
Mortal Kombat: Son of the Dragons

Alexander Valkyrie Darkov was raised Black Dragon and now joins Special Force's Next Generation of fighters to discover his place in the realms ultimately discovering his true origins and legacy. Through effort and trial, and with his love Cassie Cage at his side, he will discover his legacy and prove it's more than blood that makes the warrior. A fair warning, there will be heavy use of Scripts from Mortal Kombat 2011, Mortal Kombat X, and Mortal Kombat 11 as seen fit.

Holly_Putvin · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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Flashback- Camping

-Flashback two years ago-

Johnny Cage didn't like this. Sonya had flat out ordered him to go on a camping trip with Alexander Valkyrie Darkov, Kano's fucking nephew, and the more he looked at him more he saw Shao Kahn in the youth. That scared him, not knowing that Alex was the late Kahn's son. Every instinct of his templar training said for him to kill Alex now, how easily he could make it look like an accident. He reflected on the words the founder of the Templars spoke

'There is only one Father of Understanding. He is the Lord above; he is order incarnate. Therefore, may the Father of Understanding be this and naught else--the invisible hand that plucks harmony from the strings of the universe. Nothing more. Let all remaining pagan blasphemies wither into dust.'

He looked over at Alex and gave a sigh, he had to say it

"Hey, Alex."

"Yes, Mr. Cage?"

So polite of the boy. Johnny sighed and said

"Thank you for bringing Cassie home safely. I acted like a right fool for yelling at you."

"It is understandable. Your Welcome."

Johnny turned away as he scouted the area. He had to remind himself of the order's tents first to uphold the principles of our order and all that for which we stand. Second, never share our secrets nor divulge the true nature of our work. And lastly do so until death, whatever the cost. He looked back at Alex. He saw the boy as a threat. He was a criminal. He would stage an accident that would kill him. Johnny found a clearing near a cave and a river.

"Here we will set camp"

He said and Alex got to work. Alex's youthful muscles worked, and Johnny stared. Jesh the kid was good looking, no no he couldn't no. If the attempt on Alex's life didn't work, the proceeding rape would be uncovered. He shook his head, deciding to fish. He caught some fish, cleaned them, and was surprised to find a fire already going. Alex was good. Johnny cooked the fish over the fire, and they ate in silence. They then went into their tents to sleep. Johnny couldn't though. He got up and grabbed one of Alex's knives just laid out on the ground near the fire. He stalked to the youth's tent and resolved himself to slit the boy's throat in his sleep. Not the accident he wanted but he didn't care. However, as he neared heard the boy tossing and turning. He peaked in and was shocked to see him looking unable to breathe. He set the knife down and ducked into the tent, and gently shook the youth awake. Alex awoke and asked

"Mr. Cage wha?"

"Shhh, you were having a nightmare, you ok kid?"

"Yeah, I have them a lot."

Johnny's fatherly instincts over rid his templar ones and he hugged Alex close. Soothing him back into sleep, falling asleep beside him. When morning broke Johnny got up and went hunting breakfast. He returned finding Alex sitting by the fire staring. Johnny sat with him, having snared a rabbit. It was a fat one too. He skinned it and cooked it, passing half to Alex who ate gratefully. After dousing the fire, the two started to get their gear packed to move, when a rainstorm came out of nowhere, forcing the two men into the cave for shelter. However, that proved a bit disastrous as the cave was in a mountain and the heavy sudden rains caused a landslide. Their only way out was blocked. Alex remained calm despite Johnny losing his cool freaking out about being trapped. Alex using his chessboard analytics found there were mushrooms, plants, and a stream with fish. There was dried brush they could make a cooking fire. Alex followed the stream and found a way out, but he was too big to fit. He returned and found Johnny had calmed down and asked

"What did you find?"

"There are wild mushrooms and plants that appear to be safe to eat. The stream has fish. There is enough dried brush we could use to make a fire. There is an exit downstream, but you would be the only one able to escape."

Johnny nodded. He was impressed at Alex's skills at survival and wondered if that was the Outworlder blood in the youth. They bided their time for a few days before Alex slipped and broke his leg in an agonizing way. Johnny helped to set the bone as best he could with the shirt off his back. Alex groaning in pain hissed to him

"Take the exit and get help. I won't fit and I would only slow you down."

Johnny nodded, making the youth comfortable. He found the exit and shimmed out. Smelling the warm pine-filled air, Johnny contemplated collapsing this exit and leaving Alex to rot, it would be better, a selfless boy to the end, not wanting to burden him stayed behind so he could live…until it crossed his mind, He should be in there writhing in agony. He should be the one telling Alex to get help. The boy chose to remain back. Johnny sighed

"May the father of understanding guide me."

He jumped into action. He found at their ruined site his fellow templars arriving. With an explanation and a plan, they worked on clearing the main entrance and within an hour had a way out for the injured Alex. Their medic attended to him, laying a cloth over him, from neck down. It was soft to the touch and was warm as it glowed a soft golden color. Alex could feel old injuries disappear and be as if they never happened. Though his dragon claw brand remained. Alex sat up once the cloth was removed and got up testing his leg and was surprised at how healed it was. He thanked the medic and the others, and he and Johnny left to return home, Alex having his blessing to date Cassie.