and he jumped sideward and the bull missed his target and with all his strength Eshi attack its neck and soon the bull got slammed on the ground never to get up.


Congratulations you have killed a snow bull

Reward - +1 Stat point.

Do you want to use active skill Gluttony



"huh.... I totally forgot about that skill" Eshi said as he remembered his Gluttony ability and pressed yes. As he pressed yes a black slime stated to come out from his hand and started to eat the dead beast.


One weak Beast has been absorbed +1 strength has been grunted.

"that's convenient" Eshi said as he started to head to the village. As he reached the village he saw some of the soldier were getting treated and few had gathered in group around the transmitter as Eshi walked closer to hear what they were talking about he heard something that shocked him.

"The base had been under attack"


Thank you all for reading the chapter. I hope you all liked it. I am happy to see that we have finally crossed 1k view.

Thank you soo much I hope you leave a comment if there is any problem with that pase of there is any mistakes you all plz let me know

Again thank you so much