
[Bonus chapter] Hasty



"Calm down. You are nervous. I am not attacking you. If I would, I would have had you arrested and gotten all information I want from you by now."

She knew he had a point and she could not deny it. Letting her eyes drop close briefly, Chen'an inhaled again before reopening them. She was ready now to speak the truth and tell all that she knew.

And by that, she did not intend on hiding anything from Ye Cheng.

"Okay. But I have majorly said all I know, Mr Ye. And I am not trying to cover up for a man who used me as a hostage and knocked me out."

"This is good. So, you need to relax more because I am not biting." He sat out from his seat while intertwining his fingers together. "Now, please tell me all you know about this guy and why you are so sure he would not harm Li Jing or me?"