
Multiverse Hunter Guild

Makoto Kaoru got reincarnated and received a guild building as a cheat and with this cheat, he needed to protect his world and the other world in the multiverse. ----- The MC will not be insanely overpowered but still on a tolerated level and the main enemies will not be too weak or too strong, I will try to make it balance as much as possible. Will there be a harem? I love harem but I don't know whether I will add it or not but expect it a harem will exist in the future Note: I only own the MC, the other characters belong to their respected authors/creators the cover is not mine, it's made by Parum so feel free to contact me if you want me to change it

Enima_gaming · Tranh châm biếm
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108 Chs

Fate is B*tch

"Let's ask for help from Konoha, after that conflict and both villages lost their leader, the sand village asked for a ceasefire and started to propose a peace treaty and an alliance between Konoha and Suna!" Temari told Kankuro about her plan while pleading hoping that her brother would accept it.

 even though that plan seems plausible, however, Kankuro shakes his head solemnly.

"After the peace treaty has been signed by Garaa and Lady Tsunade the fifth Hokage, Konoha immediately closed their gate and started a strange isolation even now they are still closed and we don't know when they will open their gate again." what Kankuro said was a fact and until now they still don't know what is Konoha doing by closing their gate for more than two years.

Temari could only sit lost in her own mind, looking at his sister who was starting to break down, Kankuro decided to give in and followed her plea, since he thought there was no harm in trying.

Kankuro at this moment was very calm, and he could think clearly, the reason he still didn't move to search for Garaa was that the enemies' objective was to kidnap Garaa, if they just wanted to destroy the village or kill everyone then Garaa's corpse should be in the middle of the village, however, he still didn't found anything and that's mean Garaa has been kidnapped.

and only a fool will try to fight against that kind of person when they are in this kind of situation, the best action they need to do now is to get as much help as they can.

"Okay, we will try to go to Konoha and ask for their help, and if they open their gate, I believe Lady Tsunade will hear us at least but, before that we need to find our villagers first!" 

hearing that her brother accepted her plan, Temari got a little bit of enthusiasm and started to move to search for their fellow villagers.


in a certain forest on the land of fire, a single woman walking unsteadily, if anyone looks closely this woman's condition was severe, she had lost one of her arms, and her body was full of injuries, it was a miracle that she could still survive with this condition.

"he is right... that person... only uses us... for his own plan" The woman tries her best to as if she has a certain direction, but unfortunately, she loses too much blood and her view has blurred for a long time, and now she is too tired even to feel the pain.

and not long after that, she leaned near a tree, while crying she kept apologizing.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I become a burden again... sorry... I can't save anyone again... sorry"

the woman already lost all her power to move, she has to accept her death, however, what she can't accept as she has once again become a burden for her teammates, her friends, and her family.

"I'm sorry... Yahiko... Nagato... Jiraiya-sensei!" after that she closes her eyes and is ready to meet the death as if they were a close friend.


in the Hokage office, Kaoru and several important people were present while hearing reports about the sand village's destruction.

just from the explanation, everyone was shocked to their core, however, Kaoru's shock was different, because he knew who was the one who did this destruction.

it was the signature move of Pain Tendo 'Shinra Tensei' a powerful gravitational push from every direction with the user as the center of this jutsu.

in the original story, this jutsu is used by Pain to destroy the entire Konoha, however, now he uses it to destroy the Suna.

'and here I thought there would be no trouble will come'

Tsunade has a solemn face since she doesn't know anything about this person who could destroy the entire village alone, she only knew two people with that kind of capability but, both of them were dead a long time ago.

the first person was her grandfather Senju Hashirama, and the other was her grandfather's secret lover, Uchiha Madara.

"Kaoru, Orochimaru, what do you think about reviving my grandfather and asking for his help?"

no matter how strong she is, Tsunade is not arrogant enough to proclaim that she could destroy a village by herself in a mere second.

the only people she knew who were allowed to be that prideful only her grandfather and Madara.

if it was before, Orochimaru may say that it's fine, however after the problem with Danzo, he and Kaoru reached an agreement to not revive the Shinobi from Konoha.

"Sorry, granny, if you want to get a beating from your grandmother then I will gladly summon the first Hokage and the others-" Before Kaoru finishes his sentence Tsunade stops him.

"Nah, don't need, I forgot about your deal with grandma!"

this time they are back to the starting point, what makes them so depressed is that everyone in this room is aware that they are not strong enough to fight against Pain.

"pervert sage, do you have any information about the attacker?" Kaoru knew about Pain and the Akatsuki, however, he couldn't say it since it would be too suspicious how he knew about that

"no need Kaoru, I knew about that person, his name is Pain, and he is the leader of the terrorist organization, I knew because I was also a former member of that organization, and I have seen the leader's power once"

thanks to Orochimaru's timely support, everyone in this place at least knew about their enemies.

"Since you're their former member, do you know what their objective, Orochimama?"

however before Orochimaru could answer, someone broke into the room.


"What Happened, said it before I beat you for disturbing this meeting?" Tsunade who is already on the edge becomes more irritated when their meeting gets disturbed.

"I'm sorry Lady Hokage, it was an emergency there are several people from Suna who have arrived in front of our gate, and some of them also have injuries, especially one of them who is in a very dangerous condition"

hearing that news, Tsunade looked at Kaoru, however, she couldn't find him and calm down since she knew he already made a move or maybe already arrived at the gate.

"since that is the case, then we should meet them... Shizune, prepare the hospital... Chouza, prepare the emergency rations... Shikaku, take some people and prepare the lodging... Orochimaru, help Shizune, Chopper, and Sakura in the hospital... the other, do everything that you can to help" Tsunade gave her order and everyone started to move to complete their assigned duty.


at the Konoha's gate, Kaoru could see several people from Suna, and when he looked at all of them, he couldn't help but make a comment.

"Fuck!! Fate is really such a B*tch!!"