
Mount & Blade: Asgard

Playing Mount and Blade is always Michael’s favorite past time. Well. Was his favorite past time. Having died due to asphyxiation from Banana bread and ending up stuck in Limbo he figured that was everything for him. That was until a sweet eldritch being he affectionately calls E.B showed up. Now due to a deal he made he gets to experience a new life in an alternate Calradia! All for the entertainment of E.B! It’ll be fun, right?

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World/Character Info

Hey Hey, this is just a little auxiliary section that will be updated as the story progresses. It'll hold information on the kingdoms, characters and the world at large. Considering how much stuff I plan on adding this section will be good for you all to come back on and refresh your memory further down the line, or to get answers to some things you were confused about.

Im also going to start adding world updates at the end of the chapters so you can see what's going on in the world currently besides what the main character is experiencing. Just to give a better feel of world building and to show that the world moves on and many powers are at play. You'll see when I update later.

But moving on. Here's the first overview of the world so far and some information for you all.

World info -

Power Ranking Via System -

SSS - This rank is held by the Gods and ancient mythical beings of the world. Capable of reshaping the world to their whims.

SS+ - Reaching this rank would have you considered a Demigod among men. This level of strength is only seen in those mortals considered human catastrophes. Capable of singlehandedly throwing the entirety of the world in disarray with their power and actions, this level is the epitome of power of mankind. Only the ancient warriors told in the stories of the old clans have been known to reach this level. The knowledge to obtain such heights lost to time.

SS - Beings of this caliber are known to change the landscape with their battles. Legends are told about them and their feats told in song. Wielding power and strength incomprehensible to most they are a rare sight to see. People of this rank are capable of causing the rise and/or fall of kingdoms, their strength and influence knowing no bounds. In the current history of Calradia there has been only two known SS rankers, the late Emperor Arenicos and Urkhun Khan.

S - Master magick/mantra users. Known as army killers, capable of changing the tide of battle single-handedly. Beings at this level are capable of using adept level siege magic single handedly and capable of causing significant damage to large cities and some. Reaching this rank and beyond is rare and hard to do. They are considered Aces or deterrents for other kingdoms. There are currently 15 known S rankers, only 6 being known to having ties to any of the kingdoms.

A - Expert Magick/Mantra users, another significant leap in power between ranks. Known to significantly change the tide of battle. Capable of beginner level siege Magic spells and advanced Mantra skills. Can easily take on 15 B ranks. Capable of wiping out small towns. Only the Nobility and elite soldiers I.e generals and commanders have been known to commonly reach this level. Though commoners have been known to reach this level as well, it is quite hard unless one has a good background.

B - Adept Magick/Mantra users, massive leap in power from a C rank. Capable of taking on 10 C ranks or entire platoons alone. Capable of wiping out small villages.

C - Journeyman level Magick/Mantra users, Capable of taking on squads alone. Strength comparable to 20 grown men.

D - Basic Magick/Mantra User, obtained peak human strength depending on the path taken. Can take on a squad of 10 men on their own with their capabilities.

E - Common Soldier


Aserai - Sultan Unqid - Rank: B

Head of the Banu Hulyan and Ruler of the Aserai, Unqid is known to be a charmer and a light fisted weak ruler. Some say he is remiss in his duties of administering justice, allowing the wealthiest clans - such as his own - to use bribes and clever legal arguments to oppress others. A kingdom that was formed from the cultivation of the late Emperor Arenicos's plots to control the Nahasa desert through the nomadic clans, the clans that were able to claim the oasis were given an imperial subsidy making them rich, while those who couldn't were pushed to the edges of the desert left to raid caravans and fend for themselves. The clans have been in a constant state of innerquarreling since the fall of the empire, with the clans sent to the edges trying to gain the power and influence to rake the oasis. Though when the time calls for it, the nomadic tribes will band together under the banner of their ruler to face their opposition.

Sturgia - Grand Prince Raganvad - Rank: A

A confederation of small kingdoms that came together and formed the Principality of Sturgia only a century ago. Brought together through marriage pacts with the local tribes and the Nordic settlers and adventurers they were pressured to elect a Prince to lead them in war. The current ruler is Raganvad a fierce warrior that is known to be harsh and uncompromising in his ideals. Known to rule with a tight fist he keeps his Boyars in check with his power and the threat of the fearsome Skolderbroda, a dangerous mercenary company made up of C rank Nordic warriors. After the death of Emperor Arenicos and the fall of the empire Raganvad took up arms, alongside the Vlandians, and launched a bloody campaign against the warring factions of the empire lighting the flames of a greater conflict plunging the land into a gruesome Civil War spanning the entire land.

Khuzait - Monchug Khan - Rank: S

A Khanate of tribes brought together by the mighty Urkhun Khan, this kingdom is relatively young formed only two generations ago but still considered one of the more powerful kingdoms in the land. The fearsome horde from the past that raided the empires lands is now considered a shell of its former glory by its current Begs who chafe under the current Khan's, Monchug, rule. A man with dreams of grandeur and glory, Monchug wishes to surpass his ancestor and conquer the Calradic lands despite the opposition of his clans. Thus forming a rift in the once powerful kingdom that only shifts when the call for war is sounded. For while they find his dreams delusional, they refuse to disobey his commands due to his immense strength and the strength of his right hand man, Jagutai the Dragon. Is known to be one of the two S rank Monarchs of Calradia.

Vlandia - King Derthert - Rank: A

The Vlandian monarchy descends from one Osric Iron-Arm, a powerful S rank warlord who seized the western coasts of the empire and was subsequently recognized as a King by the empire as a form of peace. In turn Osric recognized his lieutenants as barons and counts granting them suzerainty over their lands in exchange for rallying to his banner in war. Some kings in the past have sought to expand their power and influence while others have allowed their barons to feud amonst themselves along as money and manpower were provided when needed. The current king of Vlandia is Derthert of the dey Meroc. A man who dreamt of conquest in his youth, he spent most of his reign putting down revolts and keeping his barons in line. After the death of Arenicos and the subsequential fall of the empire Derthert, alongside Raganvad, called his barons to war and launched a surprise attack on the warring factions of the empire. Thus causing the empires civil war to spread out into the rest of the lands starting the Calradic Wars.

Battania - High King Caladog - Rank: B

Home of the original inhabitants of Calradia, the Battanians are coalition of forest tribes banded together under a High King. Though they are the weakest kingdom and hold arguably one of the weaker Monarchs, the ancient settlers of Calradia have managed to hold onto their land throughout the years. Considered barbians by most, the Battanians take pride in their ways. Although each Chieftain views themselves as their own ruler, they all collectively respect their current High King Caladog despite his lackluster background. A man of no great lineage who was adopted by the previous king, Aeril, he stood out amongst the rest as a brilliant War Captain. Despite the mysterious death of the previous king, Caladog managed to make himself popular among the lesser clans through discomfiting the traditional clan hierarchy thus creating a stable and powerful faction cementing his rule. After the fall of the empire and the start of the Calradic wars, Caladog called all of his chieftains and closed their borders in preparation for the oncoming onslaught. Whether they will weather the storm or not only time will tell.

Western Empire - Emperor Garios - Rank: S

The current western part of the empire encapsulates a warm green land of oak forests and volcanic outcrops which was mostly conquered from the Palaic Tribes. According to tradition the first Calradians of the empire were exiles as they entered the continent, coming from lands across the western ocean. But the empires center of gravity moved east and south over time leaving their heartlands lost to the Vlandians. The Palaic tribes mingled and intermarried with the Calradian colonists leaving their traditions lost to time. Service in the legion has traditionally been a path out of rural poverty and many generals have drawn their most loyal recruits from this region. The Land owners here have gravitated towards the current self proclaimed emperor, Garios. A charismatic general who represents a longstanding populist trend in imperial politics, Garios is seen as a legend in the western third of the empire due to his character and his strength. Known as the second S rank monarch, Garios is loved deeply by his soldiers for his unwavering character and power and his insistence that his veterans be compensated for their service. After the death of Arenicos the empire was split into a civil war with many vying for the throne. This left the people flocking behind three Candidates, Garios a trusted general, Rhagaea the wife of Arenicos, and Lucon an Archon and Oligarch of the empire. Thus plunging the empire into a civil war as each faction fought to instill their chosen Emperor on the throne.

Northern Empire - Emperor Lucon - Rank: A

Many of the oldest families of the Empire live in the north. Coming in as marcher lords, they were granted vast tracts of land by their colleagues in the senate to keep the northern tribes pacified and in check as well as hold the frontiers against Battanian, Sturgian, and Khuzait raiders. They drained marshes and turned the river floodplains into wheat fields. But as the republic became and empire and as emperors became more dependant on money and lands to reward their soldiers, the nobility here began to fear that their estates would one day be seized by a cash starved tyrant. Consequently in the light of the beginning Civil war they become some of the strongest champions of Lucon, a fellow Oligarch who sees the senate as the true property holders and supreme authority with the emperor being its servant. Having the belief that only landowners can have the extensive knowledge and experience to govern, Lucon fights to overturn the old empire and wishes to bring back the old Republic and senate making him a stout contender for the throne.

Southern Empire - Empress Rhagea -

Rank: C

The lands that now make up the southern empire were once ruled by proud independent city-states controlling trading routes over the Perassic Sea and the steppe. Inviting the fresh empire into their internal feuds, they were slowly absorbed one by one. Some by treaty, some by conquest. Calradian aristocrats intermarried with merchant princes and nomad chiefs, many whom claim to be descendants of kings, champions, and demigods of eastern legend. As the towns grew to become some of the richest and most populous in the continent, many senatorial families elsewhere became suspicious that the southerners would one day try and make their own into a hereditary monarch. Following the death of Arenicos and the ascension of his widowed wife, Rhagaea a southerner, their fears came true. Although she is the weakest of the monarchs, the Southern empire values her and her ideals. For her, if you loved Arenicos then you would support the rights of his Heirs. And he was indeed loved for some Calradians believe that the endless wars will only stop with the ascension of a new Emperor, or Empress.


Here you all go. The first of many info chapters that will come. I'm assuming many of you haven't played Mount and blade so this gives an overview of the world and kingdoms. As well as some background. I tweaked some of the descriptions to fit my story though. And you also have the first look at the power ranking system. I tried to make it as detailed as possible to convey the following gaps in power, but I figure it'll be easier to understand as you read. Anyways make sure to constantly check for Auxiliary updates, they will be essential in understanding the story and background and characters without too much info dumping. And since I plan on making this story long it'll be good for refreshers. Yall have a good one 🤙🏾