
My brutal system

Eshi was a prisoner who had lost his memory and don't know why he was there but one things that always fascinated was freedom. Freedom from all his suffering. He just wanted to life as he wanted and only think that was able to help him was Power but for as a prisoner he doesn't know how to achieve it, but one day trying to find something to sell in the dump yard, he came across a unknown package and after finding what was inside it his life changed. It's said that destiny have already written you just work towards achieving it. story is set in this brutal world where nobody is safe from the ultimate truth DEATH.

Spectra00 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


Inside the temple the old man and Eshi were standing in front of the carved story wall.

The old man started narrating the story.

"Long long time ago in the time of eternal darkness there was nothing but just space a never ending space that stretches infinitely but then one day a bubble was born in the complete darkness. The bubble contain the perfect balance of light and dark and this continues to exist for billions of years but one day the darkness started to grow no body knows why but soon the only light is the age of complete darkness started to shrink and in the last desperate attempt light started to collapse on itself become denser and denser emitting more and more light and then suddenly with a big bang the light escapeed the bubble and continue to expand to give birth to our current universe.

"Then what happened to the darkness inside the bubble" Eshi questioned.

"we don't know but one thing is clear in this world everything has its opposite side, good has evil, hope has desperation and just like everything else light has darkness we don't know if light was the only thing escaping the bubble." the old man answered.

" After then billions of years pass and the light continued to produce its own sources to light up the complete darkness and continued to travel in the endless space and then on one day a planet was born in the whole lifeless space on this planet life was born. And this planet was non other than the 'BLUE PLANET' "

" At first it was not easy as in the whole life less universe which had its first glimpse of life but slowly it started to develop and first multiple Cellular organism were born. It is said that all this time the darkness tried everything to end this glimmer of hope but failed then these events were known as great filters. It is said at first there were various other planets that were able to harbor these glimpse of hope but darkness killed them all.But even with all the efforts one were able to live and these were humans. "

" But human have one of the biggest flaws that they were greedy of power there endless search of power let them to kill every other creatures including them self's and in this endless greed of power they destroyed their own home the one where everything thing STARTED the 'BLUE PLANET' "

" But some of these human before destroying the own home had already left the blue planet and after the destruction they made there mission to spread through out the entire universe but it is well known fact that once greedy will always remain greedy so the expansion that was started to have more chance of survival turn into another race of power. "

" And doing so they soon find out that they were not the only living creatures in these whole universe and they soon find different creatures on these alien planets and they named these creatures as beasts. "

" these were still work okay and they were expanding the universe fast but the universe was big very big for them as they were not able to increase their population with the rate of their expansion. So one day one group did the unthinkable they breeded human genome with the genome with these beast and Created first demi human. These demi human were stronger then humans and lived a long life but the only flaw they had were they were unable to reproduce. "

" Human continued to made more demi human but one day one demi human started started to retaliated against the human slavery. And that lead to the first human and demi human war. But because of the demi human flaws human were able to win and the demi human were backed in a corner but in desperate situation demi human were able to create there own strongest demi human these were dragons. They were the strongest creature in the hole universe and with the help of dragons the ever able to Defeat humans "

" But this enraged human and they did the unthinkable again and this time they crossed the line. And first time history some one contacted the darkness. This allowed human to get more power as they get the power of sins. Sins power were strong and they were able to over power the demi human and even the dragons."

" But the darkness had his own malicious intent and that led to the the war with asuras.

Asuras were overwhelming and soon human and demi humans were on the verge of extension. So to save themselves for the first time both species joined forces and were able to Defeat the ausras. But they were not able to completely exterminate the asuras and soon the asuras spread across the whole universe and from that time asura continued of attack both humans and demi humans. So the both species decided that they will never attack each other's planet and this pact still continues to be in play till date "

" So this is the story that is passed down to us"the old man informed "but if you believe it or not that depends on you as no one has seen it with their own eyes."

"well that sound more of a fantasy tham history" the Eshi said. "well looks like it's time to go. I have to get some sleep before tomorrow climb."

As Eshi leave he though about the story he couldn't get it out of his mind. He was looking at his status if had race which says he is a half human. Am I this so called demi human but if I am why I am in human side and was in the prison. All this make Eshi's head hurt.

"Aaaa.. Fuck...i will have to find more about the demi human" Eshi said. When he reached this room he straight to bed as he have to wake up early.

Early in the morning all troops gathered at the foot of the mountain.

"we will start every body we will run to the peek, so to make it little interesting" Mathew said.

As they all started to the climb the mountain the came across various beast but before any body could do any thing they were just killed by Mathew "Don't worry about the beast just continue the climb we have to reach the peek before noon" Mathew orderd.

As they reached the peck the snow was already reached their knees that was making there movement very sluggish.

"move fast you turtles" Mathew mooked the soldiers.

But As they reached the peek they saw some one standing alone looking at the distance. "wait who is he" Eshi thought but he was not the only one having these thoughts as Mathew shouted at the man who was wearing a hood.

"hello there... Who are you and what are you doing here" Mathew asked the mysterious man. But the most noticeable thing about this man was the vibe he was giving as where he was standing all the snow near him had meltdown giving him all the free space allowing him to move without the hindrance of snow.

"Hahaha... Who are you questioning me" the mysterious man said.

"I am commander Mathew from battalion 85 for base Nova" Mathew answered the man

"well that actually makes easy for me" the mysterious man Said "well my name is Dave and I am here to destroy military base Nova" the man said with a smile on his face.


Thank you for reading today's chapter.

I know that the story is progressing at a very slow pace but trust after chapter ten shit is going to happen.

I hope you all will continue to read.