
Multiverse Shifter

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). This is about the son of Levy Angstrom, not the comics but another one of his sons left behind at the untimely demise against an Evil Invincible. This story is about Liam Angstrom with the same abilities as his father has the power to travel the Multiverse and use these new powers to survive the infinite vastness of the Multiverse after his home dimension is invaded by an evil invincible. A man gets a chance at eternity, a leap into the multiverse with what he has on and what to work with he will go beyond what he thought possible.

Jovami6729 · Tranh châm biếm
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33 Chs

Chapter 22: Trapped Rats.

Chapter 22: Trapped Rats.

~Third POV~

The Steering Committee had four major members consisting of scientists who researched human talent.

They were the highest authority in Hope's Peak Academy, even above the headmaster, but they had a tendency to let Jin Kirigiri take the blame if there were trouble.

They created The Reserve Course Department and were major players in the Izuru Kamukura project and upheld the school's ideology that focused solely on talent as humanity's hope.

Sometimes the committee could even overrule the decisions of the headmaster and scouts and explicitly dis-involved them in the admission decisions of students, which is how they admitted Junko Enoshima into Hope's Peak Academy.

While they were not murderous like many other villains in the series, the Steering Committee's decisions greatly helped Junko and allowed her to achieve her evil goals.

The Steering Committee is portrayed as a group of arrogant and greedy old men, who are only interested in their own goals and are willing to use cruel methods to achieve them.

It's said that they've all done shady things in their past and they often appear openly scornful and show disgust while talking with other people, believing that they're above them even when they need the said person's help.

They rarely listen to others and they're obsessed with keeping the school's good image, which is why they constantly hide information for their own good, not caring if it's morally right or not.

When people died, the school covered it up and informed false explanations for the incidents, and the Steering Committee always made sure someone else besides them got the blame if there was an issue.

Currently at this time one of the members began to talk out loud as he spoke, "Hmm… This subject will be good for the experimental stage yes? This tool Hajime would do? All Agree."


Like that they all agreed to have Hajime be their next new test subject as they finished the day of their private meetings.

When one of them returned to his home he began to do their usual business this day but…



Unfortunately for that one person, he was then stuck by the wall forced to see a laptop screen turned on showing the Hope Video.

Liam forces that old man eyes open through the use of Telekinesis as he spoke venomously, "You and you're cohorts are going to be dead soon enough. Fortunately for you grumpy old man, I need your project more."


Scoffing at that Liam merely laughed at this.



Coughing in pain with a foot on his head showing Liam's dominance as he responded to the crook in question, "Yeah. I know just the kinds of pieces of shit I'm talking to. I simply need your projects to be used by me. Keep my memories, personality, and human emotion. But what does a bug like you know better?"




Later waiting to hear the voice of one of the members of the Steering Committee Liam waited till the whole process was done with some slight changes to the video thanks to the research notes of Ryota creating the Hope Video.

When the whole process was done the old man sooner agreed to bow to Liam with a blank but happy voice, "Hello sir… I will do as you say."

Noticing a happy grin on his face Liam began to order the old man in question to do as commanded, "Good. Glad to see that your onboard with this. Now I need you to make a few calls with your friends? Make sure they see the Hope Video and ensure I'm the first to be in the line of the Izuru Project keeping my everything intact yes?"

"Yes sir. I'll call the doctors and my fellow members of the changes."

Liam hearing this expressed a happy face as he began to leave a call number for him to call Liam as he began to speak, "Good. Call me when you have your friends come over. This is a great day for humanity man. Be glad you assist my ascension to Superhuman. Oh. While you're at it give me all the research documents about the project ok?"

"Affirmative sir."

Smirking at this Liam took this chance to relax a bit leaving by Teleportation as he talked to himself, "Good. The Rat poison has been placed. Now it's time to commence the Rat Trap and be done with them."

"This is madness!"

"Release us this instance!"


In a private location with the important figures who helped the Izuru Project they were all called in from one of their own as they are all caught by Liam Telekinesis caught up and forced to witness the Hope Video.

All they could do is scream at the top of their lungs forced to listen in slowly but surely being submissive to Liam's words.

When the screaming all but stopped they all began to obey Liam without condition.

"What shall we do for you, sir."

Smiling at this Liam began to order them what he needed from them as he began to talk to them all in a private location, "Commence the Izuru Project immediately with me being first. Do everything you can to do it."

"Yes sir."

Like that no time was wasted at all with Liam demanding what he wanted as they soon took Liam to their secret lavatory underneath the Academy Liam mumbles to himself, "Finally. All the roundabout ways are done. After portal hopping around this dimension, I have finally done all that I required. Now time for what I earned."

Like that they all began right away with each step filled with excitement under Liam's heart.

Secured and safety guarantee Liam stands underneath a table-based observing pod as Liam questions them, "Alright are you positive everything would be correct? All the procedures done with?"

"Affirmative sir."

"You are in good hands."

"Ready the operation."

Sighing out a breath of relief and relaxation as the surgiest began to prepare themselves, "Sigh. Very well then. Go ahead and begin the project."

"We got our go sign."

"Ready people and begin the operation!"

As the process was already beginning for the Hope Cultivation Project began with Liam under the table having his brain messed with and implanting him with all the talents of the Danganronpa world had to offer.

Everything of talents of unbelievable feats that each student had he also gain but better.

Hope's Peak Academy was established for the sake of cultivating personal talent in order to create a perfect genius, who would be deemed the hope of mankind.

For many years, the Academy researched the talents of the Ultimate.

This project was named the Hope Cultivation Plan, though it was also called the Izuru Kamukura Project after the academy's founder.

Recently, the researchers were finally able to reach the experimental stage of the project.

From there, they set their sights on the Reserve Course dropouts to use them as lab rats, as their plan to create talent artificially required test subjects that are wholly lacking in talent.

From that group of Reserve Course students, the one who was finally chosen was supposed to be Hajime, because he admired Hope's Peak Academy more than everybody else.

Hope's Peak Academy exploited Hajime's feelings of admiration for hope and talent just to use him as a lab rat.

All of his senses, emotions, thoughts, and hobbies that could interfere with acquiring talent were excised.

All of his memories of the past were forcefully suppressed into the darkest recesses of his mind and by directly interfering with his brain, the academy transformed Hajime into a completely different person whose specialty is a talent itself.

He was meant to be the fruit of all the research, a genius among geniuses possessing various talents, and he was supposed to be named Izuru Kamukura after the founder.

Izuru was known as the symbol of mankind's hope and he was given the title of Ultimate Hope.

However, as the procedure was already taken place a new hope has emerged from this dimension as Liam obtains the abilities of the ultimates for himself as he obtains them inside his head with the assistance men he brainwashed.

The process of all humanity's greatest talents into one being one person to be able to surpass the originals…

As the process was finally done the chamber opened to reveal Liam's long black hair and a drastic change in his eyes to pure red crimson as he looks at himself from the glass reflection in the chamber.

Viewing himself from looking at his reflection he was able to become the Ultimate Hope and keep all of his memories, personality, and emotions intact as he judges himself, "Neat. Everything has gone just like planned. With this done with… I feel incredibly powerful and my knowledge has increased."

Flexing his body Liam also noticed a massive increase in his Esper powers as he felt a change in his Telekinesis, "And my Esper abilities… it feels like my Telekinesis changed as well. And…"

Shaking his head he began to tilt his head towards the remaining ones here.

At the side with a group of old men looking as they stood there in shock as Liam's eyes glinted a cold expression on his face as he spoke, "You old men and everyone here is going to die. I can't leave any witnesses here. So begone old fucks."

One of them tried to speak to Liam in defense of their life.

"Wait – "





A simple light punch to the head and they were instantly killed.

No witnesses were left behind after Liam's attacks.

Not sparing them a chance to speak he went ahead and simply ended them as Liam glares at them as he talked to himself, "That… that was for making Chiaki die and screw the world or I guess Dimension over. Just you people allowed two girls to destroy this world… I'll let the world sort itself out as I finished cleaning up."


After obtaining the info and getting the upgrade he then left for his next objective…


Finally, with this, the Dangnronpa portion ended and now we can finally go out to more worlds folks.

To which ones?

Well, I guess you have to find out.

Any guesses or suggestions would help.