
Multiverse: Fateless (Under Rewriting)

A soul abandoned by fate, Vanze. What do those eyes see as he travels through many worlds? Order? Chaos? Or something else entirely? Faced with the absence of predetermined paths, Vanze must forge his own fate amidst the challenges and the mystery shrouding the multiverse. Read as he interacts with many characters in the multiverse, trying to understand himself throughout the journey and find his purpose in this crazy and chaotic multiverse. ( I'm bad at writing synopsis, so the summary is about a dude who is a failure in life dies, get reincarnated, encounters a system blablabla while tries to learn more about life and so on. Maybe also fulfill his fantasy lol. ) ----- First World: One Piece Schedule: 3 - 4 chapters per week Words: 2 - 3K per chapter (Disclaimer: I don't own any of the material such as anime, manga, and game, even the cover that used in this book. All of it belongs to the OG author.)

Xeviouzzz · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Follow Your Heart


I'm back from my break and the story will be updated again. I also read your responses about the pace, so I'm gonna keep it as it is for now. Thanks for your answer, I appreciate it.



( Vanze POV )

We had finally arrived on an island guided by the mysterious compass. The state of the island was grim—the land, the town, even the environment here looks like it has been through a cruel war. I know it is not a Minion Island, but the compass pointing to here must have a reason. Although it wasn't Minion Island, there had to be a reason why the compass led us here.

'This island is the most devastated one we've encountered so far. The atmosphere here feels chilling and unsettling,' What the hell is actually going on here? We barely sense anyone here.

[ It's because of war. In this world, most of the islands, if not protected by their country or the Marines, will have the same fate—either caused by pirate attacks or foreign armies. ]

'I know, Seele. It's just different witnessing it in person rather than through anime. It feels more real and chaotic.' The people back then on the internet said the world of One Piece is full of wonderland for kids. Now, I think they are blind or genuinely a moron if they still think the same.

[ You better toss that kind of thinking away from now. You've seen the dark sides like slavery, piracy, and how barbaric most of the people here are. This world is a real jungle, a huge one at that. Survival for the fittest. ]

'Sigh, I know. I even bombed Onigashima. Maybe it's just because I never saw the aftermath of my action, I never cared about it. It's fine if they are my enemies, but the people who are living here are just civilians.' Yeah, it's the first time I've seen the aftermath of those crooked things happening in this world to ordinary people. Killing pirates along the way doesn't count.

On one hand, I detested the hypocritical Marines, preaching justice left and right so easily when they are also killing civilians while being World Government dogs. But their existence is indeed required in this chaotic world to balance things.

Sigh, let's keep going, scanning this island while following where this damn compass led me to. I let the others explore the islands on their own; I can sense even their mood is a bit heavy the moment we land on this place.

As I traversed the forest, emerging on the other side of the island, my gaze fell upon the beach, and I detected a presence behind a massive reef.

'Hmm, why is there someone here in such a desolate place?' I keep walking toward the reef to see that person.

[ Maybe that person is trying to hide? I mean, this island is a war zone after all. ]

'Maybe. Let's take a look.'

Walking through behind the colossal reef, I discovered a pink-haired girl gazing at the sea, tears glistening in her eyes. She seemed depressed. As I approached, she snapped back to attention, assuming a guarded stance while staring at me with wary eyes.

"Who are you?" she questioned cautiously.

Huh...? Why does she seem familiar?

"Wow, easy there. I'm an explorer who just landed on this island. No need to be so tense; I'm not a pirate or a lolicon. My name is Vanze." I said while putting my hands up in the air. From what I can see, she appeared to possess basic combat skills from her defensive posture alone.

She studied me for a while, creating an awkward atmosphere.

"I was just curious what happened on this island. Who attacked it? So, let's just relax and talk like civil people, okay? I see you were also crying a little when gazing at the sea. Are you perhaps a victim, young lady?" I question her while slowly taking a seat.

She maintained her gaze for a moment before lowering her guard slightly. "No, I'm not. And who said I'm crying, hmph!" She said while puffing her cheek and avoiding eye contact. I think she is embarrassed, hehe.

"Really? I doubt it. Then, why are you here?" She looks at the sea for a while before answering my question.

"I just want to get out from my family, especially from my father for a while. It feels suffocating."

"Suffocating? Well, if you feel that way, I suggest letting it out. The more you suppress those emotions, the more they'll hurt, and eventually, you'll become numb and apathetic, and your heart will wither away slowly." I advised. Negative emotion is better vented out rather than piling it up; it will never end well.

She regarded me with a hint of surprise. "How did you know it would work?" she asked curiously.

How did I know, she said? Hehe. "I speak from my experience, believe it or not. So, if you're willing to share your story, I'll be here to listen."

She seems to be pondering my words seriously before she sighs and finally chooses to tell her story to me.

"Sigh, where should I start? My family used to be normal—my mother caring and loving, and my father, though occupied with research and his kingdom, was a caring person, especially to my mom. But one day, he told my mom he needed to modify me to make me stronger and more obedient. She refused, and they fought.

After my father was done with me, I could feel my body was much stronger than before, but it came with a price—my freedom. He took it and made it so that I would always be obedient to his orders. Soon after, my mom, weakened by the strain, got pregnant with my brothers. My dad claimed he had already modified them in the womb, erasing their emotions from the start. To prevent it, my mom took more medicine, sacrificing herself.

She succeeded in altering one of my brothers but at the cost of her life. She told me to take care of my brothers, but I can't even think that three out of four of them can be considered my family. They don't even have hearts! They always act indifferent to anything and always bully others, like tools.

My blonde brother got imprisoned by my father and called useless. I couldn't stand it anymore, so I released him, and he went out to the sea. But my father found out I helped him, so he makes me do something like attacking these islands, even though I don't want to. So, here I am, gazing toward the sea while pondering why my life got to this point and why it feels like shit." She said, finishing her complicated story. She just continues to gaze at the sea while gripping her hand so hard that it caused it to bleed.

... Damn ...

Having heard her story, I identified her and understood why she was here.

"Damn, that's tough. What's your name, by the way?"

She tilted her head toward me and confirmed my guess. "Reiju... Vinsmoke Reiju."

Yes, another girl who has a completely insane father who wants to erase his kids' emotions just to make a perfect soldier. The Vinsmoke family from Germa Kingdom. Even Kaido looks like a lovely father compared to this bastard called Judge.

'So the compass is pointing to her, huh.'

[ It seems that way. Even though you came to the North Blue in search of someone specific, the compass directs you to the focal point of your desire—to find a member for your guild. ]

Hmm, never betray my heart, huh... It's one of the prerequisites for the compass's full utilization, if I recall correctly. Heh.

"So, Reiju, first of all, I'm sorry to hear all that happened to you. But you shouldn't shoulder all the blame. Maybe you participated in attacking this island, maybe even did it with your own hands, but it's your father's fault. He's the one who pulled the trigger, controls you, and you can't disobey him, right? Instead of being depressed here, why not try to break free and make him pay for what he did to you?" I said while giving her a suggestion. Hehe, let's start fishing, boi. A future powerful and sexy onee-san here I go.

She stared at me, looking like I'm an idiot after saying that. "You talk like you know what's going on, but you don't. It's impossible to get out of his control; I already threw all my hope away," she said while shaking her head.

"You're right. I don't know what's happening in your family. After all, I'm not a part of that. But I do know your mom and your blonde brother, at least, don't want to see you sad and caged like this," I tried to convince her.

Sora, her mom, would undoubtedly agree with me. She is a gentle woman from what I've observed in the anime. Reiju and Sanji inherited their gentle hearts from her. She and Rouge are hands down the best mothers in this world; they really suffer a lot.

She just stayed silent after hearing my words. She must be having a flashback moment. It lasted for a while until I spoke to her again.

"If you want to be free, I can help you. I'll help you get out from your father's control and beat the shit out of him. But do you still possess the will and courage for that, or will you remain silent, accepting everything and becoming his tool? Have you abandoned your dream, Reiju?" I said, staring at her seriously.

'In the end, it's still her choice. I've already offered my help, but if she refuses and has already surrendered her will to her father, then what can I do?' I'm not one of those shonen protagonists with infinite charms, after all.

[ Let's hope she will accept. Reiju is only being controlled, not like her brothers, but she is an intelligent woman. She will doubt you and ponder the consequences of her actions, so you need to convince her more with your action, Vanze. ]

'Hmm, indeed...'

Reiju is staring at me intensely while contemplating my words. She finally asks me after a moment, "How can you be sure that I need help, and do you have the ability to do that?" She asks, doubting me.

"I can see from your eyes the longing for freedom while you're gazing into the ocean and, of course, from the story you told me. It's fine if you doubt me; after all, we only met today. But let me tell you, helping you is very easy. I just need to separate the chip that controls you from the back of your neck with my power, and Judge is only a small fry in my eyes," I said.

Yes, I already located the chip that makes her obey her father long ago with KG. I must say Judge is a genius to make his children super soldiers and create the chip to control them despite his disgusting moral code. With my sword, I could just separate the chip in her without harming her. Judge makes the chip almost impossible to pull out because it is connected to the brain and her spine.

What a maniac. Tsk.

"How did you know it's planted deep inside my back neck? My father controls a large number of clone armies and high technology; I advise not to get too cocky," she said. She seems surprised that I know about the chip.

'Heh, if it is Vegapunk, then I will be very careful handling it. But Judge? Only with his clones and raid suit? You're joking with me.'

[ Judge has research about a lineage factor that transforms his children into super soldiers, even though it's not the complete formula, because most likely Vegapunk has it. But it's still a valuable asset. The tech is a good tool, and you can also sell it to the mall for a good price, Vanze. ]

'Now we are talking.' It makes me even more eager to beat the shit out of that man, hehe.

"I'm not arrogant like a young master, but at least I'm confident enough in my strength to blitz through your father's kingdom with ease. It's just you've never seen me in action," I said, reassuring her.

She stares at me for a minute until she comes to my side, crouching and making her face so close to mine. "Why are you helping me? We don't know each other, and you will only make an enemy for your group if you do this," she asks with a genuine tone.


"Well, it's because I just want to. Do I really need a complex excuse just because I want to help someone? No, fuck that. I'm a simple and selfish person. If I see someone who interests me in trouble, then I'll help, and anyway, you are a beautiful lady, so that is a plus," I said, expressing my intention truthfully to her. Reiju is just flabbergasted after hearing my reason and blushes a little before stepping back from me. I blame my handsomeness for that.

No use fooling a smart girl like her; it's better to be honest with her, and it's not like I'm lying either.

"You... I don't know if you are just an idiot or a super confident person, but I'm sure you are a very shameless person," she said while smiling. Well, well, well, looks who finally smiles after all this talk, hehe.

"Hahaha, thank you for your compliment, and if you continue to stare at me so close like a few seconds ago, I will definitely blush, hahaha." I continue to tease her to ease the atmosphere around us and make her more comfortable.

While I'm about to continue persuading her and inviting her to our group, something unexpected happens in the other direction of the island.


It is the sound of an explosion. Reiju and I turn around to see the scene not far away from us. A part of a forest there is being blown away by something when suddenly the entire piece of that area is being frozen, and it even reaches the shore around it. I could hear screams and sense someone's rage in that direction. At that moment, I know what caused such a phenomenon.

