



"Yin Lifen is lonely, kindly go and keep her company."

Jia Huang did not need someone to tell him what Kim Fan meant. He simply wanted to talk to Li Jing and have some alone time with her.

"Oh… Alright, I would be heading out now. Li Jing, nice talking to you, my friend needs me." He winked at her when he made mention of my friend.

A small smile appeared on Li Jing's face and she shook her head. "Carry on. Tell her I am okay."

"Sure. Catch ya later." With that Jia Huang was gone, leaving them to their fate.

"Are you okay?" Kim Fan asked her after about a minute of them not talking. "You seem to be bothered by something."

A smile formed on Li Jing's pretty lips. "Really? It is nothing, I just wanted to have time to calm myself down while still just allowing my mind to be free and relaxed."

"Oh… that is nice. So mind if I join you?" Kim Fan asked politely.

"No worries, you can."