
Multiverse Traveler: Among Worlds

"Having died in an act of bravery, David awakens in Nexus, the point beyond realities. Orion, the administrator of Nexus, offers him a unique opportunity: to help different realities prevent catastrophic events. Endowed with special abilities, David embarks on his mission, traveling through various fictional worlds to fulfill missions aimed at saving these realities from catastrophic disasters. In one world, he was a soldier and scientist who created the vaccine for a zombie outbreak. In another, a priest, a member of an order that fought to exterminate vampires. And he has also been a brilliant scientist who fought alongside the Autobots."

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Chapter 8: Under the Jerusalem Sun.

Chapter 8: Under the Jerusalem Sun.

David's plane, along with his team, cut through the skies heading towards Israel. The sunlight reflected off the aircraft's wings as it soared over the region. A clear and pristine sky above contrasted with the tense scene unfolding below.

Suddenly, an intense tremor ran through the fuselage, waking the resting crew. David's eyes quickly opened, and he headed to the cockpit where the pilot and Gerry were. Upon entering, he noticed the panel lights flashing, and both were looking out of the plane's window.

What unfolded before them was a shocking sight. A massive mushroom cloud rose on the horizon, indicating the use of a weapon of mass destruction. The sun shone brightly in the sky, creating a dramatic contrast with the devastation below.

"It seems things are reaching a point of no return if they're resorting to using these weapons," commented David, catching the attention of the two. Everyone on board knew the meaning of that cloud: a nuclear bomb, the ultimate measure to eradicate a city overrun by zombies.

The pilot looked at David with a serious expression. "Captain, it seems Jerusalem has decided to take extreme measures to contain the zombie threat."

David nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "They are willing to sacrifice an entire city to prevent the outbreak from spreading further. Let's proceed with caution."

As the plane continued to approach Jerusalem, the sunlight revealed the city surrounded by a massive wall. The golden light illuminated the contours of the walls, creating an impressive yet ominous image.

"Unknown aircraft, this is Jerusalem's control tower; you are entering restricted airspace. Identify yourself," the control tower operator's voice sounded on the radio.

Grabbing the radio, David spoke, "Jerusalem Control Tower, this is Captain David Johnson, sent on a mission by the UN. Requesting permission to land and meet the city's authorities."

The control tower operator's voice responded cautiously, "Captain David Johnson, wait a moment for verification." The tension in the air was palpable as the plane hovered over Jerusalem, surrounded by the imposing wall that outlined the city.

After a few moments of waiting, the control tower's voice returned to the radio. "Captain Johnson, you and your team have permission to land at Ben Gurion International Airport. We'll await your arrival."

David thanked for the permission and addressed his team. "We'll land at the airport. Gerry, Dr. Fassbach, and I will meet whoever is in charge here. The rest of you stay and wait for my orders; be prepared for anything."

The plane descended slowly, cutting through Jerusalem's blue sky. Approaching the airport, David observed the activity in the city streets, people crowded at the gates, eager to enter the imposing walls in search of safety.

Touching down smoothly, David and his team were greeted by local authorities at the airport. The sunlight reflected off the aircraft's wings, creating a momentary glow.

Before leaving the cockpit, David spoke to the pilot, "If anything happens, prepare the plane for takeoff. Don't worry; even if something happens, I will return without a doubt."

"Don't worry, Captain. We won't leave without you," the pilot replied firmly.

David and his two companions descended the plane's ramp, encountering a delegation of local authorities and airport security waiting. The sun shone brightly, illuminating the surroundings and casting long shadows on the busy airport asphalt.

Upon disembarking, David addressed the local representatives, greeting them with a serious expression. "Captain David Johnson, sent on a mission by the UN."

The leader of the Israeli delegation, a middle-aged man with a grave expression, extended his hand in greeting. "Captain Johnson, welcome to Jerusalem. I am Sergeant Yossi, in charge of taking you to General Warmbrunn. He is already aware of your arrival and is waiting for you," the sergeant said with a serious look.

David, Gerry, and Dr. Fassbach followed Sergeant Yossi to a military vehicle waiting outside the airport. The vehicle traversed the streets of Jerusalem, heading towards the government building. Along the way, David attentively observed the city's dynamics.

The movement was intense, with people running back and forth in search of shelter. The growing accumulation of citizens within the walls heightened the tension. David couldn't help but ponder on the inevitability of the city attracting an incessant tide of zombies.

'Whether by an infected crossing the sanitary barriers or zombies invading through the gates and walls,' David reflected as he observed the improvised defenses, barriers, and military checkpoints. The presence of soldiers on every corner was a clear indication of the severity of the situation.

The military vehicle finally reached the government building, and Sergeant Yossi led David, Gerry, and Dr. Fassbach inside. Guiding them through the corridors, they reached a room where General Warmbrunn awaited.

Opening the door, the general was sitting behind a desk, surrounded by maps and reports. Upon seeing the group enter, he stood up, greeting them with a nod.

"Captain Johnson, it's a pleasure to meet you in person," said the General, extending his hand to shake David's. "I remember seeing some interesting reports about your actions on the battlefield."

"It seems my identity is a rather fragile secret within intelligence agencies," David joked, lightening the mood.

David shook General Warmbrunn's hand and then introduced Gerry and Dr. Fassbach. "This is my friend Gerry Lane, a UN investigator, and this is Dr. Fassbach, a virologist."

"We were sent by the UN to investigate a memo from a base in South Korea about a possible outbreak origin point. But it was a dead end. However, a prisoner gave us information that Israel had erected walls a week before the outbreak erupted worldwide," David spoke.

"I hoped you could give me an answer that would help us find the epicenter of the outbreak," he continued.

General Warmbrunn listened attentively as David explained his purpose. Nodding in acknowledgment, he said, "Captain, the information you're asking for was highly confidential not too long ago."

"But I believe that doesn't make any sense anymore in the current world situation," he continued. "Almost a month before the outbreak, we intercepted a distress call transmission from a Russian general."

"The message stated that he and his men were fighting a supernatural force," Warmbrunn recounted seriously. "The dead rising like demons from hell, not easily killed, and anyone bitten by them would become one of them."

The information the general provided made David display a genuinely surprised reaction. He might not remember all the details of this universe, but he was sure the intercepted message by Mossad should have been a report from India, not a distress call from a Russian general.

"I don't understand." At that moment, Gerry spoke, pulling David out of his thoughts. "Jurgen Warmbrunn, a high-ranking Mossad officer. Described as serious, rigid, and lacking creativity."

"Why would the Israeli government build gigantic walls around Jerusalem just because of such an unrealistic message?" Gerry questioned, trying to understand how and why the Israelis took this message seriously.

Agreeing with Gerry's perspective, the general said, "Because you don't accompany me while I explain the reason." He said, leading them out of the room.

The vehicle advanced through the bustling streets of Jerusalem, with General Warmbrunn explaining in detail the events that led to the construction of the imposing walls surrounding the city. David, Gerry, and Dr. Fassbach listened attentively, absorbing every word of the general.

"Understand, Captain Johnson, that throughout Israel's history, complacency has proven dangerous. We've faced threats that were underestimated, resulting in devastating consequences for our people," began the General, his expression reflecting the seriousness of the matter.

"On several occasions, our nation suffered the consequences of not taking certain threats seriously. Arab military movements that we dismissed and later resulted in bloody conflicts. Bitter lessons were learned in situations where skepticism brought us irreparable losses," he continued, pausing for a moment to allow his words to be absorbed.

"Then came the 'Tenth Man' rule. Faced with critical situations when nine men are skeptical about the seriousness of the problem, the 'Tenth Man' rule dictates that the tenth man must disagree. We believe that this approach is vital to avoid underestimating real threats," he said, emphasizing each word.

"I am the tenth man, Captain. When we received that message, even with nine skeptical men, I took on the responsibility to disagree. We couldn't risk ignoring something that could prove to be a global threat, even if it seemed surreal at the time," concluded General Warmbrunn, revealing the profound responsibility that rested on his shoulders.

David absorbed the explanation with respect and understanding. "It's a unique approach, General, but it was this approach that allowed Jerusalem to stand even amidst this global outbreak."

General Warmbrunn nodded, acknowledging the validity of David's words. "Yes, Captain. In times like these, extraordinary measures are necessary to ensure the survival of our city and our people."

While the vehicle continued to traverse the streets of Jerusalem, David contemplated the complexity of the situation. Warmbrunn's unique approach and the 'Tenth Man' rule had proven crucial for the city's safety, even if it meant erecting seemingly absurd barriers around it.

"We are now heading to the walls, where you can see firsthand the measures we took to contain the threat," said Warmbrunn, indicating that they were approaching their destination.

Upon reaching the towering walls surrounding Jerusalem, the group exited the car as they observed the massive gates through which hundreds of refugees entered, seeking safety within Jerusalem's walls.

In a courtyard, groups prayed while others sang with music emanating from speakers.

David, Gerry, and Dr. Fassbach were guided by Warmbrunn through the bustling courtyard. The sounds of prayers and songs created a unique atmosphere, where hope and concern intertwined. The expressions of the refugees revealed the marks of their arduous journey to seek shelter within the city's imposing walls.

Warmbrunn explained as they walked, "This is the reality we face every day. People coming from different parts in search of safety. The gates are strictly controlled to ensure the city's integrity, but we cannot close our hearts to those who need help."

As they approached the walls, David noticed the security measures in place. Soldiers patrolled the area, while a medical team conducted health checks on newcomers. The immense metal gates were an impenetrable barrier but also represented the thin line between salvation and death.

The melodic sound of music reverberated through the speakers, echoing off Jerusalem's tall walls. David's serious demeanor quickly turned into an expression of urgency as he approached General Warmbrunn.

"Shut this down now, it's too loud; all the zombies around the city will be drawn to this place," David warned General Warmbrunn, pointing firmly at the speakers that continued to echo the music.

Understanding the urgency of the situation, the General quickly waved to a nearby soldier. "Turn off those speakers immediately!" he ordered, conveying the gravity of the situation.

As the soldiers tried to navigate through the sea of people, the deafening noise only heightened the tension in the environment. At that moment, Gerry, who was near the wall, noticed something alarming.

"The wall! Zombies are jumping the wall!" Gerry alerted, pointing to the growing crowd of zombies that had managed to climb and gather on the tops of Jerusalem's imposing walls.

Gerry's warning made everyone look up at the top of the walls, where the scene unfolded rapidly. Zombies began throwing themselves into the refugee base, causing immediate panic. Chaos ensued as people, desperate, started running in all directions to escape the zombies now invading the area.

The soldiers, facing the threat of zombies on top of the walls, divided their attention to protect civilians. Screams echoed through the narrow corridors of the base, mixed with the guttural sounds of the undead.

David, Gerry, and General Warmbrunn found themselves in the midst of the turmoil. "We need to organize the evacuation, take people to safe areas!" David exclaimed, shouting to be heard over the chaos.

The General nodded, giving orders to the soldiers to direct refugees to secure areas within the base. Meanwhile, gunfire continued on the walls, attempting to contain the zombie invasion.

Turning again to David, he spoke quickly, "This has nothing to do with you! The answers you seek must be in Moscow, where we identified the last messages."

David was not against the idea of leaving, despite knowing that many people would die. He knew that the fall of Jerusalem was inevitable. And now, the walls that were once barriers against zombies would become a cage with predators on the inside.

Recognizing the urgency of the situation, the General called a nearby female soldier and gave her the necessary instructions. "Take Captain Johnson and his companions back to the airport. They need to leave immediately."

The woman, following the General's orders, instructed the group to follow her.

Tension was palpable as the group followed the soldier through the chaotic corridors. Screams and gunshot sounds echoed around, indicating desperation and the struggle for survival. The zombie invasion inside the refugee base made the situation even more critical.

"Fassbach, stay close to me," David shouted, with Gerry running close behind.

The narrow corridors and commotion around heightened the sense of urgency. Gerry, next to David, ran to keep pace, while Dr. Fassbach struggled to stay close to both.

As the group ran frantically through the tight corridors, a zombie grabbed one of the running soldiers, pulling him forcefully, trapping him in the bars. Its claws penetrated deeply into the skin of his face. The soldier let out a scream of agony, and his eyes reflected despair.

With determination, facing the inevitability of his transformation, the soldier drew a grenade. His eyes glazed and filled with despair, he pulled the pin, and the grenade exploded, creating a wave of smoke and debris.

The deafening blast echoed through the corridors as David's group was momentarily impacted by the explosion. Smoke obscured their vision, and debris fell around them.

Acting quickly to prevent total panic, David stabilized the group, pulling up the fallen Dr. Fassbach. "Keep running!"

Turning the corner, they encountered another group of soldiers. The atmosphere was imbued with chaotic tension as David's group blended with the newly found allies. However, the scene unfolded quickly as a zombie launched itself at an unsuspecting soldier.

David, acting on instinct, ran toward the zombie, delivering a precise kick that sent it flying downstairs. However, after a quick check, David realized that the soldier had been bitten on the neck and would bleed to death.

Without hesitation, David grabbed the rifle from the transformed soldier's hands and, with a single accurate shot, ended the threat. He then picked up a pistol from the body and handed it to Gerry.

David's group and the soldiers continued to defend their position, but the zombies came like an endless wave. "Damn! Get down!" David shouted wide-eyed as he saw a soldier trying to throw a grenade, only to drop it after being grabbed by a zombie.

He quickly pulled Fassbach and threw him away. The grenade then exploded, causing him and the soldier to be thrown by the blast.

David fell to the ground, and his body ached from the impact, but he quickly got up, checking Fassbach's condition. Seeing him alive and just stunned, he looked to the side and saw the unconscious female soldier.

The group, still under the impact of the explosion, took advantage of the brief moment of chaos to move away from the danger zone. David, acting quickly and efficiently, lifted the dazed Dr. Fassbach and slung the unconscious soldier over his shoulder.

"Let's go!" he shouted to Gerry.

David led the retreat from the area, leaving behind the relentless tide of zombies. The explosion had temporarily pushed back the undead, but the constant sound of their moans indicated that they would soon fill the corridors again.

After the frenetic race through the city, the group finally reached the airport runway. The runway was crowded with desperate people trying to find refuge as the horde approached.

Searching for the plane, David spotted it not far away, already with the engines running.

David and the group ran toward the aircraft, with him carrying the unconscious soldier on his shoulder.

At the Speke and the others at the door anxiously awaited. "I was starting to think you wouldn't come back, Captain. Things have gone to hell here," he said as his men covered the group's entry into the plane.

They quickly boarded the plane, closing the door hastily. David handed the woman over to the group's medic to assess her condition. The sound of the engines began to roar, and the aircraft started to move along the runway.

Upon takeoff, David and Gerry approached the window, watching with sorrow as the city of Jerusalem was engulfed by zombies. Entering the cockpit, David spoke, "Do we have enough fuel to reach Moscow?"

Looking at the fuel gauge, the pilot replied, "No, Captain. But we can get close and try to land somewhere suitable."

"Then do that. I'll rest; I'm exhausted," David replied, heading towards a seat and closing his eyes to rest.

The pilot nodded and began to plot a course for the vicinity of Moscow. As the plane gained altitude, David settled into the chair, feeling exhaustion weigh on every muscle. Gerry, beside him, also seemed worn out from the series of events they had witnessed.

The group's medic tended to the unconscious soldier, while the rest of the team remained alert for any eventualities. The constant hum of the engines filled the interior of the aircraft, providing a monotonous sound that contrasted with the lingering tension.

As the plane distanced itself from Jerusalem, the city became only a distant blur, swallowed by darkness and the horrors unfolding there.

As the night advanced, the aircraft continued its journey toward an uncertain destination. David kept his eyes closed, attempting to regain energy, and the silence inside the plane was interrupted only by the whispers of the wind outside, carrying with it the lamentations of the city now left behind, lost to the scourge of the undead.