
MMORPG: Genesis Sync

112AG (After Genesis) Genesis was created when war threatened to destroy the world of Atlantia however after 112 years it has truly become a second world. The Elves and Draconian used their magic to create Genesis a world encompassing spell while the Dwarves and Gnomes used their technology expertise to create the access bands. Years later Genesis is so integral to Atlantia that they are politically and financially linked. Everyone Joins Genesis when they reach there race’s adulthood and look forward to adventure in another world. Except John who is working hard just to earn enough to eat, he does not have enough time to play Genesis. Join John as he escapes his life in the slums and learn with him about Genesis his what the future holds in both worlds. *** Story will hopefully be set half in the real world Atlanta and half in Genesis. *** 1500 words minimum from chapter 51 onward. *** Chapter with R18 Romance Scenes will have a warning at the start as will Polyamory scenes for those who are not interested in that. *** This is my first novel and I’m just writing something I find enjoyable, I hope you do also though if not I wish you luck in finding something you do. *** Up to 30 advanced chapters for Patreon members. https://www.patreon.com/sweeps83

Sweeps83 · Games
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206 Chs

Chapter 101 Bandit

"What white tiger?" 

"Oh, right you wouldn't know, this bandit group is called 'The White Tigers' because apparently their boss loves white tigers and will do anything to get hold of them, the main unique quest for this dungeon is to kill the boss and save the white tiger before it dies." John explained. 

"Dies?" Sarah and Vulxis said in horror. 

"Shit that's not good bro." Jackalope suddenly said, alarmed. 

"What?" John asked all three. 

"White Tigers are a special existence in Genesis John." Vulxis started to explain before asking. 

"What do you know about world bosses?" 

"Not much, Elrinira is the only one I have met." John replied. 

"What the fuck bro? You met Succubus Queen Elrinira and lived to tell the tail?" Jackalope asked in surprise." 

"Yeah, why is she famous?" John asked back. 

"Bro she's not just famous she is downright scary, the amount of people she has killed or slaughtered because they looked at her wrong or refused her is no joke." 

"Really but I refused her?" 

"You did? And you're still alive?" How?" 

"Me and a friend helped save her dead sister who had been resurrected by a necromancer." John explained. 

"Damn bro your hardcore, there are not many individuals who can come away from meeting Elrinira alive." Jackalope said with respect. 

John turned back to Sarah and Vulxis who were watching him speak with jackalope with strange gazes. 

"Sorry about that." John apologized. 

"Damn seeing you chat with animals like that makes me hope I unlock that skill next." Vulxis said before continuing. 

"Anyway, there are five world bosses in the mortal plane of Genesis that we exist on right now, at least that we know about, each continent has one of these five, and while there are other world bosses who do not exist on the mortal plane such as Elrinira I will only focus on one for this topic." 

"The White Tiger of the West Bengal." 

"The white tiger of the west, like most world bosses, just keeps to itself unless you anger or attack it; however it is known to be very protective of its own kind." 

"The number of white tigers in Genesis is already ridiculously low and because of this Bengal protects his kind fiercely, if one is killed, he will hunt down the perpetrator and wipe them from existence along with anyone or anything protecting them." 

"Don't take it lightly when I say wipe from existence as that's exactly one of the special abilities world bosses have, to wipe your character from Genesis so you have to start all over again." 

"WHAT!" John said in shock. 

"In the past there was a group of top-level players who attacked a world boss trying to kill it for the loot, in the end the world boss used its special ability of existence wipe." 

"At first they thought it was just a normal death so after twenty-four hours they attempted to log back in, however they were unable to and when they asked Tia why she informed them that the existence wipe had erased their characters from Genesis, these top-level players were forced to start from the very beginning again and work their way back up, after that everyone knew never to mess with world bosses." 

"That explains the message from the Quest Failure punishment." John said. 

"Message?" Sarah asked. 

"Yeah, it says, 'The White Tiger will die, and something far worse than the bandits will appear around Thamethalas because of the white tiger's death killing many innocents and causing the city to go under martial law." John explained reading the message. 

"Fuck." Sarah cursed. 

"Fuck." Vulxis cursed 

"Fuck." Jackrabbit cursed. 

"John we cannot fail this dungeon run, if we do Thamethalas will be in deep shit and will suffer heavily for it." Sarah warned. 

"Do dungeon quests normally have such high stakes." John asked. 

"No, it's strange, normally they might affect the surroundings slightly like having increased bandit or monster attacks, but I have never heard of a dungeon quest failure leading to a world boss rampage." Sarah said with confusion. 

"If I had to guess it's because it involves white tigers, I highly doubt Bengal itself would turn up as the punishment, I mean this is only a rank one dungeon, the more likely event is that it will send one of its subordinates, another tiger." Sarah speculated after thinking for a moment. 

"That's fine and all but can I suggest we don't fail the unique quest so we don't have to find out." Vulxis stated to which both Sarah and John nodded. 

"Ok with that agreed on, John, are you going to make a bond with the Jackalope?" Vulxis asked excitedly. 

"I don't see why not since it's what he wants right?" John asked the Jackalope. 

"Damn straight bro, you need my awesome powers if you're going to save the white tiger as well as other animals here." Jackalope boasted making John and all the other animals roll their eyes. 

"All right." John said as he went over to Jackalope's cage and unlocked it, letting the little guy jump out before stopping in front of John. 

"Ok What's a good name for you?" John thought out loud as he tried to think of a good name. 

"Make it a good one bro, worthy of my awesomeness." 

John thought for a moment before saying.

"I know, how about Bandit?" 

"Why Bandit?" Jackalope asked while tilting its head. 

"Because this is a bandit hideout that we met in and you're a bandit to all women everywhere." John said with a smirk. 

"Ha, he got you their bro." Deer said laughing. 

"Damn right, that name is perfect for you." Boar added as the other animals agreed and started to tease the Jackalope. 

"Ha, I know you all are attempting to tease and make fun of me but I happen to like the name." Jackalope proclaimed before adding. 

"I am a bandit all women should fear in-case I get my paws on them." Jackalope boasted, causing all the other animals to scoff him.

"Ok bandit it is then," John said before pricking his finger to make it bleed. 

He then placed his bleeding finger on the Jackalopes forehead before speaking. 

"lmë car si naxa san i lmë cé tulco máca exa sangiessemman, n essë le Bandit." (Translation: We form this bond so that we may support each other in our necessities, I name thee Bandit) 

[Bonding with Bandit Complete] 

[Class Ability Learnt: Wild Morph: Jackalope] 

[*NOTICE* Jackalope is none combat Wild Morph] 

[Upon Wild Morph: Jackalope your INT, STR, WIS stat points will redistribute to.... ERROR] 


{*ERROR NOTICE* There is currently no stat in Genesis that represents speed.] 

[Calculating solutions] 

[Calculating solutions] 

[Calculating solutions] 

[Solution found] 

[New stat will be created and added to Genesis] 

[Dexterity (DEX) Stat has been successfully created.] 

[Dexterity (DEX): Determines an individual's speed in Genesis, the higher the stat the faster they can move.] 

[*NOTICE* As the first player in Genesis to be responsible for the creation of a whole new stat type you will receive a bonus reward.] 

[Bonus reward: 1 Additional Class Stat Point increase to DEX stat each level.] 

[Congratulations, you have just become the first player in Genesis to be responsible for the creation of a whole new stat type, a GENESIS WORLD ANNOUNCEMENT will take place, do you wish to hide your name?] 

[ Yes] [ No] 

"WHAT THE FUCK." John shouted out loud. 

"What's wrong?" Sarah asked. 

"Did it fail?" Vulxis asked in disappointment as she really wanted to witness a Wild Morph for the first time. 

"Can't be I can feel bro's soul connected to mind." Bandit spoke up. 

John turned to look at the two girls with a worried expression before saying. 

"I think I broke Genesis." 

"Pardon?" Sarah replied as both girls looked confused. 

"Well error messages just started appearing on my screen." John replied. 

"Error messages, I have never heard of anyone ever receiving an error message, have you?" Vulxis asked as she turned to Sarah. 

Sarah shook her head before saying. 

"I have never heard of this ether, what did the messages say?" 

John did not reply and instead made the messages visible before showing them to the two women. 

As the two women read the notifications their faces started to turn more and more into shock before their mouths hung open. 

In the hundred- and twelve-year history since Genesis launched this is the first time a new stat was needed to be made. 

Previously speed was never really an issue for players because most of the races all had roughly the same run and reaction speeds in Genesis as they had in Atlantia, a number was never needed to quantify this and so it could not be improved. 

Other stats such as strength were different because of how Tia designed the Genesis combat system, you could have an individual in Atlantia who could barely lift a rock with their strength, yet when they entered Genesis, their stat points allowed them to lift a boulder. 

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" Sarah suddenly screamed in shock and anger. 


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