
Mushoku Tensei: Second Son

A young high school boy, Ren Nakamura, known for his empathy with the side of stubbornness, sacrifices himself to save a girl from assailants, which leads to his death. Suddenly, he awakens in a mysterious new world, reincarnated as the second son of the Greyrat family and the third younger sibling of Rudeus Greyrat.

TempestNotion · Tranh châm biếm
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20 Chs

Morning Breakfast and Subsequent Journey

I awoke to the soft, golden light of dawn filtering through the large window, casting gentle shadows across the room. As my eyes adjusted to the delicate glow, I found myself briefly disoriented, the previous day's events rushing back to me.

The conversation with Perugius, the unsettling revelations, and the determination to help my friend, Nanahoshi, find a way home all weighed heavily on my mind.

It was morning and the beginning of a fresh chapter in our journey.

Raising my head from the bed, I stretched my arms, feeling the slight stiffness from a night of intense study.

"Alright, time to start a new day."


Just then, as I was about to push myself off the bed, I felt something soft under my hand. I turned to see Nanahoshi sleeping next to me. To my horror, I just realized I had accidentally touched her modest chest.


Nanahoshi shifted her body in response, and before she could respond, I quickly pulled my hand away, heart pounding with panic at the narrow escape.


"Phew, that's a close one," I whispered to myself, relieved she didn't wake up.

Carefully, I slid out of bed and quietly made my way to a nearby basin on the floor, conjuring water to wash my face. The refreshed sensation helped me focus, reminding me of the new tasks ahead.

Returning to the bed, I glanced at Nanahoshi, still peacefully asleep, her soft face appeared peaceful and calm. Despite the difficulties we encountered, witnessing her at ease gave me a small sense of reassurance.

"Ahem, it appears that you're prepared."

Suddenly, a deep voice interrupted my train of thought, I turned to see Orsted, standing in the corner with his back resting on the wall and arms folded.

Seeing him, I bowed respectfully. "Morning, Sir Orsted. How long have you been there?"

"Since yesterday," he stated in his usual stoic manner. "Anyway, wake her up. We'll leave this place as soon as possible."

Nodding in compliance, I approached Nanahoshi and gently tapped her shoulder. {"Psst, hey. Time to wake up, Nanahoshi."}

{"Hrm... Dante? What time is it?"} she asked, her head rising slowly but her eyes still closed.

Chuckling at her charming response, I replied, {"It's already morning. Sir Orsted said that we need to leave as soon as possible."}

{"I see... Give me five minutes, I'm still tired,"} Nanahoshi declared as she went back to sleep.

Her nonchalant response left me slightly troubled yet pleased. She appears to be the type to prioritize her rest, regardless of the circumstances.

With a resigned smile, I gave her a few more minutes before waking her again. We had a long day ahead, but I can't blame her for staying up all night practicing the Human Language I had taught her.

"Well, it seems like she wouldn't be waking up for a while, Sir Orsted," I remarked, attempting to lighten up the mood.

However, Orsted only nodded in acknowledgment, his expression as stoic as ever.

Knock... knock...

Just then, a soft knock resounded through the room, signaling a visitor at the door. I went to open it and saw Sylvaril standing on the other side.

"Ah, good morning, Miss Sylvaril. What brings you here today?" I asked, inquisitive about the reason for her visit.

The woman flexed her wings slightly as she responded, "Master Perugius has invited you and your female friend to join him for breakfast."

"Really? Thank you for the invitation, Miss Sylvaril," I acknowledged the offer, glancing back at the sleeping Nanahoshi. "Please wait for a moment, we'll be ready shortly."

With those words, I immediately closed the door and approached Nanahoshi, trying to wake her up gently.

{"Hey, wake up. Sir Perugius just invited us to eat breakfast. Want to join us?"} I whispered, tapping her face to rouse her awake.

However, she turned her body in the opposite direction, clearly not ready to rise. I turned to face Orsted, who was silently watching us, and gestured for him to help me wake Nanahoshi.


Without hesitation, he grabbed one of her legs and pulled upwards, causing her to yelp and flail her arms as she hung upside down over the bed.

{"Hey, what are you doing?! Let go of me!"} she protested, her voice muffled by her position, holding onto her skirt to prevent her undergarment from showing.

Seeing her humorous yet embarrassing reaction, I glanced at Orsted and said, "Alright, that should do it. You can free her now."

With a straight face, Orsted let go of Nanahoshi and she landed on the bed with a thud, her hair appeared disheveled but she was fully awake now.

{"What the heck is wrong with you two?! You could've woken me up normally!"} she whined indignantly, rubbing her eyes with frustration.

I crossed my arms before scolding her, {"Nanahoshi Shizuka, I tried waking you up twice but you didn't budge. So, I asked Sir Orsted to help me get your attention."}

Hearing my reprimand, I could notice her glare melting like ice. Finally conceding, she sighed wearily before pouting at me.

{"He didn't have to dangle me like a rag doll though,"} she mumbled, standing up and dusting herself off. Her eyes were still slightly heavy with exhaustion, but the prospect of breakfast should cheer her up.

Seeing her circumstances, I couldn't help but chuckle lightly. {"Anyway, let's get moving. We shouldn't keep Sir Perugius waiting."}

Nanahoshi grumbled under her breath, but she nodded understandingly. Afterward, I turned to Orsted, who returned to his corner, inviting him to come as well. He accepted, and we left the room to find Sylvaril in the hallway, where she guided us to the dining hall.


Arriving at our destination, I saw the Armored Dragon King, Perugius Dola, seated at the far end of a long table. He was eating alone, having already begun his meal while waiting for us.

Perugius glanced up as we entered, his expression calm but his eyes sharp. "Good morning, Dante, Nanahoshi, and... Orsted... Please, join me."

The way he paused before mentioning our stoic friend's name made me wonder if there was some history between the two. I glanced at Orsted, but his face stayed as impassive as ever.

Nanahoshi took a step forward and bowed before speaking, "Good... morning... Sir Perugius, Nice to... umm... see you... today..."

Hearing that broken dialogue, I couldn't help but be amused and proud at the same time. I turned to the Dragon King and declared, "I taught her that."

"I see, a little bit choppy but a good effort nonetheless," Perugius acknowledged, impressed by her attempt to use the Human Language.

Turning to Nanahoshi, I gave her a thumbs-up for her performance, but I don't think she took as an accomplishment from the exhausted look on her face.

After that, we took our seats at the table, and the aroma of the King's rich breakfast spread filled the air. As I wondered where our meals were, Sylvaril approached us and asked, "What would you like to eat?"

I paused for a moment, considering my options. The sight of Perugius's luxurious meal made my stomach growl, but I couldn't decide what to ask for. My mind drifted back to the meals my mother used to prepare for me—simple yet comforting.

"I would like Millishion pasta, please."

That's right, she used to make that special dish for me before the Metastasis event occurred. It reminded me of those Italian dishes from my previous life and always brought me a sense of warmth and home.

"And what about her? What does she like to eat?" Sylvaril asked, turning her attention to my friend beside me.

Glancing at Nanahoshi, I witnessed her rubbing her eyes, still shaking off the last traces of slumber. It seemed she hadn't chosen anything yet, so I determined to help her.

{"Psst, hey. Do you have a meal in mind?"} I whispered, asking for her meal.

She turned to me with a moody expression, retorting, {"How should I know what to pick? I doubt they have a dish similar to Japan."}

{"Don't worry, I'll try to convince them what you pick,"} I reassured her.

Nanahoshi paused and pondered momentarily, then hesitantly said, {"Alright, if possible, I'd like some rice balls, miso soup, and grilled fish."}

Nodding at her request, I turned to Sylvaril and described the meal Nanahoshi had selected, ensuring that she had a full stomach before our journey continued.

Sylvaril listened carefully and then smiled. "I believe we can prepare those meals. Please wait a moment."

"Wait, how about Sir Orsted? Aren't you going to ask him as well?" I informed her as I pointed at the Dragon God himself, wondering if she would take his order as well.

The bird woman shivered at the mention of his name, reluctant to look Orsted in the eye. She quivered in fear, not knowing what to do. Perhaps there was more to his story than I foresaw.

"Dante, there's no use questioning that man on what he wants to eat," Perugius disregarded. "He simply doesn't trust anything offered to him."

"Really? Is that true, Sir Orsted?" I asked, turning to the quiet stoic man beside me.

Turning to the Dragon God, he frowned and averted his gaze. "Eating food is the least of my worries. Besides, I'm not that hungry."

Feeling a pang of empathy for Orsted, I understood his humility and his priority on concerns beyond mere sustenance. It was a reminder of the weight he harbored and the burdens he bore. However, I don't stand with this and want him to feel satisfied as well.

"That won't do, Sir Orsted. You will eat something whether you like it or not," I demanded, concerned about my companion's well-being.

Orsted sighed, his expression softening slightly. "Fine, give me anything simple. That's all."

With that, I turned to Sylvaril and nodded at her, signaling her to prepare the modest meal for me and my friends. She complied and left the dining hall to start cooking our food.


Moments later, our food arrived, and each dish was presented with care and precision. My Millishion pasta looked as delectable as I remembered, while Nanahoshi's rice balls and small grilled fish appeared freshly made and appetizing. but there was no Miso soup. Instead, it is a unique soup with meat and vegetables.

Orsted's meal was more straightforward—a plain bowl of steamed vegetables. It was a stark contrast to the lavish spread on the table, but he accepted it without complaint.

As we began to eat, the atmosphere in the dining hall shifted, the silence broken only by the sounds of utensils against plates and the occasional sip of tea. Perugius observed us quietly, his golden eyes flickering with a hint of amusement.

After a few moments, he addressed me directly. "Dante, I trust you comprehend the gravity of your situation."

Pausing mid-bite, I met the Dragon King's gaze with a mix of curiosity and uneasiness. "Of course, Sir Perugius. We're grateful for your wisdom and guidance."

"I am glad to hear that," Perugius acknowledged before his expression got serious. "By the way, Almanfi returned earlier and reported about a refugee camp within the ruins of Roa."

The mention of the refugee camp piqued my interest. It meant there were survivors, people who had endured the metastasis event and were now seeking refuge. This was a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos.

"We must visit the camp," I declared, my resolve fortifying. "As a would-be hero, there could be people there who need our help, and we might learn more about the incident."

Orsted nodded in agreement, his expression unreadable but his presence unperturbed while Perugius seemed pleased with my decision, though his eyes held a hint of caution.

Nanahoshi, still struggling with the Human language, looked confused. She leaned closer to me and whispered in Japanese, {"Hey, what are you guys talking about?"}

{"There's a refugee camp in Roa,"} I explained quietly. {"We need to go there to help people and gather information. It might be dangerous, but we don't have a choice."}

{"Eh? But I thought we were heading to Ranoa Magic Academy,"} Nanahoshi asserted. {"You promised to assist me in studying summoning magic and finding a way to go home."}

I felt a pang of guilt. She was right. I had promised to help her find a way back to her world. Delaying our journey to the academy weighed heavily on me, but the prospect of assisting survivors and learning more about the incident felt equally important.

{"I know that,"} I replied softly. {"But these people need our help. And who knows? We might find an opportunity that could benefit us in our quest. I promise we'll head to the academy as soon as we can."}

Nanahoshi sighed, her expression a mix of frustration and understanding. {"Alright, but don't forget your promise. I want to go home as soon as possible."}

{"Of course, I won't forget,"} I assured her, feeling a renewed sense of determination. {"We'll get through this together."}

I turned to Perugius and nodded. "Thank you for the information, Sir Perugius. We'll head to the refugee camp and see what we can do to help."

"Very well. Take care and remain vigilant," Perugius smiled faintly, a rare expression on his usually stoic face. "The journey ahead is fraught with danger."

With our immediate course set, I turned to Orsted and he said, "Let's prepare and set out as soon as possible. We have a lot of things to do."


As we finished our meals and left the dining hall, I couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and trepidation. The road ahead was uncertain, but with the support of my friends, I knew we could face whatever challenges awaited us.


Readying to depart from the Chaos Breaker, I wore my oversized red coat while Nanahoshi ensured her blue cloak was secured. Orsted, ever vigilant, stood nearby, a silent pillar of strength amidst the flurry of activity.

As we approached the castle's entrance, I noticed Perugius standing nearby, his imposing figure outlined against the morning light filtering through the doorway. Approaching him respectfully, I offered a bow of gratitude.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Sir Perugius," I expressed sincerely. "We'll do our best to aid those at the refugee camp."

Perugius nodded in acknowledgment, his expression thoughtful as he considered our travel plans. "How do you intend to reach the refugee camp?"

I explained our initial plan, mentioning Orsted's suggestion to cross the Wyrm's Whiskers and utilize his teleportation circle. However, Perugius offered an alternative that intrigued me.

"I have a personal teleportation circle that can transport you closer to the vicinity of Roa," he revealed. "It will be a more efficient and secured route than traversing through the risky route of Wyrm's Whiskers."

Surprised and grateful for his offer, I expressed our gratitude. "That would be very helpful, Sir Perugius. We thank you for your convenient assistance."

Perugius nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Consider it a token of my support for your cause. Please, follow me."

With that, Perugius led us through the castle corridors to a hidden chamber deep within the Chaos Breaker. The ambiance grew cooler as we descended further, the faint scent of earth and magic lingering in the dimly lit passageways.

Finally, we arrived at a large circular room, its walls adorned with intricate runes and symbols pulsating with magical energy. At the outer ring of the room, there are various teleportation circles, one of which Perugius approaches.

"This circle will transport you directly to the outskirts of the Fittoa region, near the location of the refugee camp," Perugius explained, gesturing towards the designated circle.

I nodded and translated his words to Nanahoshi, who seemed astonished and pleased by the faster travel option. Orsted stayed silent but nodded in acknowledgment of Perugius's help.

"Thank you once again, Sir Perugius. We are truly grateful for your generosity," I expressed our gratitude sincerely.

Perugius inclined his head graciously, a gesture of acknowledgment. "It is my pleasure to aid those in need. May your journey be swift and your endeavors fruitful."

With a final nod of appreciation, we stepped onto the teleportation circle, the hum of magic enveloping us as we vanished from the Chaos Breaker, bound for our next destination.

It is longer than I expected. I supposed I could make it shorter but details are more important than action

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