
Protective sister wolf

After making sure that Fan Ling and her little bunny were seated on a high branch which is at a safe distance from the ground, Xia Lian cracked her knuckles not in anticipation, but in fear.

She was afraid! After all, she was a human and the opponent is a wolf. A damn wolf! How was she expected to go against that thing!! Wouldn't she be scratched and bitten to death?

' No!' Xia Lian slapped her cheeks hard 'If you can't even tame a wolf, then how can you lead an army of thousands? Lian Lian, brace yourself for you will like a scratched kitten at the end of the fight. Keep yourself together girl.'

' Ah! Lian Lian, little Ming wants to play with the wolves. So, you must tame this big wolf at any cost. The little wolf is looking harmless, so it can be considered as a success if I am able to tame this big wolf.'