
Moonlight (ItachixIzumi)

Izumi had always like Itachi ever since they were kids. Now that they have finally grown and their physical body's have changed, they've began to see each other more differently, perhaps a desire for one's body was beginning to attract the two.

Itazumi_Smiles · Tranh châm biếm
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7 Chs

Chapter 7 - “Cum for me…”

Content Warning: Explicit/Sexual content


He knew Izumi would eventually confront him about the assertive kiss, about the sensual touches, and how intimate they were getting. And if she had the desire to know why he did those things, he would have to provide a suitable answer.

Itachi would rather discuss the matter in a more appropriate place where no one would hear or interrupt them. He didn't want Sasuke overhearing or their mothers interrupting after their return from the market.

"Itachi. Last night when you showed up in my room...you --."

"Izumi. Actually, about last night. I..." Itachi pressed his fingers on his forehead thinking ahead about what he was going to tell her.

"I confess that my actions were reprehensible. I was not in my right mind to behave so irrationally. If you have developed a distaste for me on account of my actions, speak up and I will do my best to keep my distance." Itachi felt guilty.

He hadn't initially thought about how Izumi felt. What if she didn't like it? What if she had been uncomfortable about it but didn't have the courage to tell him? What if she begins to hate him for stealing her kiss and for making a little mess of her last night?

"It's...it's not like that..." Izumi's heart began to pound fast. She wanted to tell him how she truly felt about it all. That she actually wanted it. That she actually likes him and wants more of him.

"I don't dislike you, Itachi. You've been a really good friend to me. I just..." Izumi couldn't figure out why she was having a difficult time being honest at the moment. She felt scared of confessing her feelings and she wasn't sure why.

Last night she almost confessed that she liked Itachi but couldn't finish when Itachi shoved her back. Right now, she was rather focused on something that's been bothering her since.

"I understand." Itachi stood still.

"Itachi...w-what am I to you?" Izumi let out, heart beating even faster. "You've been acting a bit different. A-and whenever we see each other we get in these situations where you start to immobilize me. Last night you kissed me and...and you touched me in a certain way. So w-what am I to you?" Izumi grabbed hold of her arm as she began to feel nervous.

Itachi stayed silent. Somehow, he wasn't prepared to answer Izumi's question. Surely his actions weren't enough to convey his true feelings for her. He knew what she was to him, but he didn't know how to say it, so he stood there without saying a word.

"S-so I was just something you wanted to toy with, right? There was really no meaning behind it?" Izumi wanted to cry but she tried her best to hold it. She wasn't sure why she needed to hear a specific answer from him.

Again, Itachi stood in silence with no response. He knew that was a false assertion of his personality. But how would Izumi understand if he didn't answer her?

Izumi began to let out tears. She didn't want her emotions to eat her up at this moment, so she quickly stepped away and rushed in the direction of the door aiming to leave Itachi's room.

But before she was able to unlock the door to open it, Itachi quickly grabbed her by the waist and pulled her towards him.

"Do you really think I'd be this foolish to play around for my own amusement without meaning behind it?"

Itachi carried Izumi by the waist into a bridal position and brought her over to his bed. Izumi was caught by surprise and didn't have enough time to react as it all happened fast.

Itachi turned on his Sharingan and stared at Izumi's body lying on his bed. He took his time to capture her now weakened state from all that crying.

He could see her bare shoulders and traced them towards her collarbone. The light from his bedside table had presented them so perfectly. Izumi's blouse was almost loose, and he could see how pronounced the shape of her boobs was from lying down.

He brought his eyes down to her skirt and he noticed her underwear slightly showing. The bottom ends of her skirt became untidy as a result of dropping her in his bed.

He leaned forward and grabbed her hands tightly - their fingers now intertwined. Itachi gently kisses her tears on both eyes which startles Izumi as she reacts by closing them tightly. He then moves on to her neck, slowly and gently pecking them.

"Itachi...w-what exactly...are we...?" Izumi can feel herself starting to let loose.

Izumi had a sweet scent which reminded him about the time she shared her Dangos with him at the lake when they were kids. Itachi had the urge to bite her skin but held back as he wouldn't want to go as far as to hurt her or get too caught up in the moment.

Izumi could feel Itachi's lips brushing against her skin and it almost tickled her. Her stomach grew butterflies as he continued to peck at her.

"There is always a reason for everything I do."

Itachi continued to peck her neck. He then pushed his lips onto Izumi's. Their tongues now moving in multiple directions inside.

Izumi didn't move. Her mind was burly from crying a minute ago after battling with her emotions about what she meant to Itachi. But even through all those emotions then, she still couldn't resist him even the slightest.

"You wanted to know what you are to me."

The pressure from Itachi's grip on her hands grew tighter. He moved away from her lips and began to lick her bare shoulders.

"I-Ita...chi..." Izumi was beginning to grow red.

Itachi moved on from her shoulders. He craved more of her and wanted to show her how much she really meant to him. He pulled down Izumi's blouse until her bra was now in sight. Itachi then stripped them off and his eyes widened at the sight.

"N-no..." Izumi shied away and closed her eyes. She felt embarrassed, feeling so vulnerable. But she didn't resist him.

For Itachi, it was no surprise she was hiding such enormous breasts inside those clothes. Whenever he saw Izumi, he would sometimes secretly stare at them from time to time and imagine what they looked like. Of course, he did so obscurely.

"Itachi, they're --." Izumi looked away.

"I know. They are massive and enticing. Do you know how attractive you are to me, Izumi?"

Itachi leaned in and started licking around the curves and back up. They were smooth and bouncy. He then opened his mouth and began sucking on her nipples.

"Hah...ah...." Izumi moaned.

He let go of Izumi's hands and began rubbing his fingers on her breasts, feeling how soft they were as he continued to lock his mouth with hers. He grabbed them tightly that he could slightly hear Izumi whimper a sound in response to his grip.

Itachi traced his fingers along Izumi's stomach. From the bottom end of her breasts to the lower part of her abdomen. Her skin was so smooth and soft.

His touch was so sensual, so arousing it made it difficult for her to think.

Izumi began to feel the tingles. Itachi was so gentle and so calm. But she felt like she was going to burst.

She can feel Itachi beginning to move his hands below her. He moved his fingers under her skirt and rubbed her outer thighs. She could begin to feel the tingles go out of control. He then moved his fingers along until he was now rubbing in between them.

Izumi was feeling warm. He was even closer to her sensitive area.

Itachi looked at Izumi in the eyes with his Sharingan. He had wanted to turn them on to see her clearly so that he could remember how she looked when he pleased her.

"Izumi, I want you to look at me."

Izumi had kept her eyes closed but slowly opened them to look at Itachi's.

He placed his fingers in between her legs and began rubbing her pussy from outside her underwear. He could feel how warm and drenched she already was below.

"Hmn...ahh..." Izumi tried her best not to moan so loudly so she covered her mouth with one hand.

Itachi removed her hands from her mouth instantly.

"Let me hear your moan."

"I-Ita...chi..." Izumi was beginning to feel out of breath. This was beginning to be too much for her. She couldn't think clearly. Her mind was skyrocketing at how well Itachi's hand movements were on her pussy.

Itachi lifted his fingers from the fabric that was blocking his touch from Izumi's vagina and placed his fingers inside her underwear. He rubbed so gently yet so passionately that he wanted to make it feel good for her.

"You...your fingers are..." Izumi felt like she was going over the clouds.

"Yes. That's right. I want to make you cum." Itachi leaned in to give Izumi a peck on the cheek then slightly smiled.

After a few seconds, he began to increase the pace of his hands rubbing against Izumi. He rubbed so fast; he could feel Izumi's body begging for more.

Itachi continued to rub until he finally traced his fingers through her labia, and he could feel how slippery they were from all her liquid draining out of her. After a few more seconds of his arousing trace, he poked his index and middle fingers through her vaginal opening and slowly slipped them in and out.

Itachi could feel how deep and warm it was inside. As he kept motioning his fingers, he could feel that they were becoming even more drenched than before.

He moved his fingers in a circular motion arousing her clitoris. In every movement, he can sense the pleasure that Izumi was feeling.

"Ahh...Itachi...I think I'm...going to..." Izumi was struggling to hold back.

Itachi could feel his hardened cock wanting to break out of his pants. He badly wanted to free them and let himself break loose inside her. But this wasn't the time. He wanted to make Izumi feel good after bearing the guilt of making her cry.

"Cum for me, Izumi." Itachi softly whispered as he kissed her breasts once more.

"I-Itachi. Ahh --!" Izumi moaned as she reached her climax, and her mind went into a haze.

Itachi can feel her body twitching as a natural response to orgasm. He removed his fingers from her hole and kissed her forehead gently.

He smiled at the sight of Izumi lying on his bed. He was pleased with the mess he made of her.

"You are special to me, Izumi. I want everything that you are, all for myself. Is that a reasonable answer?"