
Mount & Blade: Asgard

Playing Mount and Blade is always Michael’s favorite past time. Well. Was his favorite past time. Having died due to asphyxiation from Banana bread and ending up stuck in Limbo he figured that was everything for him. That was until a sweet eldritch being he affectionately calls E.B showed up. Now due to a deal he made he gets to experience a new life in an alternate Calradia! All for the entertainment of E.B! It’ll be fun, right?

RelHD · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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Oh would you look at that? More darkness.

That was all that surrounded me since my death and let me tell you this shit is getting old real quick. By the by my name is Michael and where I'm from really doesn't matter as once again I'm currently dead.

How I died?

Well sit down since it's a long and tragic tale filled with strife and d-

"What are you talking about? You died because you choked on a piece of banana bread…"



"First of all… don't come for me like that ever again. Second of all who the hell even are you. And finally, WHERE the fuck are you even at?" Looking around I saw nothing, again just darkness. Even though I heard a voice I couldn't pin point it for the life of me.

Weird that I could even look around when I had no body, matter of fact how did I even talk just now?

Later Michael, focus on the here and now.

Suddenly a foreboding feeling pressed down onto my very being causing proverbial shivers to wrack through my body. 'Just what the hell is this thing?'

"Yes let's focus Michael, as well as minding our manners. Who I am though is irrelevant to you and where I am is none of your concern. But what you can do for me is. I have quite the proposition for you that I think you'll like."

Ok so the scary prick can read minds. That's nice. Maybe I should hold off on the insults and rudeness for now.

"Ok, that was rude you could've answered at least one of those. But I'll bite Mr. Voice, what can I do for you. What's this proposal you have in mind?"

I felt sudden a chill shoot down my nonexistent spine as a malicious chuckle rang out all around me. 'Please tell me I'm not about to make a deal with some evil eldritch entity…'

"Evil? No no… Eldritch? Yes. And the proposal is simple mortal. I'll pull you out of limbo and give you the chance to live once more. A whole new world to explore, personal boons for your next life, whatever you desire…"

Hm, a second chance at life sounds good, too good to be honest. Raising an eyebrow in curiosity I couldn't help but question the voice, "While the deal seems nice and all there has to be a catch. There's no way you'd just do all of that for the freeski my guy. You gotta want something in return."

"There's no catch mortal. I am doing this for the… 'Freeski' as you say. Finding mortal souls like yourself in limbo and sending them off into a new life is how I enjoy my time. The bets that come with it are a nice add on as well."


"You're telling me you're willing to do all of that just for some entertainment…? Hold the fuck up… bets my nigga? Are you planning on betting on me? Who are you even betting with in the first pla-"






Suddenly it all vanished. The immense pressure that bore down on my soul and the immense pain that followed was probably the worst thing I've felt in my life. It felt like my very existence was being torn apart by that one simple word. This thing wasn't lying when it claimed to be eldritch.

"You speak too much mortal, and you speak out of line. Be grateful that I'm even blessing you with my presence and the chance of boons. The first soul received neither. Now what. is. your. answer."

Note to self; don't irritate eldritch beings in the future. Scratch that, don't encounter an eldritch being in the future ever again. Yeah that one is much better. But feeling the pressure build up again I was quick to center my thoughts before answering.

'There really is no downside to this. Either live a new life or stay in this void. My choice is obviously clear here. Though I have the distinct feeling that I really don't have one.' "I'll take you on that proposition. It'd be a much better alternative than staying here in this void to be honest. Can I at least know where I'm going and what boons I'll be receiving?" Hopefully it's no where too dangerous, and if it is hopefully the boons I get will be worthwhile in keeping me alive.

Can't say I'm not excited for this though despite the possible dangers. I've read plenty of webnovels in my past life, and Isekai was always my favorite genre to read. To get a chance to experience my own isekai journey is quite literally a dream come true. Though it sucks that I couldn't get a nice old man R.O.B who gives me a choice of the world and 3 wishes.

At least I'm getting this, this thing did say there was another soul before me who didn't even get a notice and was just whisked away. Good luck to that guy honestly.

"Good choice, if you decided to stay you would've went mad eventually with your soul merging with limbo itself.-"

That's a scary thought right there. Guess he's doing me a favor.

"But besides that. I've cooked up a nice little world that I believe you're familiar with. Does Calradia ring a bell? You should find it quite nice, alongside some new things I added."

Oh? Now that has my attention fully. Mount and Blade was one of my favorite games in my past life, right beside Skyrim. While I'd choose Skyrim over Calradia just for the magic I can dig this. I've spent enough time playing Bannerlord to know what troops to try and get and which kingdoms to fight for as a vassal or mercenary. Now whether I can actually lead a Warband or not is something we'll have to find out later on.

"That's not too bad honestly. What time period would I be in though? Would it be Bannerlord or Warband?" This was very important information for me. I haven't played Warband in years before I had died so my memory on the kingdoms and lore were spotty at best. If it was during Bannerlords time however I'd be fine, I've played that game so many times that I have most of the major towns memorized by now.

Then it hit me, the being had said that it added some things to the world. "What did you add perchance?"

I could practically see the malicious grin spread across its face and it wasn't even in front of me.

"Oh a little bit of this… A little bit of that…"

My nonexistent eyes narrowed.

"Fine fine I'll tell you. Such a downer."

Was… was an eldritch being acting pouty? I'm just gonna scrub this moment from my memory.

"I added a few magical elements. Though what exactly you'll have to find out for yourself. For the time you'll be arriving that will be during the fall of the Empire. Now as for the boons I'll be gifting you mortal, pay close attention."

I see, so Bannerlord. And some magical elements? So he just made some mod pack basically and wants me to experience it myself. Fair enough I guess.

"Firstly a physique from the Land of Whirlpools. You'll need it for the trials to come. Secondly the ability to harness your spirit and willpower from the Blue Seas. That in itself should be explanatory. Whether you have the will of a conqueror though, we shall see. And lastly, a simple Status screen. All it will be capable of is showing you your information and skills alongside being able to 'Observe' others."

It took me a moment to comprehend what E.B was saying, but when I did I once again raised my brow at the empty space questioning slightly. Now don't get me wrong all of those gifts seem fair. But considering this is Mount and Blade of all things I feel like that's a bit much. Uzumaki genetics? Haki? And a system no matter how basic?

This all sounds like some gift package in a shitty fanfiction. "I get that you said you added some magical things… but don't you think this is all a bit too much for a place like Calradia?"

Deep booming laughter that sounded like raging thunder echoed around the void, shaking my very soul. Finally calming down from its laughing fit the voice saw fit to answer my seemingly asinine question.

"Mortal, you will soon come to learn that what I have given you is merely a drop in the ocean of power you'll face when you enter this new world of mine."

Somehow and some way a sharp wind started to pick up in the void. The pressure from before slowly returned as 3 balls of light formed out of no where and suddenly shot forward merging with my very being bringing about pure unadulterated pain. Jesus what the fuck is with this guy and making things painful. It feels like molten lava and dry ice decide to fuck and have a demon baby and made it pervade my very fucking essence!

"Your time here is up. Now, go forth mortal and show me what you can do with the gifts I gave you."

With those words I felt my conscious fading as the pain fully took over my senses.

Honestly hope I never see this prick again.


Varcheg, Sturgia

Winter 13, 1084

I awoke immediately drenched in sweat in an unknown room. Looking about I took in the sights as I let the phantom pains slowly ebb away. The rickety old desk and chair in the corner, the shit bucket on the side of the bed, the wide open window with no glass or cover and finally this dusty ass bed with straw and furs. This place was a dump and obviously not a modern telly or inn.

'This place looks and smells like shit'

Obviously, from what I can tell, it looks like that wasn't a dream at all. I died, that meeting with E.B was real, and now I'm in a tavern somewhere in Calradia. 'Shouldn't be too upset that it's all real. Again this beats being stuck going mad and merging with limbo. And I got some tuff perks to go with it.'

Finally feeling the phantom pains fade I stood up from the bed and stretched my stiff body letting out a groan of satisfaction as everything cracked in the right place. Finally looking down at my new body I couldn't help but marvel at what I saw.

Granted I'm not black anymore I wasn't too upset about it. I had a slight tan, akin to being out in the sun a lot, and I was absolutely ripped. Like these were some Dwayne Johnson type pecs, I was never this built in my past life to be honest, and I was also taller from what I could tell.

In my past life I was already pretty tall, standing at a solid 6ft2in. But now? I have to be at least a good 6'5 or 6'6 now. Was this really an Uzumaki body? Walking over to the corner where a full body mirror sat (Idgaf I'm having mirrors here) I could only stand there and start 'miring. (Image here)

'I look amazing. And sheesh man look at Majunior. Lil nigga lookin swole as hell. Should I even be saying that word now? Fuck it I'll think about it later. Time to try out the shit E.B gave me. First things first the system. He said it was just a status panel with observe so it should be simple.'

Tearing myself away from the mirror and my handsome looks I sat down at the desk and started to call up my system.



Name: Floki Wolfsbane

Age: 20

Species: Human [Uzumaki Physique]

Rank: D

Profession: Mercenary

Mana: 300/300

Mantra: 150/150

Stamina: 250/250

Skills/Proficiencies -

Armament Haki: [Novice]

Observational Haki: [Novice] (10m)

Conquerors Haki: [Locked]

Regeneration: [Minor]

Attacking Chains: [Novice] (2)

Weapons Handling: [Novice]

Hand to Hand: [Journeyman]



I let out a whistle as I looked over everything. 'Guess he was being for real about the gifts. Isn't he sweet.' Taking a closer look though a few things stood out to me. 'What the hell is Mantra? And why do I have a rank and species? I can already tell this is about to be a headache and a half.'

Leaning back with a groan I slowly massaged my temples. Mana made sense to me, he said there would be magical elements added. Seeing a species tab also makes sense a little, guess he added different creatures here besides humans to mix it up?

But all of that is nothing when I look at the word Mantra. What in the actual fuck is that? You know what, save it for later Michael. 'Guess I should start calling myself Floki now actually.'

Shaking myself out of my thoughts I decided to test out the few skills I had. Wouldn't do to go out not knowing how to properly use my abilities now would it?

Deciding to go with my Uzumaki abilities first I tested out regeneration just to get it over with. 'Now it says minor, so I'm guessing I heal fast up to an extent.' Looking at the small knick on my finger I made with my teeth heal fast I could only eye it in wonder. That was pretty fast, probably took it like 30 seconds to heal.

"That was actually pretty neat. The extent to which I can heal though I'll have to find out at a later time. Moving on!"

With the next ability being the chains I had to think about this one. Considering I've never used another energy source before, and I got three now technically, I wasn't quite sure what to do. 'Guess I gotta do it the old fashioned way.'

Leaving the desk to sit on the bed I made it as comfortable as possible before sitting on it cross legged. 'In all the webnovels I read they would meditate in these situations.'

Taking a deep breath I stopped focusing on my thoughts and just let my mind go on autopilot. Back when I was alive I had seen a video from this famous guru. He had explained that when meditating the point wasn't to try and hush your thoughts or to clear your mind, but to let your thoughts flow free and to just simply observe them.

Like how a man in a hot air balloon watches traffic and life go on beneath him, that is how you should watch your thoughts go on. Simply listen don't interact.

After a while of steady breathing and meditating I slowly felt my consciousness get pulled inwards. Inside my inner core before me lay two different pools of energy. One was blue and felt airy and mystical, the other was a deep orange and felt thick and powerful. 'This must be my Mana and Mantra. I see, Mantra feels like it would be Qi or physical energy compared to how mana feels. But I'll focus on my mantra later, I'm assuming that these chains will respond with the use of Mana instead.'

With a simple thought I pulled on the pool of mana within myself and tried to envision the famous Attack Chains. Considering they're a skill embedded within my genes it shouldn't be that hard to use or activate. As if responding to that very thought the sound of clinking chains filled the room, alerting me to what I had achieved.

Hopping off the bed I quickly ran to the mirror to check myself out once more. I couldn't help the Cheshire grin that spread across my face. I mean can you blame me? The reflection staring back at me had 2 silver glowing chains coming from his back waving lazily with a serrated edged blade at the end of each.

"Fuck yeah! Now this is what I'm talking about!" The excitement was rolling off of my body at this point. I had powers, which was fucking amazing, and this wasn't even all of it.


[MP: 270/300]

'So the chains take 30 MP per Minute. Given how much mana I have I should be able to keep both chains out for about 10 minutes before it runs out. Once I get the opportunity I'm most definitely going to start my training so I can fix that. Can't have myself running out of mana mid battle or siege because of paltry reserves and shitty control. Anyways gotta stay on track, back to my skills.'

Cancelling the chains and Reigning myself back in from my thoughts I decided to go try out my Haki next. Going with observation first I stood still and closed my eyes. It said Novice for both of them so they should be instinctual for me albeit weak.

After standing still for a few minutes I started to feel a tingle in the back of my head before a whole new sense exploded from my being. It was a strange sensation that felt oddly nice for me even if I'd never felt something like this before. I could feel the person sleeping in the room beside me, the man pacing in the room across the hall. Hell even the couple going at it a few doors down.


Yeah I'm just gonna turn that off for now. Good for them though.

Opening my eyes I decided to try the last ability I had available to me. By this point an hour had passed and I was used to manipulating mana and sensing with observational, so coating my arms in armament haki which was supposed instinctive wasn't that difficult.

Flexing in the mirror I watched as my pitch black arms bulged with a metallic black sheen. 'Seems like I'm only capable of covering up to my shoulders, and it doesn't seem that strong yet either. Only combat can improve on it really.' Oh well, even if they're weak currently, powers are powers.

I'm starting to like this little life of mine.

Soon after I finished another round of 'miring I finally noticed a blade propped up beside the desk, alongside a black piece of paper and a small leather pouch. 'Is that what I think that is??' A feeling of familiarity passed over me as I approached the blade and note.

Picking up the note first I did a quick skim of its contents:

[Just wanted to give you one last parting gift before you start your journey. Every warrior needs his Iconic weapon no? And I figured you'd appreciate one you're familiar with. This blade is now bound to you and will grow stronger just as you do, treat it well Mortal it's… Special. I also left you a little bit of change to get you started. Good Luck and keep me entertained.]

Dropping the note as it disintegrated I refocused on the blade and held it up with a content smile, a feeling that was reciprocated by the blade as it hummed in my grip. "Ah… It's been a long while Reaper. You were my companion in game and now you'll be my companion in life. How poetic." (Image here)

The claw shaped blade hummed once more in response to my words and I let out a low chortle, "Seems like E.B made you somewhat sentient. You can't talk but we can share feelings and emotions. He really went all out for me. Kind of makes me scared yet excited at what I'm to encounter in this new world of mine."

Walking towards the open window with Reaper strapped safely to my back, I leaned out on the ledge and took in the sights and fresh air. "Nothing but snow around here, no doubt I'm in Sturgia. The land of my number one Opps." The frown that spread across my face couldn't be stopped.

During one of my play throughs my wife at the time, Mela, had been killed in battle by the Sturgians. While it normally wouldn't have caused TOO much hate, she was unfortunately carrying my characters unborn kid. So that was instant smoke for Sturgia in every play through.

"And unfortunately for you lot, that hatred has been brought into this life. I may not do anything now, or in the near future." My grip on tightened on the ledge causing it to crack and a feral grin spread across my face. "But I promise you just for the pettiness in my heart I WILL get my get back. Even if it never happened here. That hatred will be eternal." I'm a petty motherfucker, sue me.

With a final look out the window I turned back to the table and grabbed the leather pouch. Dumping the contents and doing a quick count I nodded in satisfaction. 'About 3,000 Denars. That's good enough to start with. Better than the in game start.'

Rebagging the coins I slipped it in between my waist band and headed for the door. 'Time to get some information.'


Yooo, I decided to take a break on my first story. I'll update it whenever I get the motivation but for now I want to focus on this story instead. I've been wanting to write a Mount and blade story for so long and I've honestly never seen one on here yet either. So I figured I might as well do it myself. But as you've read, there will indeed be fantasy elements added to the story. The setting and plot and everything still remains the same. I'm just adding in some stuff that'll make it interesting for me personally to write. Because honestly if I didn't I wouldn't even plan this thing out lmao. But I'm done rambling. I hope you guys enjoy this new story of mine, leave a review or just comment in general. I wanna hear your thoughts and overall interact with the people.