
Mistress Of Death And Hell

Loretta_Warren · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

Chapter 1: The Accidental Mistress

Once upon a totally average time, in a ridiculously unextraordinary town, lived a perfectly unremarkable girl named Jessica. She was so ordinary that even the most bland sitcom character would scoff at her lack of pizzazz. But little did she know, her life was about to take a dark, dramatic, and utterly improbable turn.

It all started on a typical Monday morning when Jessica stumbled her way to school, desperately trying to blend in with the background. As she entered the dreary hallways, she noticed a peculiar flyer taped to the bulletin board. The words "Mistress of Death" were scrawled across it in an overly dramatic font. Being the ridiculously curious person she was, Jessica couldn't help but tear off the flyer and stuff it into her pocket.

Later that day, as Jessica was attempting to maintain her invisibility in algebra class, a sudden flash of light engulfed the room, leaving everyone momentarily blinded. When the light dissipated, Jessica found herself standing in an eerily empty space. Confused and disoriented, she looked around and there it was—the Gloomy Reaper himself, the personification of death, clad in a black cloak and gripping a rusty scythe.

With a shrug, because why not, the Grim Reaper approached Jessica and handed her a contract. "Congratulations, my dear," he said in a voice that chilled to the bone, "You have been chosen as the next Mistress of Death!"

Jessica, being the perfectly rational and well-adjusted teenager she was, responded with an eloquent, "Um, excuse me?"

The Grim Reaper chuckled, an unsettling sound that made spiders crawl up your spine. "You heard me correctly," he said. "Due to a series of cosmic mishaps, you have been bestowed with the prestigious title of Mistress of Death. It's like being valedictorian, only with a much higher body count."

Jessica's eyes widened in disbelief. She scanned the empty void, hoping to find an escape hatch from this ludicrous situation. "But, but...why me?" she stammered.

The Grim Reaper shrugged—or at least she assumed he did, since his bony frame didn't exactly allow for much movement. "Sometimes life (or, in your case, death) has a sense of humor. And apparently, you're it," he quipped.

Jessica's sarcasm seeped through her expression. "Oh, lucky me," she muttered under her breath, rolling her eyes so hard they threatened to detach from their sockets.

Death, ominously unperturbed by her response, continued. "Now, as the Mistress of Death, you will be granted the power to control life and death itself. How you choose to wield this power is entirely up to you. Just remember, with great power comes great annoyance from bureaucracy."

As reality started to set in, Jessica weighed her options. On one hand, she could be a hero, saving lives and making a difference. On the other hand, she could go on a reality TV binge and bring back Elvis for a live concert, just for kicks.

With a dramatic flourish, she grabbed the contract from the Grim Reaper's skeletal hand and signed her name in a flourish of sarcasm. "Alright, Death dude, let's do this. But on one condition – you owe me a lifetime supply of chocolate. Deal?"

The Grim Reaper chuckled again, a sound that sent chills down Jessica's spine—or maybe it was just the overall temperature of the void. "Deal," he replied with a crooked smile.

And so, against all logic and with a generous helping of sarcasm, Jessica became the Mistress of Death. Little did she know, her life was about to turn into a supernatural rollercoaster ride of epic proportions.

Tune in next time for Chapter 2: The Accidental Brush with Exorcism...