
Mr. Nightmare

A storyteller with scary stories to tell in the dark, cross over to the dark side.

HassaanAli2DXGVB · Khác
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24 Chs

My Imaginary Friend

<p>When I was younger, we moved to a really old house. The neighbors used to spread rumours often about our house _ but we never paid any attention to them.<br/>Within my first week of living there I came down with a really bad fever, so my mom decided that bed rest was the best option for me. It was lonely, but I managed.<br/>During my time being bedridden, I made an 'imaginary' friend. It started when my mom and I<br/>were looking at the night sky. Suddenly we saw a shooting star.<br/>She told me to make a wish, and for some reason, I wished for a friend.<br/>The night after that, something came into my bedroom window. He introduced himself as Mr star.<br/>As a young kid I thought he was magical but looking back now as an adult _ he was seriously insane. Even after ten years, his face is still fresh in my mind.<br/>At first, you might think everything is normal about him. He wore a black suit that fit him perfectly and he had white hair that looked like stars sewn together, but there was one thing that made him inhuman. His eyes.<br/>His left eye looked like a star was forced into his eye socket, it was large and grotesquely mutilated. His right eye had a star shaped pupil while the rest of his eye was completely black.<br/>I became good friends with Mr star, even though he was just imaginary. It felt like he was actually real. We did what normal friends did at first _ playing board games, hide and seek around the house, things like that.<br/>He told me if I told my parents about him we'd never be able to play again, so I didn't.<br/>Mr star was always talking about this fun place over the hill behind my house. He never told me what it was specifically, just that I would love it there and that there were tons of other kids that he used to play with.<br/>Mr Star slowly became more and more violent as the days went by. He would come in with kitchen knives insisting that we juggle them, and when I said no he would disappear for days at a time like he was having a temper tantrum.<br/>He was my only friend, so I was always happy when he came back, and everything would go back to normal, until he decided he want to play another dangerous game.<br/>After a month of living at that house, my family had decided to move again. I was kinda relieved to get away from Mr Star, even though he kept me company.<br/>I still knew he was dangerous. I still remember his face in my bedroom window when I sat in the car. He didn't look sad like I expected, he looked upset.<br/>Like he wanted to hurt me. Years later I came back to the house. By this time I was already an adult, but I still remembered my imaginary friend. Out of curiosity I went over the hill to see if there was actually a place for kids there.<br/>I saw something in the distance, and the closer I got the more terrified I became. It was a cemetery. I was shocked, but everything actually started to make sense.<br/>I left the place as soon as possible. When I ran to my car I swore I saw a familiar face in the window, but I sped away before I could process it.<br/>I'm never going back to that place ever again. I just hope that the next kid that moves there won't fall for Mr star's tricks like I almost did.</p>

l have already published this at Accept the mystery. But l decided to also publish it here, so that new readers of this book could enjoy it too.

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