
Mom is mine

If you were told to choose between the child you watched grow up under your tutelage and your biological child whom you just met, who would you choose? ********** Mi Du: "Third Young Master Mo, Your older brother (Mo Lingtian) is about to propose to the love of your life" Mo Ting jolted and screamed: "Impossible!! my older brother cannot do that to me!!" *********** Mo Lingtian: "She was betrothed to me even before she was born. What are you to come in between us? you have stayed too long at home, pack your things and get ready to join the Army" ******* Lu Yan: "Sister, I have liked Mo Lang for four years, but he doesn't like me, he likes you" Wei Yang: "What is that? is it a new robot?" ******** "They are here!!!" "What is here?" "They are attacking the economy of the country! call Mo Lingtian, now!!!!" Mo Lingtian: "I don't know how to salvage the situation, Call Wei Yang and her team, she should have a solution" Wei Yang: "Sorry, I can't do it, it's above my league" How would they save themselves from the Michets who came to seek revenge for a wrong done centuries ago? How would Wei Yang who is known to be the best computer expert deal with people and Michets who could be called the computers themselves? How would the giant of the business world; Mo Lingtian save the world's economy from crumbling under the feet of Innocent Yang who wouldn't blink before turning a country to ruins? ****** "Hehehehehe... It's so funny seeing them; punny humans run around like headless chickens to try to salvage the problems we bombard them with" "You are a human too or has the system gotten into your head?" "Get lost. I stopped considering myself a human since the day those greedy humans abandoned me here just to gain power and fame. If they won't let us rule over them, we destroy them and make slaves of the survivors. Master would be happy. Hahahahahahaha...!!" "Not the 'greedy humans' but your greedy parents who sent you here to gain fame and power." **********

Hassy_101 · Thành thị
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
266 Chs

Consummation, it is.

The next morning, Wei Yang opened her eyes to the aroma of a delicious meal. Her lips stretched into a smile. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. 

"You are awake," Mo Lingtian's voice sounded by her side. She turned to look at him but got a peck on the cheek as she turned. 

"Good morning" she greeted after the peck.

"Afternoon" Mo Lingtian corrected. 

"Eh?" Wei Yang shifted her gaze to the wall clock and saw it was already two in the afternoon. She gasped in shock. How did she sleep for so long?

"You seem to be too tired," Mo Lingtian said as he gazed at her with a doting smile. 

Yeah, he was right. She has been too stressed and hasn't been getting enough rest. Whenever she thought of how her inconsiderate grandfather forced her into this stressful lifestyle, the urge to kick his old butts danced in her mind. 

"Get down and wash up, I prepared lunch."