
My billionaire Frenchman

warning r18 "Chloe, my love, my heart beats solely for you," Charles declared, his eyes burning with passion as he looked at her. "I cannot see a future without you by my side. You are mine, and I am yours. We are destined to be together, forever and always." With a sweep of his strong arms, he lifted her off the ground, he held her gently in his embrace as if she were a precious treasure. Chloe's laughter and gentle protests were lost in the passion of his kisses as he carried her to his room, his strides long and purposeful. The world around them melted away, leaving only the two of them, lost in the all-consuming fire of their love. As he laid her on his bed, his eyes never left hers, drinking in the beauty and grace of the woman who had captured his heart so completely. In that moment, Charles knew that he would never let her go, that he would spend the rest of his days making her happy, cherishing and loving her, and basking in the joy that only she could bring him.

Arianalove · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

Chapter 2

Chloe had dozed off while watching TV, but she suddenly woke up and glanced at the clock—it was already 5 PM. Realizing she needed to hurry, she jumped up and quickly headed to the bathroom for a refreshing shower. Afterward, she slipped into a pair of blue jeans and a crop top, perfect for the hot day. She brushed her hair into a neat style and applied a light touch of makeup, keeping it simple yet flattering.

Feeling ready, Chloe called for a cab and made her way to Tyler's workplace. The ride took about 30 minutes, giving her plenty of time to think about their upcoming conversation and what Tyler might have to say. When she finally arrived, she was greeted by the familiar faces of Tyler's coworkers. However, their behavior seemed off—they were acting strangely, almost avoiding her gaze.

Chloe greeted Mr. and Mrs. Grant politely, exchanging a few pleasantries before heading inside to prepare for her evening plans. Once she was ready, she made her way to Tyler's office, determined to make the most of their date night. Upon arrival, she spotted Cassie, one of Tyler's coworkers she had become friendly with. Chloe approached her with a warm smile and said, "Hi, Cassie!"

Cassie greeted her back, but something about her demeanor seemed off. She appeared uneasy, her eyes darting around nervously. Concerned, Chloe asked, "Is everything okay, Cassie? You seem a bit... distracted."

Cassie forced a smile and replied, "Oh, nothing. Everything's fine." Her tone, however, was far from convincing.

As they continued their brief conversation, Mason, Tyler's best friend, approached Chloe. He greeted her with his usual friendliness, but there was an urgency in his actions as he said, "Hey, Chloe. Just wanted to let you know that Tyler has already left for the day. You just missed him."

Confused and slightly disappointed, Chloe responded, "Really? That's odd. We had plans."

Mason started nudging her gently towards the exit, his behavior becoming increasingly insistent. "Yeah, he must have forgotten to mention it. Let me walk you out," he offered, his tone overly casual.

Just as they reached the door, Chloe glanced back, hoping for some clarity. Her heart leaped with a mixture of hope and anxiety when she saw Tyler emerging from his office. Relief washed over her momentarily, but her joy was short-lived. She quickly noticed he wasn't alone. A tall, stunning blonde woman with long, flowing hair was by his side. Their interaction was far more than casual – they shared an intimate hug and a kiss that spoke volumes.

Chloe's heart sank as she watched the scene unfold. The sight of Tyler with another woman left her feeling betrayed and devastated. The realization that her worst fears were confirmed hit her like a ton of bricks. She turned to Mason, her eyes filled with pain and confusion. Mason, unable to meet her gaze, simply looked away, confirming the harsh reality. 

Chloe stood frozen in shock, her mind struggling to process what she was seeing. When Tyler spotted her, he acted as if he didn't recognize her, which felt like a dagger to her heart. Overwhelmed with emotion, Chloe stormed out of the building, tears streaming down her face. She quickly hailed a cab and rode home, her thoughts a whirlwind of betrayal and heartbreak. Once home, she collapsed onto her bed, crying uncontrollably as the reality of Tyler's betrayal sank in.

As Chloe sat on her bed, her tears flowing freely, she replayed the events of the past few days over and over in her mind. She felt like a fool for not recognizing the signs that something was amiss. The realization that Tyler had been unfaithful to her shattered her heart into pieces. Every memory of their time together now felt tainted, leaving her overwhelmed with sorrow and regret.

That evening, Tyler drove to Chloe's house. He knocked persistently on her door, pleading for her to let him in so he could explain. His voice, filled with desperation, reached Chloe through the door, and she hesitated. Part of her wanted to slam the door in his face, but another part was curious about what he had to say. Reluctantly, she opened the door and allowed him inside.

Tyler entered and sat down on her couch, while Chloe took a seat on a nearby chair, deliberately keeping some distance between them. Her eyes, still red and swollen from crying, bore into him with a mixture of pain and anger. "Let's hear your explanation then, Tyler," she said, her voice trembling.

Tyler took a deep breath and began to speak. "Chloe, I'm so sorry for hurting you. I never intended for things to end like this. I truly did love you, but there are things I need to explain. The woman you saw me with—she's my boss's daughter. We've been seeing each other for months now. Her father offered me the opportunity to head the Texas branch because of her. I've already proposed to her, and we're getting married."

Each word felt like a new wound to Chloe's heart. She listened in stunned silence as Tyler continued, trying to justify his actions. He spoke of his regret, of how sorry he was for the way she had found out, and even had the audacity to suggest they could remain friends. When he finally finished, the room was filled with a heavy silence.

Without waiting for a response, Tyler stood up and walked out the door, leaving Chloe alone with her shattered emotions. She felt a mix of devastation and disbelief. The man she had loved and trusted had betrayed her in the most profound way. As the sound of Tyler's car faded into the distance, Chloe collapsed onto the couch, the reality of the situation crashing down on her. The future she had envisioned with Tyler was gone, replaced by a painful void. All she could do now was pick up the pieces of her broken heart and try to find a way to move forward.

Chloe was heartbroken, sad, and angry all at once. The already unsatisfactory feeling of her life now felt even deeper, a heavy weight she couldn't shake off. She spent the entire Sunday in bed, unable to eat or do anything productive. Her best friend Rita called several times, but Chloe couldn't bring herself to pick up the phone. 

That evening, Rita decided to come over. She found Chloe curled up in bed, her eyes puffy and red from crying. Rita sat down beside her and listened as Chloe poured out her heart, recounting the painful details of Tyler's betrayal. The tears flowed freely once again, and Rita stayed by her side, offering comfort and a listening ear. Determined to be there for her friend, Rita spent the night, holding Chloe until she cried herself to sleep.

The next morning, Chloe couldn't muster the strength to go to work. She stayed in bed, consumed by sadness and heartbreak. Rita, having to go to work herself, left reluctantly, promising Chloe that she would return after her shift.

Chloe spent the day in a haze of sorrow, feeling lost and devastated. She finally decided to distract herself by watching TV. When she turned it on, a French movie was playing. The picturesque scenes of Paris brought back memories of her childhood dream—to live in Paris, explore the charming city, savor delicious meals, and meet a handsome French gentleman who would sweep her off her feet and love her madly. The thought made her smile, a rare flicker of hope in the midst of her despair.

As the movie continued, Chloe made a spontaneous decision. She would quit her job, cash out her savings, and move to France. She longed for a fresh start, a chance to rebuild her life in a place filled with beauty and romance. The idea of exploring Paris and creating new, happy memories filled her with a sense of excitement and purpose she hadn't felt in a long time.

Determined to turn her dream into reality, Chloe began planning her move. She envisioned walking along the Seine, visiting charming cafes, and immersing herself in the rich culture of the city. The hope of finding happiness and love in a new place gave her the strength to rise above her current misery. Chloe felt a renewed sense of purpose and a glimmer of hope for a brighter future in the City of Light.

That evening, Rita returned to Chloe's place and was pleasantly surprised to see her friend looking noticeably better than she had that morning. Chloe's eyes, though still red from crying, had a new spark in them. Curious and hopeful, Rita asked what had brought about this sudden change.

Chloe smiled and said, "Paris, France. I'm moving to France, and I'm going to improve my life." Rita was momentarily shocked, knowing how deeply Chloe had been affected by Tyler's betrayal. She also knew that moving to Paris had always been Chloe's biggest dream. 

"Are you sure this decision isn't too rash? Have you thought it through?" Rita asked, her concern evident.

Chloe nodded with determination. "I've wasted too much time doing things that don't make me happy, Rita. I need to step out of my comfort zone and pursue my wildest dreams. I have a feeling that Paris is the right place for me."

Rita's surprise melted into a warm smile. She hugged Chloe tightly, feeling a mix of happiness and sadness. "I'm going to miss you so much," she said. "But I'm so proud of you for taking this step. When are you planning to leave, and how can I help you prepare?"

Chloe's excitement grew as she explained her plan. "I'm going to quit my job tomorrow. I'll start packing and sorting out my savings. I want to be in Paris as soon as possible. Your support means everything to me, and I'd love your help with the preparations."

Rita eagerly offered her assistance, promising to help Chloe with whatever she needed. They spent the evening discussing the details of Chloe's move, from finding a place to stay in Paris to the logistics of the relocation. Rita helped Chloe draft her resignation letter, and they brainstormed a packing list to ensure she had everything she needed for her new adventure.

As they talked, Chloe's enthusiasm was contagious. Rita found herself getting excited for Chloe, imagining all the incredible experiences awaiting her in France. They reminisce about their childhood dreams and share heartfelt moments, knowing that Chloe's decision, though bold, was the right one for her.

By the end of the evening, Chloe felt more confident and ready to embrace her new life. Rita's encouragement and support had fortified her resolve. They hugged again, promising to stay in touch and visit each other whenever possible. Chloe knew that leaving her best friend behind would be hard, but the prospect of pursuing her dreams in Paris filled her with hope and anticipation.

As Rita left that night, Chloe began to pack with a sense of purpose and excitement, envisioning the adventures and happiness that awaited her in the City of Light.

As Chloe prepared for her big move, she had already resigned from her job and cashed out her savings. The next daunting step was telling her parents. She knew her father would be supportive, but her mother's reaction was unpredictable, which made Chloe hesitant and delayed the conversation for days. However, she knew she couldn't avoid it any longer, so she decided to visit her parents' house to share the news in person.

That evening, Chloe arrived at her parents' home. The familiar decorations and furniture, unchanged since her childhood, filled her with a sense of nostalgia. She hugged her mom and dad, feeling the warmth and love of home. After exchanging pleasantries, Chloe gathered her courage and told them she had something important to discuss. 

Her mom, with a bright smile, interrupted, "Tyler finally proposed, didn't he?" The room fell silent as Chloe's heart ached at the reminder. She took a deep breath and replied, "No, Mom. Tyler and I broke up. He cheated on me to pursue a better life for himself. That's not why I'm here. I wanted to tell you both that I'm moving to Paris next week. I've made up my mind, and I know I'll be happy there. I need a fresh start, and I believe Paris is the right place for me."

Chloe's mom was stunned into silence, while her dad immediately stood up and hugged her tightly. "Anything that makes you happy, Chlo," he said, his voice full of support and love. Chloe smiled, feeling a wave of relief wash over her. She turned to her mom, who had tears welling up in her eyes. 

After a few moments, her mother finally spoke. "Why so far away from your family?" she asked, her voice trembling with emotion. Chloe took her mother's hands in hers and reassured her, "I'll always come visit, and you can visit me too. I promise we'll stay close no matter the distance."

With tears streaming down her cheeks, Chloe's mom nodded. "Okay, Chloe. Whatever makes you happy. I just hope you find what you're looking for." The weight of her words hung in the air, filled with a mix of hope and sadness.

Chloe hugged her mother tightly, feeling the emotional bond between them. They sat down for dinner together, savoring the moment. The conversation was filled with memories, dreams, and reassurances. Chloe's parents shared their own hopes and fears for her future, offering their unwavering support.

After dinner, Chloe stayed a while longer, enjoying the comforting presence of her family. She knew leaving them behind would be difficult, but their love and support gave her the strength to move forward. As she drove back home that night, Chloe felt a sense of closure and anticipation. She was ready for her new life in Paris, confident that she had her family's blessing and love to carry with her on this exciting journey.