
Multiversal Herrscher

A young teenager died by a truck. He got three wishes and used them for travelling the multiverse but also to give his family a happy life. Wishing the power of Herrscher of Reason and Void he wakes up in his starter world. New Life, New Powers, New Story. Author's Note = I'm what you can call a... Learning author. I'm not those veterans that has very good writing skills but I still have a good writing style. At least that's what I got from a fellow author... I made this because I saw That there weren't any Honkai Impact fanfiction... Even when it's a great game and story. So here it is... Disclaimer = Honkai Impact and any other anime in the novel isn't mine. If it is then it wouldn't be as good as it is now. Though some OCs are mine.

NeoSG · Tranh châm biếm
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22 Chs


(A/N = Sorry if I didn't do much today... I'm all out of idea juice...)

"Teach me!" The dark blue haired girl said while bowing. The dark skinned bunny girl raised an eyebrow while biting down on her carrot. "Why?" The girl looked up at her and said witha determined expression, "Because! I want to be like Kai! He can fight and he's my age."

"That's because he a special one. You should try to ask your sister for permission to learn first." The bunny girl said as she munch on the carrot. Aoi frowned and said, "But! Aoki Nee-san would not let me learn how to fight!"

"She keeps saying, 'No, you shouldn't learn how to fight.' and 'You should just try to be a doctor like me and mom'. But I don't want to! I want to be a hero so I need to learn how to fight even if they say no."

Seeing her expression, Rumi smiled and rubbed her head, "You really remind me of myself when I was your age. Fine, but if Aoki find out that I train you. I will say that it's your fault and not mine." Aoi's smile widened and nodded, "Okay!"

Rumi's smile widened as she took her phone out.

USAKO : Yo! Kai!

OPKID : Hmm?

USAKO : I want to spar again. Let's meet up at the usual spot.

OPKID : That's very sudden...

USAKO : Not my fault. Your friend wants to learn how to fight. So, I thought showing her an actual fight first would give her the general idea of what fighting is.

OPKID : What?! Aoi?! Don't teach her that!

USAKO : Dude just do it or I'll kick your ass

OPKID : ... You do know I could kick your ass harer right?

"Tch, that didn't work on him..." She said while looking at his reply.

USAKO : She's very determined to learn how to fight. I could even see my youngerself in her.

OPKID : That's very troubling... I should try to stop her from being like you.


OPKID : You literally crash into underground fighting rings to fight them all...

USAKO : Just come here and fight me for a few minutes! I'm just going to show her the basics! The normal jabs and kicks.

OPKID : Ugh... If Aoki says anything to me. I'm blaming it on you.

USAKO : Yeah yeah just go to the place. I also want to blow off some steam.

OPKID : (sigh_emote) You mean therapy?

USAKO : ... Just go.



"So, you got expelled from your old school-" The white haired boy said while dodging the punches of the bunny girl. "-because you like to fight in underground fighting rings." He dodge a few more kicks before jumping back.

"Yeah! Those assholes... I was just having fun." She said while leaping towards the boy. The boy's eyes sharpened as he sidestepped away from her trajectory. "I mean, is it wrong to be a fighting maniac? This is just what I like, what I love!"

She missed her kick but that didn't stop her from giving the boy more kicks. "Like what is wrong with a middle schooler fighting adults? I'm going to be a hero anyway, why not start now." The boy ducked down from her kick, before attempting to sweep her feet.

"That's not wrong-" The girl backflipped away from the kick but the boy created a portal behind her. "-But it's more about their mindset." A leg rushed out of the portal but the attack was deflected by the bunny girl. "They think kids like me should stay indoors and suck our thumbs."

The bunny girl frowned while jumping away from the portal created by the boy. "Though, I don't blame them-" The boy slowed down time, as he rushed towards the bunny girl. He leaped foward and stab her side with his feet.

The force of the attack pushed the girl away, as the time resumed. "Gah!" She gasp in pain as she fell towards the floor. But just before she crashes, she placed her hands on the floor and used the momentum to flip herself away.

"-I'm the only one in my age that could fight and destroy building, if I get angry." He said while creating another portal infront of him. The girl frowned and ran from her previous spot, "But isn't it annoying?! I was expelled because I like to fight!"

She circled around the boy and leaped towards him. "It's my fucking hobby!" The boy turned towards her and controlled the space of the portal. The girl's leg went inside the portal and another portal appeared infront of her face.

Seeing the portal, the girl's eyes widened as her own leg connected onto her face. "Guh!" She gritted her teeth, as she crash towards the floor. "And I know I'm not the only one!" She quickly stood back up and leaped away from the boy.

"I've seen many underground fighters with their own stories!" She spit out some blood before going into a stance. "They all had similar stories-" The boy quickly turned back and did the same stance. "-They all wanted to be heroes in the past!"

She quickly rushed towards the boy and did a giant leap towards him. She used the momentum of the leap and make herself flip while straightening her leg. "But society fuck with them!" Her face was full of frustration, as she did her Luna Fall.

The boy immediately blocked the attack by making a dense rectangular block infront of him. "All of them are battle junkies. Aren't heroes the same but with license and a criminal?!" The girl clicked her tongue before using the force of her kick to push her back away from him.

"I almost got myself a fail on being a hero because of my hobby! My favorite thing to do! Of course everyone would be annoyed and angry!" She said while taking a deep breath at the end. The boy sighed and relaxed his body.

"Have you take it all out yet?" The girl sighed and fell on her butt. "Yeah... Thanks for that." The boy smiled at her before saying, "Free fighting experience besides, it's better to let it all out before it could explode into a giant problem."

She chuckled before looking at the dark blue haired girl that was staring at the two in awe the whole time when they were fighting. "See this, Aoi. You want to learn to fight like this too right?" Aoi instantly nodded and said, "Yesyesyesyesyesyesyes! I want to fight like that!"

Hearing her answer the bunny girl grinned, "Then wait for a few minutes... I'll teach you the basics on how to fight later. My body is tired." Aoi pouted and looked away with and angry expression. "Hmph! Fine, I'll wait."

The boy sweatdropped at her before laying down on the floor with a relaxed smile. "Oh yeah. Kai, have you heard about that gang war that is going on somewhere in Chiba?" The bunny girl said with a curious expression.

"A gang war?! Is it big or small?" He said in suprise and worry. The girl thought about it for a while before answering, "A few medium sized groups. I say a around twenty-ish members for each. I heard about them while fighting in the nearest undergroud ring."

"Oh, not that many then..." He said in relief. The bunny girl shrugged, "Yeah, but those guys are a good bunch. I mean, their members fight very good. I remember that time when I was crashing at an underground arena in Nagasaki. I got beaten up until I can't move... Suprisingly, the guys were very nice, one of them even carried me back home."

"Pffft! Gahaha! Oh, I feel bad for your parents. Just imagine their faces when they saw you beaten up and got carried back by a gangster." He said with a big smile on his face. Rumi clicked her tongue and said, "Yeah yeah, whatever."

"Since, you fight in an underground ring can you tell me where it is?" He asked with some curiosity. Rumi frowned and said, "Don't even think about it. I may be a muscle head but even I know what you would try to do."

He shrugged and said, "Worth a shot." While we were talking, Aoi was looking at us with confusion. 'Gangsters? Aren't those mean people with tattoos on their body? Like that people in those pictures inside Nee-san's very-ultra-special-secret files?'

"Can you at least tell me the about the groups? I want to keep my family safe afterall." Kai asked with a wry smile. Rumi thought about it for a few minutes before sighing, "Fine... There is three gangs. Rojiko, Dokubi, and Okaba ."

"The one I fought last time was the Rojiko. A gang made of girls who has a problem with men not only that, they're very good at using their quirks and likes to fight in narrow spaces... but at least their nice to kids, any female that are strong and likes to fight, and people that received some kinds of abuse."

"Then there is the Dokubi. These guys are good at sneak attacks and spy mission. Though, there are rumors that those guys are now being targeted by many hero agencies. They like silent kills and does dirty tactics. I hate them the most."

"Finally, there's the Okaba. They mostly fight in groups and rarely do solo. I don't know anything about them other than that."

He raised an eyebrow before realizing something. "Oh wow... Their names are really fitting with their group." Rumi chuckled and said, "I know right? It's like they were made for it." Aoi still looked at both of them in confusion, 'I don't understand what they are saying... Why am I the one that got left out... I should learn more! There are many things I could search with Nee-san's phone!'

"Shouldn't you tell this to the police?" He asked while looking at Rumi with confusion. She clicked her tongue and said with some anger, "Yeah, and then I should just get expelled the second time for going into another underground arena. I've already chosen a hero school near my hometown Osaka. If I were to get caught once more, I could get expelled the second time."

"Huh... Okay then..." He said while frowning a bit. Rumi sighed and stood back up. "Yoah... Let's start our basic training Aoi." Hearing Rumi's words, Aoi's expression brighten and cheered, "Yay! Finally! Let's do this Rumi-sensei!"

Kai chuckled at her before sighing, "Welp, I should leave now. I'm going to be taking care of my baby sister." Rumi smiled and waved, "Bye" Aoi also waved at me before I created a portal and went back home.

(A/N = So, about the next world... I was thinking about Danmachi, Code Geass, Arifutera, or maybe RWBY for the weapons and technology. Sorry if I didn't pick like One piece and that Ben 10 comment but I don't really know anything about their plot. I know a lot of powers from both worlds but don't really know about the story. If you comment something about Gundam... Then I have no idea about the anime except giant robot in space. So, comment on the chapter comments and try to type about the ideas for the world. It would be greatly appreaciated)