
Ms Universe System

"Raaaah!" Jacob let out a blood-curdling scream as he released the planet from his hand. Jacob Shepherd of the Shepherd Family. Hailed as the fated Genius of their family when he achieved the gene core stage at the young age of 14 years old. As Jacob fell on a tragic mission, everyone turned against his family, overthrowing them while he was left to die. Though, things weren't as bad as they seemed, when a special being gave him a second chance. Or did it? ==== Authors note - The first couple of chapters are foreshadowing. It gets better toward the end of the volume and more of the plot comes out. Volume 2 will be a lot more action. Recommend diving into the first volume. (I made it free). NO R-18 yet, however, it's guaranteed. ==== BONUS CHAPTERS(calculated at the end of the week): 200 Power Stones -> +1 Chapter at the end of the week 400 Power Stones -> +2 Chapter at the end of the week 600 Power Stones -> +3 Chapter at the end of the week 800+ Power Stones -> +4 Chapter at the end of the week ==== Premium Chapter length - 1.2k/1.5k

LeftPinky · Khoa huyễn
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183 Chs

Fighting Prince of Urcen: Creison

"Hahaha, you're an interesting one Jacob but I'm sure you didn't come here to talk to me," Creison cackled while taking out a sea shell-like artefact in his hand that had water inside.

The water spun in a vortex blasted toward Jacob in a second. Jacob summoned his mythic grade weapon. It was shaped like a piece of diamond and the words 'kingdom creed' across its surface.

It was one of the few defensive artefacts around and it was mythical at that.

The water blasted like a high power water jet, It shot onto the shield and then scattered all over the arena. The pressure started to push Jacob away and to the edge of the stage.

Jacob struck his shield into the ground and prevented his body from stopping moving.

A couple of seconds later, the water stopped after denting the shield. "Jacob, I hear all these things about you and this is what you're made of?" Creison said with a slight smile on his face.

"Your little water gun was ineffective, I wouldn't be so proud of it if I were you". Jacob retorted.

"Then why don't you stop playing around and stop making a fool of yourself, " Creison took a fan out and fanned himself, it made him looked like he was unbothered and in control.

"Hmph!" Jacob scoffed with contempt, he summoned an old rusty broken sword and crimson blue shoes on his feet. Jacob flashed toward Creison and left behind his afterimage.

Creison's face was no longer peaceful and he turned serious. He summoned a thin clear sword out of panic, he was just about to intercept the strike from the rusty sword when he swiftly retreated to a safe distance.

Sweat dripped down his cheek as he stared back at Jacob. He couldn't tell what it was, but he could feel death fall upon him as Jacob swung the sword.

The rusty sword cracked into the platform and blew tons of concrete off the stage. Jacob looked at Creison and said "Look who is the one running now? "

"It was a single-use weapon, stop boasting shamelessly!" Creison's face was contorted with rage. The sword was a single-use artefact meaning it likely had some strong power that the weapon itself couldn't, meaning it would be destroyed after use.

He looked at the shoes on Jacob's feet and inwardly thought "Dammit, what the hell is this fucker wearing? How many artefacts can he have?".

"Enough showing off now, come one!" Jacob summoned his pseudo- legendary rank weapon which was a long crystal sword. It appeared out of thin air.

Creison did the same, he took an orb swirling with clear water.

The water around the orb started to ripple, soon after it vibrated, then it shot a high-pressure beam.

He held up the orb allowing it to release continuous beams of 100,000 psi water toward Jacob, which were enough to create deep carvings into the ground.

The beams of water were shot out in irregular timings.

Jacob skillfully side-stepped a dozen beams of water that shot at him, the water seems to be predicting where he was going to go, but he would disappear and reappear making them miss.

Jacob's shoes made him teleport all over the stage as he dodges the beams he progressively moved closer to Creison's location.

Then he made a final dash.

He was faster than Creison, the shoes on his feet granted him speed faster than sound.

Jacob used his speed and chopped into Creison. He felt it was odd for him to not even try and dodge. Still, he never stopped and carried on with the attack.

Creisons body changed and bones protrude from his body at his joints. He grabbed the blade with his hands and sharpened bones, jutted out from his knuckles and elbow.

The water orb lost its power when this happened. Jacob pulled back his long sword and slashed it onto his bones. It made teeth edging sound.

Jacob was frightened when he saw the bones out of Creisons body.

'Dammit, Is this guy some kind of bonefish species? What kind of fish has bones like this!'

Creison looked at Jacob's lost face and laughed "What happened to all that confidence? "

He rushed and kicked the dead orb that was on the ground toward Jacob.

He dodged it but Creison moved his hand and made the orb follow Jacob.

It felt like it weighed Twenty thousand tons. The sudden movement caught Jacob off-guard and it hit the side of his ribcage.

It knocked the wind out of his lungs and flung him through the ground.

Creison controlled the orb was once covered with water.

With a flick of his fingers, he repeatedly sent it toward Jacob who narrowly dodged the attacks that broke the stage up into chunks.

After a hundred futile attempts.

He clenched his fists and exploded the orb in Jacob's face.


The artefact detonated from self-destruction and blew tons of stone off the stage, leaving a large crater.

Blood leaked from Creisons mouth while he was standing, ready to Jacob him with his razor-edged bones the second he saw the rubble moved.

Blowing up his artefact meant that he damaged himself, though it was worth it for him against a foe like Jacob.

He waited for some time but there was no movement.

"Enough nonsense boy! Stop playing around" shouted Elder Zacariah.

A couple of seconds later some rubble started to rise and Jacob came out, "That thing made my bone feel tingly, It was too uncomfortable" He got up and started cracking his neck, he squatted and all his bone popped like they were being broken.

"Ahh, now it's time for a real fight, ok?" Jacob jumped from his squatting positions and reached Creison's chest in less than seconds. Creison's eyes were able to follow his movements in slow motion but he was only able to see that Jacob was aiming for his heart.

His bones managed to grow a few inches and save his life.

Inertia sent him smashing through the ground, creating a deep groove parting the ground.

Jacob quickly rushed toward him. 

Creison got up and looked at Jacob rushing toward him, he preemptively slashed his jagged bones toward Jacob.

His quick-strike drew blood but it wasn't enough to beat him. They began fighting and Jacob carelessly took a bone straight to the arm.

Creison stopped Jacob for a second but he cut toward Creison viciously, He dodged and jumped to safety.

Jacob looked at the cut and realized it wasn't healing, his genes were optimized for speedy body functions so this came as a surprise to him.

His face grew cold when he realized.

"Poison won't help, but this is your ticket to hell" Jacob was finally angered, he clenched the sword until his knuckles whitened, he realised a flurry of slashes that started leaving deep grooves onto Creisons dense bones.

Slashes continued to hit his neck, however, bones grew to save his life.

Jacob didn't know why but Creison started to move a lot more slowly, his moves had no might behind them.

He was just swinging to stay in the fight.

Desperately, Creson threw out a roundhouse kick, the kick lacked much power.

Jacob caught his leg then chopped him in his chest.


The sound of Jacob's weapon on his bone.

Creison coughed up blood, Jacob did this until he hacked off all the bones he grew. Every time, bones would grow to protect Creison, he chopped them off.

Creison convulsed constantly.

Bones cracked through his body like a chain reaction to the force. They were not meant to be broken, they rarely ever were. But they were all chopped off by Jacob.

Stay safe and healthy! Wear masks, wash your hands.......Right now wash your hands, you can't read web novels with dirty hands. Also, make sure your chores are done. It's hard to pick up the story again when you were in the zone < 3

LeftPinkycreators' thoughts