
Multiversal Herrscher

A young teenager died by a truck. He got three wishes and used them for travelling the multiverse but also to give his family a happy life. Wishing the power of Herrscher of Reason and Void he wakes up in his starter world. New Life, New Powers, New Story. Author's Note = I'm what you can call a... Learning author. I'm not those veterans that has very good writing skills but I still have a good writing style. At least that's what I got from a fellow author... I made this because I saw That there weren't any Honkai Impact fanfiction... Even when it's a great game and story. So here it is... Disclaimer = Honkai Impact and any other anime in the novel isn't mine. If it is then it wouldn't be as good as it is now. Though some OCs are mine.

NeoSG · Tranh châm biếm
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22 Chs


I died.

That was quick...

Do I need to make this a long story?

Yes? Fine...

*Ahem* It's a beautiful day outside. birds are singing, flowers are blooming... on days like these, kids like me. Should be having fun with their friends. But, I didn't.

Instead, I locked myself in my room with my laptop and watched anime. It was nice... I was watching My Hero Academia... and then I watch some Honkai Impact Animations... which broke my heart. Especially the Final Lesson...

I watched Cooking with Valkryies before watching that... Guh... It still pains me to see her die like that... Anyways, after watching those animations. I wanted to watch some rom-com but was interrupted by a loud noise coming from the wall.

It sounded like a car honking but I didn't know which one. That was until, I heard the vehicle coming closer. At first I didn't do anything... Well, I didn't even do anything. Because this is the second floor. How would a car go up here?

That was what I thought, before a white truck went through the wall and killed me. It went THROUGH the wall... Not crash. THROUGH. And now I'm stuck in this endless abyss with nothing but myself and you! Yes, you!

Reader! This is so similar to the fanfictions I read about! How the main character died by a truck and got himself reincarnated. Though... I don't even think you're real.. Why am I even talking to myself? Or are you listening to me?

If this is like those fanfictions I read... Then a ROB or Random Omnipotent Being will appear in a few seconds and grant me wishes... Which didn't happen. So I'm stuck here with nothing to do and my only entertainment is to talk with myself.

It was sad at first but it gets better overtime. It's just like having an imaginary friend. In my time staying here I got myself five stages. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. You might be thinking that I spent here for years now but...

I was only here for a few hours... It's crazy that the MCs in the fanfics didn't go crazy. Or is it because of the mentality? I was suppose to be 16 years old in a few weeks. I would have a birthday cake... Have a happy time with my family...

'Instead I-' Before I finished a blinding light appeared infront of me, "GAH!! MY EYES!!" My eyes burned as the light was too strong. 'Fuck! It's like discord light mode but worst!' "Sorry about that, I forgot that my divine light was still turned on."

The blinding light disappeared and what replaced it was a girl with blonde hair and a cute face. I can guess that she's the same age as my younger sister. Which is 12 years old. While I was immensely focused on staring at her.

She tried to gain my attention, which didn't work until I felt a fist connecting to my stomach, "Guh.." It was a soft punch but I wasn't prepared for it. "So, are you finally going to answer me or keep staring?"

"That punch was uncalled for... And sorry. It's been too long since I met a person.." She looked at me with an incredulous look, "Are you serious? You were literally here for... Wait." She summoned a blue panel and read out loud, "You were here for 4 hours, 23 minutes, and 1..20 seconds"

I looked at her with the same incredulous expression, "You have a timer?! And you didn't help me out?!" She had an annoyed expression and slumped foward, "It's not my fault okay?! I overslept! Those damn idiots didn't say anything about having a job today."

I opened my mouth wanting to say something but stopped and stayed silent. She started to rant about how annoying her day was, saying, "This was my free day!" and "Those damn idiots!". After a while she stopped and looked at me with a wry smile.

"Sorry for ranting about my work... It's just... It has been a long day and I just wanted to sleep.." I nodded and asked with a confused expression, "So... from what you just ranted... You're job is to reincarnate people and you're here to reincarnate me."

She nodded and opened a blue panel, "According to your history, which is not that much. You are an older brother with two siblings with a father and mother. You are just a nice brother that likes to stay in your room all day and watch some cartoons."

"Anime" She tilted her head and looked at me with some confusion, "What?" I made a serious expression and used a solemn voice, "It's called anime." She looked at me with some disbelief, "Are you serious? It's literally the same thing but in english!"

I nodded, "Yes. But. It is different at the same time." She looked at me like an idiot and shook her head, "You people are the same. Anyways, you didn't do much in your life and didn't do anything special... Weird. Usually, Truck-kun kills people with some dumb karma things.."

"Like a man gave the little girl a coin and she turned into a billionaire that helped with world-helping projects. And actually saved the world by supporting them."

That is... actually idiotic. "I know right? Super idiotic." 'She can read my mind?' She deadpanned at me and stayed quiet. With that reaction, I instantly knew the answer to my dumb question. 'Of course she can...' "Anyways... how many wishes do I get?" She checked the blue panel before saying it with some disbelief.

"Three... Three wishes... How in the omniverse did you get three?! You didn't even do anything worth three wishes. It must have been a glitch..." She said with some disbelief before smiling deviously. "Heh, not my problem. They wake me up this late, might as well get some payback."

I sweatdropped at her before asking, "What's the limitations of the wishes?" She looked at the blue pannel again before telling me, "Nothing too OP. You can't wish for something like Denial of Nothingness for example."

"I see... My first wish would be to be able to travel to different worlds." She nodded and typed in something on her panel. "My second wish would be... having the powers of Herrscher of the Void and Reason." She nodded and typed it on her panel.

"The last one?" I thought about it for a minute before shrugging, "I don't really know what to wish... I guess... My last wish would be for my family to live a happy life." She looked at me with some disbelief, "You can wish for anything that is not too overpowered... And you wish for your familiy's happiness?! That's like a waste!"

I shook my head and gave her a smile, "Even so, they are the people that has been with me from my entire lifetime. Many will think this is idiotic but I say this is worth it. I like to think with my emotions more than logic depending on my mood."

"That's just the way I am. Besides, I already have the power of two of my favorite Herrschers. Why do I need to be more greedy than I am now?" As I finish my telling her my answer, she shook her head and muttered, "Your just like that idiot..." "What is that?" "Nothing! Anyways, your idiotic wish has been added." She said after typing the wish. She then closed it and summoned a Wheel of Fortune?

No... that's a Wheel of Worlds. I pointed at the wheel and looked at her, "Is this how I'm going to choose my starter world?" She looked at me with an annoyed expression. "Yes it is. Why do you ask stupid questions when the answers are obvious?" I laughed sheepishly and had a wry smile before looking at my choices.

Honkai Impact 3rd

My Hero Academia

Seraph of the End


Dragon Ball

Date a Live

Highschool DxD

Solo Leveling

Akame ga Kill

Hololive Alternative


After looking all the choices, I know most of them are... special... Since, this is a starter world. I can guess that my ability to travel worlds would be locked or something dumb like that... it's like almost every multiversal fanfiction.

Easiest worlds are the best starters. I spinned the wheel and I waited anxiously as the sound of the wheel echoed throughout the abyss. 'Come on... Come on... Give me a good world....' I heard the sound slowing down as it stopped with a *DING!*

(A/N = I used an actualy prize wheel to choose the world.)

I slowly opened my eyes and saw the chosen world is... BNHA! "Oh God! Yes! It didn't land on the Seraph! Hell Yeah!!" *Ahem!* I stopped, as I heard the goddess trying to get my attention. I looked at her and she sighed.

"Anyways, you would be getting your powers at the age of four like everyone else in this world. Don't even try to think it's my fault. It's the world's rules." I shrugged and smiled, "It's fine, I think I can deal with that. It doesn't even sound too long."

She deadpanned, "You stayed here for a few hours and you went crazy. I don't think you could wait that long. Have fun with your new life." Before I retorted, she snapped her finger and a bright light engulfed the world. 'GAH MY EYES!!' "WAAAAHH!!" "IT'S A BOY!!"

(A/N = I always wanted to create a Honkai Impact fanfiction. Even if it's not as good as other novels. It's a great game and has very good story! Especially the animated scenes! But for some goddamn reason. There is no fanfiction that has Honkai Impact that is good. Except the three that I read. So I took it upon myself to create one! Even... like I said before... not as good as other novels.)