
Mistress Of Death And Hell

Loretta_Warren · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: The Accidental Brush with Exorcism

Once upon a time, in a little town named Quirksville, there lived a boy named Finn. Finn's life was anything but ordinary. In fact, he had a strange knack for attracting supernatural mishaps without even trying. It seemed like trouble just couldn't resist following him around like a lost puppy.

One sunny afternoon, Finn was strolling through the local park, enjoying a sandwich and minding his own business. Little did he know that today would be the day he accidentally stumbled upon an exorcism.

As Finn leisurely chomped on his ham and cheese sandwich, he heard a commotion nearby. Curiosity piqued, he followed the noise, hoping for some exciting distraction from his mundane existence. To his surprise, he found himself standing before an old, creaky mansion. The kind of house that would make an ordinary person's hair stand on end.

Figuring this must be where the ruckus was coming from, Finn couldn't resist taking a peek inside. He slowly pushed open the rusty gate and crept into the eerily quiet property.

Suddenly, a booming voice echoed through the house, accompanied by the sound of rattling chains. "I command you, spirit, to leave this poor man's body!" it bellowed. Finn's eyes widened in disbelief. He had accidentally stumbled upon an exorcism in progress!

Unbeknownst to Finn, the townspeople had mistaken him for a famed exorcist rumored to be coming to town. They had been waiting for this mysterious figure to rid their town of an unruly spirit that had been causing mischief for weeks. And now, here was Finn, a completely ordinary teenager, caught in the middle of it.

In a panic, Finn darted behind a dusty old bookshelf. He desperately tried to blend into the surroundings, praying that nobody would notice him. But of course, Murphy's Law was in full effect, and Finn's luck was at an all-time low.

The exorcist, a middle-aged man with a long, flowing beard, locked eyes with Finn from across the room. His gaze shifted from shock to confusion before he pointed at our poor hero and said, "Who are you, intruder? Are you possessed by a greater demon?"

Finn, not wanting to draw any more attention to himself, blurted out the first thing that came to his mind. "Uh, no, I'm the pizza delivery guy! I was just trying to find the address!" he stammered, hoping the exorcist would buy his ridiculous excuse.

To Finn's surprise, the exorcist nodded gravely. Apparently, spirits had a penchant for disguising themselves as delivery personnel. "Very well, young one. We can never be too cautious. Stay here and help me exorcise this house," the exorcist replied, completely falling for Finn's ruse.

And so, Finn found himself embarking on an accidental career in exorcism. With each passing day, he stumbled through smoky rituals, fumbled through ancient texts, and unknowingly banished spirits from unsuspecting homeowners.

Quirksville had never seen a more oblivious exorcist, but somehow, Finn's unintentional charm managed to get the job done. Though he may have started off as an accidental exorcist, Finn soon realized that sometimes, the strangest paths could lead to the most thrilling adventures.

Little did he know, his life was about to take a supernatural turn for the extraordinary, filled with misadventures, laughs, and plenty of unresolved ghosts. Finn was about to exorcise his way into a new chapter of his peculiar life.