
My billionaire Frenchman

warning r18 "Chloe, my love, my heart beats solely for you," Charles declared, his eyes burning with passion as he looked at her. "I cannot see a future without you by my side. You are mine, and I am yours. We are destined to be together, forever and always." With a sweep of his strong arms, he lifted her off the ground, he held her gently in his embrace as if she were a precious treasure. Chloe's laughter and gentle protests were lost in the passion of his kisses as he carried her to his room, his strides long and purposeful. The world around them melted away, leaving only the two of them, lost in the all-consuming fire of their love. As he laid her on his bed, his eyes never left hers, drinking in the beauty and grace of the woman who had captured his heart so completely. In that moment, Charles knew that he would never let her go, that he would spend the rest of his days making her happy, cherishing and loving her, and basking in the joy that only she could bring him.

Arianalove · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 1

Chloe woke up yet again with the pervasive feeling of dissatisfaction with her life. Every day seemed to blend into the next, and she couldn't shake the sense that she was trapped in an endless loop of monotony and frustration. Her job felt pointless and draining, offering no real enjoyment or fulfillment. It was as if she had been living the same dull and uneventful day repeatedly for many years. However, the thought of her boyfriend, Tyler, momentarily pulled her out of her despondent reverie.

Chloe deeply loved Tyler and cherished the times they spent together. She desperately wanted their relationship to flourish and longed for more quality time with him. Unfortunately, Tyler was always extremely busy as a sales person in a car dealership, or so he claimed. His frequent absences and excuses for missing important events like her birthday or Thanksgiving dinner often left her feeling neglected and unimportant. Tyler would constantly assure her that his long working hours were necessary so that he could eventually afford his own place. He promised that once he achieved this goal, they could get married and he would have more time to devote to her. He asked her to be patient and understanding, emphasizing that his hard work was all for the future they both envisioned.

Deep in her thoughts, Chloe was abruptly pulled back to reality by the ringing of her phone. She stood up and walked over to pick it up, seeing Tyler's name flash on the screen. A smile spread across her face as she answered the call.

Hey, Tyler! she greeted warmly.

"Hey, Chloe! How's your day going? Tyler asked cheerfully.

It's been good, What about you?

Pretty busy, but it's almost the weekend, so I can't complain, he said with a laugh. Hey, I was thinking, how about we go out for dinner tonight? There's this new Place I've been wanting to try.

Chloe's heart fluttered with excitement. That sounds amazing, Tyler! I'd love to.

Great! I'll see you at seven then. Does that work for you?"

Perfect, Chloe replied, her voice filled with anticipation. I'll be ready.

After a few more pleasantries, they ended the call. Chloe felt a rush of joy, eager to spend the evening with Tyler.

Determined to look her best, Chloe sifted through her closet, searching for the perfect outfit. She finally settled on a beautiful floral gown she had bought the previous summer but had never had the opportunity to wear because she rarely went out. The thought of wearing it that evening filled her with anticipation and joy.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Chloe made herself a cup of coffee, savoring the warm, comforting aroma as she planned her day. She then took a refreshing shower, letting the water wash away some of her lingering frustrations. Once she was dressed and ready for work, she headed out the door, trying to hold on to the excitement of her upcoming dinner date.

However, as soon as Chloe arrived at her office, her mood began to sour. The oppressive atmosphere seemed to drain the excitement she had felt earlier. Her boss, Mr. Robert, made her life at work a living hell. Mr. Robert had initially hired Chloe as a content writer for the company because of her exceptional talent, recognizing her potential to enhance the company's creative output. However, his professional interest quickly turned personal, and he began to pursue an inappropriate relationship with her.

When Chloe firmly turned him down, citing her inability to date a married man, Mr. Robert's demeanor shifted dramatically. His rejection fueled his resentment, and he seemed determined to make her pay for her refusal. From that moment on, he held a grudge against her and went out of his way to make her professional life unbearable. He frequently yelled at her in front of her colleagues, undermining her confidence and belittling her efforts.

Mr. Robert piled on more work than her position warranted, giving her tasks that were beyond her job description. He seemed to take a perverse pleasure in assigning her impossible deadlines and projects meant to overwhelm her. The stress of these unreasonable demands weighed heavily on Chloe, who was already struggling to cope with the toxic work environment. Despite her love for writing, the job had become a source of constant anxiety and dread.

She loathed her job but remained for the paycheck, which was modest at best. The financial necessity of the role was the only thing keeping her tethered to the company. Each day felt like a grueling battle, with Chloe trying to navigate the treacherous waters of Mr. Robert's unpredictable temper. The lack of appreciation for her hard work and the feeling of being exploited made her daily life a struggle.

Despite her best efforts to maintain a positive outlook and focus on her writing, Chloe couldn't help but feel undervalued and trapped. Her once-passionate love for writing had been tainted by the toxic environment. She felt like a prisoner, bound by the need to support herself financially. The constant stress and lack of recognition drained her spirit, leaving her with a sense of hopelessness.

The routine of enduring Mr. Robert's relentless antagonism was soul-crushing. She longed for an escape, a way to break free from the oppressive atmosphere and rediscover her passion for writing. Chloe's dream of a fulfilling career seemed increasingly out of reach, replaced by the harsh reality of her current situation. Every day was a reminder of how undervalued and trapped she felt, clinging to the hope that someday, she might find a way to reclaim her joy and purpose.

Chloe quickly snapped out of her gloomy thoughts as her colleague Rachel approached her desk with a bright smile. Rachel was always a breath of fresh air, and her presence was a welcome distraction from the oppressive atmosphere of the office. Rachel was practically bouncing with excitement as she started talking about her weekend plans.

Oh, Chloe! I'm so glad it's finally the weekend!" Rachel exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "I have this whole itinerary planned out. On Saturday, I'm going hiking with some friends, and then on Sunday, we're going to that new brunch place downtown. I've heard their mimosas are to die for

Chloe smiled, feeling a bit of Rachel's excitement rub off on her. "That sounds amazing, Rachel. You always have the best plans."

Rachel leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "And you know what? I've got a new addition to our little inside joke about Mr. Robert. You know how he's always so particular about his coffee? Well, this morning, he was complaining about how it wasn't the right temperature again, and I couldn't help but think, 'Maybe if he didn't have such a cold heart, his coffee wouldn't cool down so quickly!'"

Chloe burst out laughing, the shared joke lifting her spirits. The two of them had developed a repertoire of quips about Mr. Robert to help cope with his insufferable behavior. It was a small way to find some humor in an otherwise difficult situation.

After they finished laughing, Chloe's face lit up as she remembered her plans for the evening. "Oh, and guess what? I have a date tonight with Tyler. I'm really excited about it."

Rachel's eyes widened with interest. "Ooh, a date! What are you going to wear?"

Chloe grinned and replied, "I'm going to wear that beautiful floral dress I bought last year. You know, the one with the soft pastel colors and the lovely, flowing fabric. I think it's perfect for tonight."

Rachel nodded approvingly. "That dress is gorgeous. Tyler's going to be blown away when he sees you in it."

They chatted for a while longer, exchanging stories and laughter, before reluctantly turning back to their individual tasks for the day. Chloe felt a sense of camaraderie and support from Rachel that made the workday a little more bearable. It was moments like these, sharing jokes and stories with a friend, that provided a much-needed respite from the otherwise toxic environment.

As Chloe settled into her work, she carried with her the warmth of their conversation and the anticipation of her date with Tyler. The thought of spending the evening with him in her favorite dress filled her with a sense of excitement and hope, making the day ahead seem a bit brighter.

As the evening approached, Chloe's excitement grew with the anticipation of having dinner with Tyler. The thought of spending the weekend with him filled her with joy and eagerness. She wrapped up her tasks efficiently, eager to prepare for the evening. By 5 o'clock, she was ready to head home and start getting dressed for her date.

As Chloe arrived home after a long and exhausting day, she immediately noticed her friendly neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Grant, comfortably seated on their porch. The Grants were an elderly couple who had lived next door to Chloe for many years and were known throughout the neighborhood for their warmth and kindness. Beside them, lounging lazily on the porch steps, was their beloved cat, Whiskers. This mischievous feline had a charming habit of sneaking into Chloe's home whenever he found an opportunity, often curling up at her feet and providing unexpected but welcome companionship.

Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Grant! Chloe called out cheerfully as she walked up the path to her front door.

"Good evening, Chloe!" Mrs. Grant replied with a smile, her eyes twinkling. "How was your day, dear?"

Chloe walked closer, feeling the day's stresses begin to melt away in the presence of her kind neighbors. "It was quite hectic, but I'm glad to be home now," she said, glancing down at Whiskers, who had perked up at the sound of her voice.

"Hello, Whiskers," Chloe greeted the cat, bending down to give him a gentle scratch behind the ears. Whiskers responded with a contented purr, rubbing against her legs in a familiar gesture of affection.

"Looks like Whiskers is planning another visit," Mr. Grant chuckled, observing the interaction between Chloe and the cat.

Chloe laughed softly. "I don't mind at all. He's always welcome."

With a final wave to the Grants, Chloe straightened up and made her way to her front door. She unlocked it and stepped inside, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. Home was her sanctuary, a place where she could finally relax and unwind. She glanced at the clock and remembered that she needed to get ready for her date with Tyler that evening.

As she set down her bag and kicked off her shoes, Chloe could hear the faint hum of the Grants' conversation outside. Whiskers, ever the opportunist, slipped through the door with practiced ease and made himself at home, jumping onto the couch and curling up into a cozy ball.

"Make yourself comfortable, Whiskers," Chloe said with a smile. She took a moment to savor the comforting silence of her home, appreciating the contrast to the chaos of her day. The friendly exchange with the Grants and the presence of Whiskers had brightened her evening, making her feel truly at peace.

Chloe slipped into the beautiful floral gown she had chosen earlier. The dress fit her perfectly, accentuating her figure in all the right ways. She paired it with a pair of black heels laced with glitter, adding a touch of sparkle to her outfit. To complete her look, she adorned herself with a delicate silver necklace that shimmered softly against her skin.

Taking her time, Chloe carefully applied her makeup, opting for a look that was both elegant and understated. She finished with a spritz of her favorite perfume, the scent enveloping her in a cloud of floral and citrus notes. By 7:30 pm, she was fully ready and feeling confident.

Excitedly, Chloe left for the restaurant, which was located in the heart of the city. She had always wanted to dine there, having heard wonderful things about its ambiance and cuisine. The prospect of experiencing it for the first time with Tyler made the evening even more special. As she made her way to the restaurant, her heart raced with a mix of excitement and anticipation for the night ahead.

Chloe arrived at the restaurant, immediately captivated by the warm and inviting ambiance. The soft lighting, elegant decor, and soothing background music created a perfect setting for the evening. She found her way to a cozy table and took a seat, taking in the atmosphere as she waited. Within moments, a waiter approached her, politely asking what she would like to order. Smiling, Chloe replied, "I'm waiting for someone."

As the minutes ticked by, Chloe's anticipation grew. She checked her watch occasionally, her excitement mingling with a touch of impatience. An hour passed, and just as she began to feel a twinge of worry, Tyler finally walked through the door. He looked apologetic, explaining that he had been held up at work and the traffic had been terrible. Chloe, relieved to see him, brushed off his excuses with a warm smile. She was simply happy that he was there.

Tyler signaled for the waiter, and they quickly placed their orders. As they waited for their food, Tyler shared some exciting news: his boss was opening a new branch of their car dealership in Texas, and he wanted Tyler to head it. Chloe's eyes lit up with happiness and excitement. This news meant that they could finally be together more often, and she was thrilled at the prospect of spending more time with him.

Their conversation flowed easily, filled with laughter and shared dreams. However, Tyler's phone began to ring, interrupting their moment. He glanced at the screen but chose to ignore it, insisting that he just wanted to spend the evening with her. The phone rang again, and despite Chloe's gentle urging for him to answer it thinking it might be from work and important , he refused. It rang a third time, and he decided to take the call.

Tyler stood up and stepped outside to take the call, leaving Chloe alone at the table. A few minutes later, he returned, explaining that it had been a work-related call. Although Chloe couldn't shake a nagging feeling of unease, she pushed it aside, determined to enjoy the evening. They continued their dinner, savoring the delicious food and the rare, precious time together.

Despite the interruptions, the evening turned out to be memorable. Chloe cherished every moment, grateful for Tyler's presence and the promise of a brighter future together. As they finished their meal and talked late into the night, the restaurant's charm and their shared joy made the evening feel magical.

After dinner, Tyler drove Chloe home. As they pulled up to her place, he explained that he couldn't stay the night because he had an early morning at work to prepare for his new role heading the branch in Texas. Chloe understood, kissed him goodnight, and stepped out of the car. She watched as he drove off, the taillights disappearing into the distance.

Once inside, Chloe changed out of her dinner attire and slipped into her comfortable pajamas. She decided to call her best friend Rita to share the details of her evening. Rita was more than just a friend to Chloe; she was like a sister. Their bond had formed during their college years, a time when they were both navigating the challenges and adventures of young adulthood. From the moment they met, there was an instant connection. They found comfort and strength in each other's company, quickly becoming inseparable.

Living in the same city allowed their friendship to flourish even more. They were each other's confidants, sharing every detail of their lives without hesitation. From the mundane to the significant, nothing was off-limits in their conversations. Whether it was about their dreams, fears, relationships, or career challenges, they leaned on each other for advice and support.

Rita's apartment was just a short distance from Chloe's, making it easy for them to spend time together regularly. They had a weekly tradition of meeting for coffee at their favorite café, where they would catch up on the week's events and offer each other encouragement.Their friendship was built on a foundation of trust and mutual respect. They celebrated each other's successes and provided a shoulder to cry on during tough times. When Chloe faced difficult days at work with her demanding boss, Rita was always ready with a comforting word or a fun distraction. Similarly, when Rita faced her own struggles, Chloe was there to offer unwavering support.

Their friendship was a testament to the power of connection and understanding. It was a relationship that had weathered the test of time and circumstances, growing stronger with each passing year. For Chloe and Rita, their friendship was a cherished gift, one that enriched their lives in countless ways.They chatted for a while, with Chloe excitedly recounting Tyler's news and their pleasant dinner. Rita was happy for Chloe but found it a bit odd that Tyler had stepped out to take a call. She reassured Chloe that it was probably nothing, but the comment lingered in Chloe's mind.

After the call, Chloe couldn't help but replay the evening in her head. The thoughts of Tyler being late and the mysterious phone call nagged at her, casting a shadow over the otherwise lovely night. Despite her efforts to dismiss these concerns, they stayed with her as she prepared for bed. 

Finally, Chloe climbed into bed, pulling the covers up to her chin. She closed her eyes, trying to push away the lingering doubts. As she lay there, she wished Tyler could be with her, his presence offering comfort and reassurance. Gradually, the warmth of the evening's memories overcame her worries, and she drifted off to sleep, still thinking of Tyler and the future they hoped to share.

Chloe woke up early, ready to make the most of her Saturday. She began her day with some household chores, starting with cleaning the house and doing laundry. She always loved weekends because they offered a reprieve from the drudgery of her job, which often left her feeling drained and unhappy. The satisfaction of having a clean, organized space gave her a sense of accomplishment.

After finishing her chores, Chloe decided to treat herself to a hearty breakfast. She whipped up a delicious meal of fluffy pancakes, crispy bacon, and a refreshing glass of orange juice. As she sat at the table enjoying her breakfast, she felt a sense of contentment. The aroma of the bacon and the sweetness of the syrup made her breakfast all the more enjoyable.

With her chores done and her belly full, Chloe decided to relax in front of the TV. She settled onto the couch and began binging her favorite TV series, losing herself in the captivating storylines. Hours passed as she indulged in episode after episode, her attention completely absorbed by the characters and their adventures. When a particularly romantic scene came up, Chloe's thoughts drifted to Tyler. She realized she hadn't checked in with him yet and decided it was the perfect time to give him a call.

Chloe picked up her phone and dialed Tyler's number. They chatted for a while, catching up on their mornings. Tyler mentioned that he would be done with work by 6 PM and hinted that he had something important to discuss with her. Intrigued, Chloe pressed for more details, but Tyler kept it vague, only saying that it was something significant.

After the call ended, Chloe's mind began to race with possibilities. She grew increasingly excited, thinking that Tyler might be planning to propose or ask her to move to Texas with him. The thought filled her with joy and anticipation. Eager to share her excitement, she quickly called her best friend, Rita.

Chloe and Rita talked about Tyler's mysterious announcement, speculating and giggling like schoolgirls. Rita shared in Chloe's excitement, encouraging her to think positively about what Tyler might have to say. Inspired by their conversation, Chloe decided to surprise Tyler by meeting him at work so they could go home together and have their important talk.

Rita thought it was a fantastic idea and encouraged Chloe to go for it. Feeling a renewed sense of excitement, Chloe began planning her surprise visit, imagining the look on Tyler's face when he saw her waiting for him after work. The thought of spending the evening together, discussing their future, filled her with happiness and hope.