
MMORPG: Genesis Sync

112AG (After Genesis) Genesis was created when war threatened to destroy the world of Atlantia however after 112 years it has truly become a second world. The Elves and Draconian used their magic to create Genesis a world encompassing spell while the Dwarves and Gnomes used their technology expertise to create the access bands. Years later Genesis is so integral to Atlantia that they are politically and financially linked. Everyone Joins Genesis when they reach there race’s adulthood and look forward to adventure in another world. Except John who is working hard just to earn enough to eat, he does not have enough time to play Genesis. Join John as he escapes his life in the slums and learn with him about Genesis his what the future holds in both worlds. *** Story will hopefully be set half in the real world Atlanta and half in Genesis. *** 1500 words minimum from chapter 51 onward. *** Chapter with R18 Romance Scenes will have a warning at the start as will Polyamory scenes for those who are not interested in that. *** This is my first novel and I’m just writing something I find enjoyable, I hope you do also though if not I wish you luck in finding something you do. *** Up to 30 advanced chapters for Patreon members. https://www.patreon.com/sweeps83

Sweeps83 · Games
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206 Chs

Chapter 76 A Strand of Elrinira's Hair

"Elrinira what are you doing? John asked flatly. 

"Making Francis jealous while also showing you what you refused." Elrinira said with a cheeky smile. 

"Well kindly stop please." 

"You see Francis, this is a real man; he knows he can have my body if he wishes because I already offered it to him and yet he refused and still does even now." Elrinira said with joy as she saw Francis' eyes burn with jealousy. 

"Then tell me Vincarna, tell me how I persuade you to accept me as your woman." Elrinira spoke into John's ear in a sexual tone that she made sure was loud enough for Francis to hear. 

"You already know my answer to that Elrinira, I will not chase after you for your enjoyment while you string me along and play with other men like you are doing with him." John said as he indicated Francis 

"Please let go of me and explain what you just did to him." John spoke again though this time there was a coldness in his voice. 

As she heard the coldness in John's voice, she released him while also canceling her projection and looked at him carefully before asking. 

"What happened to you? Why don't you trust women?" 

As she finished speaking Silver Oracle who had been watching Elrinira's public display of affection with a jealous look perked up her ears to listen. 

John looked at Elrinira before replying curtly. 

"I have no interest in explaining my past to someone I don't know or trust and especially not in front of him." 

There was silence for a moment before Elrinira sighed and spoke. 

"Very well but mark my words, I will get you to tell me one day." 

"For that you will have to earn my trust and be as you have claimed, a Succubi who does not sleep around." John replied. 

Elrinira looked at the serious look on John's face before sighing and explaining. 

"What I cast on him was 'Soul Capture', essentially his soul is now mine and I plan to drag him back to my palace and torture him for all eternity." 

"What do you think Francis? This way you can be with me forever like you always wanted however you will be going through every known torture ever conceived and I guess we will have to invent some new ones together so you don't get bored, I guess we will start with chopping your dick off and leaving you in excruciating pain for a few hours before we heal it and then repeat the process let's say ten million times." 

"I have no problem with you torturing him, but we still have questions for him." John stated. 

"That's fine, tell me what you want to know, and I will interrogate him at the same time." Elrinira said with a smile. 

"Very well first is who was the mastermind behind the magic circle to summon Pestilence and why he pretended to be a Cleric. As I doubt, he was smart enough to come up with the plan." John began to list what they wanted to know. 

"Next is all the information he has on the corruption that affected your sister." 

"Very well but are not bothered that I will be torturing one of your races for all eternity?" Elrinira asked with interest. 

"Not one bit, remember I said before that no one should suffer against their will unless they have done something that makes them deserve it as punishment." 

"And he defiantly deserves it, though when it comes to the human race, I could care less if you decided to torture all of the human race with the exception of three people who have helped me in the past." John answered. 

"Well, I guess I know which race you meant when you said earlier that there is only one race you hate." Elrinira started but John did not reply but turned to Silver Oracle and asked. 

"Is there anything you wish to find out about Oracle?" 

"Yes, all the names and identities of any other spies he knows off here in Thamethalas and the Central Continent." Silver Oracle answered before saying. 

"Also, Elrinira might I suggest that after you cut off his dick you also gouge out his eye but use magic to make sure it still works then let him watch as you place his severed dick in the now empty eye socket." 

Elrinira burst out laughing before saying. 

"A marvelous idea princess, he will truly become a dick head then, I get the feeling you and I could become good friends." 

Silver Oracle smiled before saying. 

"I agree we could be if it were not for..." She never finished speaking, however her eyes moved towards John allowing Elrinira to understand her meaning. 

"Hmm might I request some girl time just the two of us once we wrap things up here and before I have to depart back to the Demon realm?" Elrinira asked. 

"I see no problem with that." Silver Oracle responded with a smile. 

"Good but first, is there anything else you can think of that you wish me to ask him?" Elrinira asked. 

John and Silver Oracle both shook their heads in response. 

"Very well then." Elrinira said before turning to Francis and saying. 

"Francis, I will send you on ahead, but I will make sure to send word to my maids and tell them to set you up in the best torture room in my castle." 

After which a teleportation magic circle started to form below Francis. 

"No wait my love, I'm sorry please let me make this up to you." Francis begged, but too late because he soon vanished. 

"Now that he is gone let me keep my end of the deal." Elrinira said before plucking one of her long hairs out of her head and speaking to John. 

"This hair will allow you to summon me anytime you wish and at my full power but remember it can only be used once so don't waste it." 

"I thought you said a huge sacrifice was necessary to summon you?" John asked. 

"That is for someone who is wishing to summon me for the first time in order to gain my attention, remember I am the Queen and will only appear before those who I deem worthy." Elrinira replied as she explained. 

"You on the other hand are someone I owe a debt to and so you don't need to make a grand sacrifice to summon me as this hair will do." 

John nodded as he accepted the hair from Elrinira which seemed to have a strange rainbow effect. 

[Item Received: A Strand of Elrinira's Hair] 

[Rarity: Transcendent (Purple Gold)] 

[A strand of hair belonging to the Succubus Queen Elrinira] 

[Use this item in order to summon the epic level world boss Succubus Queen Elrinira to your location] 

[Number of uses: 1] 

[Quest Complete Notification] 

[Find the animal killer (Epic)] 

[You have learned from Ratatoskr that a human cleric has been killing many cats and rats to use their blood for his evil magic circle.] 

[The slaughter of so many animals goes against the balance of nature and therefore it is your duty young Druid to correct this balance.] 

[Quest Goals:] 

[Find the Human Cleric who is disrupting the balance and stop him at any cost.] 

[Quest success reward:] 

[Might find knowledge regarding these dark magic circles that keep appearing.] 

[Epic (Purple) Item] 

[*NOTICE* Since you used 'Daratrine's Balance' to weaken the Human Cleric Francis to your level before he was then captured by Succubus Queen Elrinira the quest rank and rewards shall be recalculated] 

[Quest Rank: Epic>>Ordinary] 

[Quest Success reward: Epic (Purple) Item>>Nothing] 

[640 exp] 

[Exp: 960/6400>>1600/6400] 

[Quest Update]

[Assist a friend in their class quest: Complete] 

John sighed after reading the notifications before he stored the strand of hair away and spoke. 

"Thank you." 

"It is I who should thank you for helping me save my sister and without having to fight her as well." Elrinira replied with a smile before adding. 

"Now Vincarna if there is nothing else the princess and I need some girl time." 

"I guess that's my queue to leave, have a good time and I will see you later Oracle." John said before turning and leaving the way he came as Silver Oracle nodded and both beauties watched him leave. 

Once they were alone Elrinira turned to Silver Oracle and spoke. 

"You like him, don't you? And I mean as more than just friends." 

Silver Oracle blushed before nodding. 

"Well how about that, the holy maiden has fallen in love." Elrinira said before laughing, causing Silver Oracle to pout. 

"Come now don't pout, this is a good thing, he is a fine catch after all even I'm interested in him." 

Silver Oracle frowned before asking. 

"How serious are you about that? After all I have heard the stories and rumors about all the individuals who lust after you, but you have turned them all down." 

"Indeed, there are too many to count who want my body, but that's the problem isn't it, they want my body or my power or the influence I have, they don't want me." Elrinira replied before asking. 

"It's the same for you is it not?" 


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