
My Army Is Bigger Than Yours

One billion humans get taken away and placed into a pocket dimension. They need to fight, cheat and kill each other to survive the harsh dimension. The winner of this wicked game will be appointed as Guardian of the Earth. Sadly, we lost. Invaders from the space manage to wipe us out. Humanity is done. However, I will not let that happen once again. I was given a second chance, and I will not let them destroy Earth like before. Come! You damn Xenos Bastard! My army is bigger than yours! Wait. It sounds as if I compare my Di–

Fangrove · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

"Hmph. You might be the best on your planet, but you will never defeat our planet. Do you want to know why? Because your planet is dust in our eyes."

I glare at the lizard in front of me as I charge forward with my sword in hand.


However, before I can reach that lizard, the monster standing next to him releases a beam of destruction, and the last thing I see is pure white.



I gasp and look around. My heartbeat beats at a very fast pace before it slowly goes down. I release a sigh, and my mind starts to think of my current situation. I know this place. This is the place that I almost forgot. This is my apartment before that fateful day.

That can only mean two things.

Either I am going crazy and do a painful flashback, or I manage to time travel and return before that fateful day.

I look at my hand, clench it and punch my face. I grunt a little when I feel the pain from the punch. Please… Please don't let this be a nightmare.

I walk to the window, move the curtains and look out the window. I can feel tears running down my cheek as I see a normal blue sky instead of the nightmarish purple sky filled with the face of the tormented soul.

I am back. I am back to the past. I can change things! I can save them! I can save my people! I can save my comrade! She is still alive! I can save her! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, whoever did this to me.

~Line Break~

After ten minutes of crying and thanking whoever sent me here, I sit on my bed, thinking. Today is the 13th of April, 2044. Three days before the fateful day called the [Awakening Day]. That is the day when one billion humans get taken away by a being called the [Almighty].

This being took us to a pocket dimension four times the size of Earth and told us to survive and grow stronger. This being gives us a system that lets us govern the land and make us a [Lord] where we can summon creatures, build something, and wage war against each [Lord].

It might sound fun, but it is a survival to the fittest type of thing. You did not know what kind of place you would be dropped. You can be dropped in the middle of a freezing tundra or even dropped in the middle of an ocean with only a small island to stand.

What makes matters worse is that there are monsters in this dimension that will kill you if you are not careful. You need to search for food and materials and fight your way to the top.

The only thing that will help you is the thing that you hold in your body. The [Almighty] did not care about your situation. If you are naked, then you will get into an even more difficult situation.

The reason why the [Almighty] is doing this is because that asshole wants to cut the population in the galaxy by half. However, he did not want just to kill us. He wants the strongest to survive, and each planet will have a defender against the other planet.

Who is Earth's defender? The people that survive in his twisted game. Those that survive as a [Lord] are the people appointed as the defenders of Earth.

Earth has a high chance of surviving if not for a lot of infighting and backstabbing with each other. I don't know how many times I get backstabbed by my fellow humans. Because of this, we are unprepared for the first invasion. We did not have any defense against orbital bombardment, and the only reason why we did not lose in the first wave is that the [Almighty] forbade any planet destruction. So the [Lord] who has an underground base manages to survive, and one of them is me.

For the next three years, we all fought like cockroaches. We fight from the shadows and quickly go underground when the enemy finds us. We steal enemy weapons and technology, then make it ours. Slowly but surely, we managed to push them back.

Sadly, it was not enough. More and more aliens attack our planet, and we get cornered, resulting in total annihilation.

I release a sigh and get up from my bed. I will not let these bastards destroy this planet like before. I will not waste this chance. I will prepare and make sure that Earth survives and thrives. For now, I need to buy tools that will let me survive.

If I arrived at my previous starting point, I did not need to worry about the other [Lord] in the pocket dimension. My location is a well-hidden and dangerous place where monsters roam free.

~Line Break~

For the past three days, I have used all of my remaining money to buy a massive bag and fill it with many kinds of tools. I bought a saw, a hammer, and thousands of nails. I also bought an electric tool with a portable solar charger.

Other than tools, I also buy enough canned food that lasts me for at least a month. That should be enough for me to build a good foundation for my future territory.

I snap from my thoughts when I see a light blue panel appear in front of me.

|Congratulations! You have been chosen as the defender of your Earth! You are now a Lord who shall command your race in battle between races.|

It has begun.

|Randomizing your Lord Authority… Congratulations you get [Hand of Fortune (Platinum)].|

Wait. Something is not right.

|You can your status by mentally or loudly saying 'Stats'|

I quickly open my stats and widen my eyes when I see it.

{Name: Austin Hudson}

{Authority: Lord of Nature (Gold) and Hand of Fortune (Platinum)}

{Lord Level: 0}

I have two powers. Previously, I only had [Lord of Nature] as my authority. It takes me to the end and is very reliable for a Gold-Tier authority. There are seven tiers of authority, soldiers, and items. The seven tiers are Black, White, Blue, Green, Gold, Platinum and Rainbow.

The highest is a Rainbow Tier and the rarest one among other authorities.

[Lord of Nature] doubles all harvest in my territory, and it lets me build a unique building that summons wood-based soldiers. It looks like I get a new authority because I carry my old one into this world.

Not only do I get a second power, but it is a Platinum Tier! Fantastic! I opened the description of the Authority and read it.

[Hand of Fortune (Platinum)]

{Your hand shall grant you a fortune. For a new day, you can choose what kind of upgrade you want for the loot you get. You can upgrade its quantity or you can upgrade its quality. It shall reset when the clock reaches 00:00. If the user does not change it, the power shall continue to the previous setting.}

This is… perfect! I can do a lot with this power! This is a perfect power for an early day of survival and great for the late day of survival.

I clench my hand as I cannot contain my excitement. When light engulfs my body, my grin gets even bigger.

"Let's do this! I will not fail this time! I shall defend Earth and bring war to them!" 

Sorry for the lack of update. My job takes all of my time and combines it with my being diagnosed with Steatohepatitis; it takes a lot of my time. I need to exercise, cook food that the doctor told me to eat and drink all the medication the doctor gave me... yeah. It tired me physically and mentally. I am sorry.

Fangrovecreators' thoughts