
Two Heads weren't Better than One

[Third POV]

Back in the prison, Reine was watching the chaos unfold through the window in her cell. The two consciousnesses within her were conversing while trying to comprehend the situation.

"Damn, things are really chaotic out there," Red remarked, her voice filled with a sense of morbid enthusiasm.

Blue, on the other hand, was anxious and worried. "This is bad, we need to find a way to help those people. My friends might be in danger."

"Why should we care about them?" Red scoffed at the notion. "They've done nothing to make our situation any more convenient."

"No, you're wrong," Blue exclaimed, correcting her other self. "Cedric told me that they will clear my name, our name."

"Clearing our name, huh?" Red retorted, chuckling sarcastically. "You're actually going to believe they can do it?"

"Of course, I believe in them," Blue's voice trembled with persistence. "They're my friends, and they would never give up on me when I needed them. So, I won't abandon them now."

Red snorted in response but didn't press the issue further. It was clear that the two sides of Reine's consciousness were at odds with each other, both holding a different perspective on the unfolding events.

But then as they continued to observe the chaos outside, the prison cell began to shake violently, which startled both consciousnesses.

"What's going on now?" Red demanded, her frustration evident.

Blue, however, had a sinking feeling. "I don't know, but I hope it doesn't get any worse."

Their concerns were soon validated as a deafening explosion echoed through the prison, rattling the very foundations of the building.



The force of the explosion was so powerful that it shattered the wall of Reine's cell, sending pieces of rocks flying. Blue, who's in control of the body, unconsciously protected themselves from the incoming debris by making a stone wall using earth magic.

As the dust settled a few moments later, Reine undid the makeshift shield and looked around, her heart pounding in her chest.

"You really had to jinx it, didn't you?" Red scolded her other self for expecting that nothing bad would happen.

Blue, who was still concerned about the current occurrence, felt flustered. "Sorry, I can't help it. The situation right now wasn't on our favor, you know."

"Whatever," Red dismissed the annoying confession of her other half and focused on the present matter. "Well, it seems the explosion created a way out for us, so let's use this opportunity to escape this place."

Red then intentionally tried to take control of the legs, causing them to move forward and head towards the forest area. However

However, Blue stopped her other self from operating the legs and said, "Hold on, what are you doing? We can't just leave and let these innocent people die."

"Seriously, why do you care about them so much?!" Red exclaimed, frustrated by her other self's opposing sentiments. "They will just lock us up again once this whole pandemonium is over."

"I know that," Blue admitted, recognizing the consequence of her decision. "But I believe that if we save these people, there is a chance they will forgive us for what happened earlier."

Hearing her other self's reasoning, Red was torn between running away from the problem and being forgiven, knowing full well that they would be locked away if they stayed.

"Urgh, fine!" Red, despite her reluctance, complied with Blue's choice. "Just don't blame me if this plan of yours doesn't go well."

With their fragile agreement in place, Reine's body, guided by the melded consciousness of Red and Blue, began to move cautiously toward the chaos outside the prison, driven by a newfound resolve to help those in danger and to face whatever consequences awaited them.


Arriving at the heart of the chaos, Reine could see a lot of people being slaughtered by the hooded figures. Blue, who was in control of the body, couldn't stand this horrible sight and jumped into action.

She aimed her hand at one of the assailants who was about to strike a villager and unleashed a blunt stone cannon.

The projectile made of solid earth flew with tremendous force and struck the hooded figure, sending them tumbling to the ground. Meanwhile, the villager took the opportunity to flee from the danger.

"That didn't kill that bastard," Red remarked, clearly disappointed. "Finish them off before they have the chance to get up again."

"No, I think that would be unnecessary," Blue refused the gruesome idea. "Incapacitating them with stone cannon would do the trick."

Red, annoyed by her other self's refusal to resort to violence, retorted, "Look, that hooded person will wake up later and they'll continue their murder spree."

"Then I will just knock them out again if that happens," Blue responded calmly, contradicting Red's violent tendency. 

Hearing that, Red clicked her tongue in annoyance but didn't pursue the issue further. Nevertheless, she was frustrated that her other self wouldn't slay their adversaries.

As Blue continued to use her earth magic to incapacitate the hooded figures without causing lethal harm, she noticed that some villagers that she saved were too injured to escape.

Thus, she decided to approach one of the injured people and began to use her vast healing abilities to mend their injuries, at least enough to ensure they could flee to safety.

"What are you doing now?" Red demanded, her annoyance evident.

"I can't just leave them like this," Blue replied, her voice filled with determination as she focused on healing the villager's wounds. "Besides, doing this would help us in earning their trust."

Red, while still aggravated, couldn't deny the practicality of what her other self was doing. After all, if these people died from their injuries, they wouldn't be able to help in clearing their name.

Once Blue is done healing the injuries, she asked the villager, "Are you alright? Can you walk now?"

The villager, still in traumatize from the sudden attack and the appearance of Reine, nodded weakly. "Y-Yes, I think so. Thank you... for saving me."

Blue gave them a sincere smile, relieved that she had been able to help. "You're welcome. Now, please, get to safety and find a place to hide. It's not safe here."

The villager nodded again, and with a newfound burst of energy, they sprint away from the chaos, joining other survivors who were fleeing the scene.

Red, observing the entire situation, couldn't help but grumble to herself. "We're wasting our time with these insignificant villagers. We should be dealing with those hooded bastards."

"I know that," Blue acknowledged, "but showing these villagers that we're helpful is important as well."

As they continued to intervene in the chaotic scene, Blue used her healing magic to assist more injured villagers while simultaneously incapacitating the hooded attackers with her earth magic. Her actions drew mixed reactions from the onlookers.

Some of them were grateful for the help and began to see Reine in a different light. They whispered among themselves, wondering if the girl they had previously feared might actually be on their side.

However, not everyone was so quick to trust. Suspicion still lingered in the eyes of some, especially those who had witnessed Reine's earlier uncontrollable rampage. They hesitated, torn between fear and the possibility of redemption.

Growing impatiently with the slow progress, Red interjected, "See, Blue? These people are hesitant to accept our help. We should focus on dealing with the real threats here."

Blue understood her other half's frustration, but she remained steadfast in her resolve to prove their innocence. She knew that gaining the trust of the villagers would be essential in the long run.


As Reine continued her efforts to save the village, she eventually came across the knights, who were also engaged in combat with the hooded individuals.

Their attention was drawn to her presence, and they pointed at her, shouting, "Hey you! How did you get out of prison?"

Reine froze as the knights, who had clearly recognized her, directed their accusations toward her.

"Crap, those knight bastards noticed us," Red said frustratedly. "Let's run away before they capture us again."

Blue, however, didn't listen to her other self's instructions. She was determined to demonstrate her innocence and alliance with the knights.

She took a deep breath and replied, "It's a long story, mister knight. The prison was currently destroyed during the chaos, and I took it upon myself to save the villagers."

The knights exchanged puzzled glances, clearly conflicted about whether to trust Reine or not. They had seen the chaos unfolding around them and were struggling to make sense of the situation.

"What the heck are you doing, Blue? Get out of there!" Red warned her other self to run away.

But Blue stood her ground, refusing to flee. She knew that running away now would only reinforce the knights' suspicions. Instead, she needed to persuade them that she was on their side.

"Well, well, it looks like the young lady here is deciding to help."

While the knights were focused on Reine, a familiar, calm voice interrupted their confrontation. Everyone's eyes were drawn to the man with blue hair approaching their direction.

It was none other than Captain Bercouli who arrived with Eugeo and Leafa. The captain's presence commanded respect, and his authoritative aura seemed to calm the tension in the air.

"Captain?" one of the knights exclaimed, surprised by the appearance of the blue-haired man.

On the other hand, the two children were relieved to see Reine, and they quickly approached her.

"Are you okay, Reine?" Eugeo inquired, his voice filled with concern.

Reine nodded. "I am fine. How about you two? Where's Cedric?"

"We don't know," Leafa chimed in. "But Mister Bercuoli saved us from the scary-hooded people and would definitely vouch for your innocence."

Hearing this, Blue was worried for Cedric's safety, while Red seemed more bothered with the captain's willingness to defend them from the knights.

Bercouli, who had been observing the situation, addressed the knights with a firm tone. "Stand down, men. This young lady here is not our enemy."

The knights hesitated for a moment, torn between their initial suspicion and their captain's firm statement. Eventually, they lowered their weapons and stepped back, acknowledging Bercouli's authority.

"See, Red, we're making progress," Blue whispered within her own mind. The knights are starting to believe us."

Red grumbled but didn't offer a response. She stayed skeptical about the situation, still harboring doubts despite Bercouli's intervention.


After pacifying the knights, Captain Bercouli turned his attention to Reine and carefully examined the young girl's blue eyes.

"Young Eugeo mentioned that your eyes turned red during the earlier rampage," the captain noted, "but that doesn't seem to be the case now."

The knights, who were standing by, listened to the captain's statement, prepared to understand the baffling events.

Reine hesitated for a moment but ultimately decided to be truthful, realizing that transparency was necessary. "It's a bit complicated, Captain. There are two separate sides within me—one with blue eyes and the other with red."

"Oi, Blue, what the heck are you doing?" Red warned tensely. "We shouldn't be exposing ourselves like this."

"Don't worry, know what I am doing," Blue reassured her other self. 

Bercouli continued to study Reine, his eyes narrowing as he tried to comprehend the nature of her condition. After a moment of careful contemplation, he addressed her again. "Two sides, you say? Could you explain how it happens, young lady?"

Reine, with Blue in control, decided to share her situation with the captain, aware that the truth needed to be revealed.

"I don't fully understand it myself, Captain. It started when I was in a dark void, and suddenly I found myself sharing body with another consciousness of myself."

Red, who had been cautious all along, was alarmed by how much her other self was disclosing to the people. "Blue, stop! You're giving away too much information!"

However, Blue remained resolute. "Look, Red. I understand your warning, but it's important to tell them the truth."

"No, you idiot!" Red exclaimed, her anger gradually increasing. "You're making things worse!"

In attempt to stop the exposures, Red decided to take control of the body. However, Blue resisted, fearing her other self might react violently.

While their internal conversation was unfolding, Reine clutches to her head, and her body begins to convulse ever so slightly.

"Reine, are you alright?" Eugeo asked, deeply concerned about his friend's condition.

In response, Reine panted apprehensively. "I might have said... too much. My other self... is trying to take control.... to prevent me... from talking further."

"Stay calm, young lady," Bercouli advised, trying to ease the situation. "I know things are confusing right now, but it's important to keep your composure."

"Don't you dare tell me what to do," Reine replied, though her voice suddenly became aggressive. Not only that, her eyes changed from teal blue to crimson red, glaring at everyone in the area.

Seeing the unexpected transformation, the knights became alarmed, preparing themselves for any potential danger. However, the captain, troubled about the young girl's well-being, ordered them to stand down, giving space for the violent newcomer.

Oh oh, Red isn't happy

TempestNotioncreators' thoughts