
chapter 6

Chapter Six

Alastair then looks at the maps "well our messages told us that they are heading south-west from here, seems like they are going to circle around us first" Gabriel nods then glance at Mori "okay your strongest point will be the map's and making the war plan's from here" Mori looks over the maps and notice that

Alastair was staring at him for the longest time as Mori then looks at them "Well since they are trying to trap us in a circle hear they would be finding the bandit's camp area before they strike us, so our warriors will have to move in before that we can try get the bandits to work for us, so then we can have the advantage"

Mori notices that Eskai and silver glaring at him as his brother looks at him" Okay Mori then?" Mori sighed "Why are all of you glaring at me? It's hard to focus while you guys just stare me down" Alastair then had his palm on his face "Well you did kiss my sister, so what's was that about?" Eskai then yelled "Were you just in the moment are what?"

Mori blushed then yelled back "Just shut up we have to focus on our plans for the war" Gabriel then sighed "you do know you can't do things like that right?" Alastair sighed," mori is right we have to focus on our plan it's been one week since we've made our plan. Let's finish this off then we can go out and start training more recruits"

Eskai then cross his arms and grinds his teeth as Mori nods "agreed sir" Suddenly Alastair's grandfather then walks in patting Mori's back "I heard you kissed my beautiful daughter Ranko eh?" Mori turns red as he thought to himself, "I'm not going to hear the end of this, but I'm glad I had kissed her, I feel more confidence" Mori thought to himself

as Alastair then looks at his grandpa "So grandpa any news?" His grandpa then sat down looking at them "When will Ranko come home? We will need her to make a wall and a few bridges for an escape plan in case things don't work out�� Gabriel then glances at him "Ranko was cast"

Before Gabriel could say anything Alastair then spoke "She will be here soon enough grandfather just two days' time" Eskai then cross his arm's as Mori smiled and noticed the guy's glared at him again, the old man got up then smiled "Good I Miss my little girl" He then left.


Eskai then looks at them "how are we going to get Ranko to get back in two days' time?" Silver then nods "I can show her how to shape shift since she has the mimic to copy anyone's powers" Alastair then gave a puzzled look as Gabriel crosses his legs as he was sitting across from them "that's new, and how is this?"

Ace then sighed "she Is from the veil clan that's their special ability" Mori looks at Silver "so send Silver to go and find her, in his Bird form?" Alastair then thinks "that will be much faster, but what about Damon and Vash?"

Gabriel then sighed "forgot that they both follow her around plus; you didn't tell your grandfather about Ranko?" Alastair then sneered at Gabriel "of course not, it will break his heart as much as it did to mine" Eskai then looks at them "wait a minute, you mean to tell me that you guys cast out Ranko?" Gabriel then sighed "enough let's just do what we have to do, It's not anyone's business"

Silver then cross his arms "well I shall be back with Ranko" Eskai then nods as mori then write's on the map "well I'm done the preparations for the war, time to train some more warrior's" Gabriel smiled at his brother "thank you little brother"


Silver was outside the village forming into his raven form as he did mori then looks at him "I know you don't really like me much but can you send this to Ranko? It's a neckless I had made for her" Silver sighed "well I can do that, as long it isn't a love letter, I won't do it" Silver then takes the necklace with his claws "See ya later Mori" Silver then flew off into the sky.

It was the late afternoon then Silver had left, as for mori he had walked back to the village, but before he did Eskai pushes him "Hey I want you to leave Ranko alone!" Mori then narrowed his eyes to him "Look Eskai you knew this day was coming, and you know Ranko and me had always liked each other" Eskai then grinds his teeth and cocked his head "That doesn't mean a thing to me, beside she is my best friend I will not have someone like you to be with her"


Mori then sighed "why is everyone keep saying that?" Eskai then looks at him "what do you mean, I'm not the only one?" Mori then nods "first sir Alastair, Gabriel, ace and silver" Eskai then sighed "those fools" he thought to himself" Mori then looks over at Eskai "well whatever happens I will not give up Ranko's love, but let's get back to training our native warrior's for this battles of these beings"


Ranko was sitting on a stump looking around the area that was once called home to the beaver tribe. Thunder hills was a peaceful and beautiful land, but the entire area was demolished, however due to the storms in thunder hills was the cause of the land being burnt to the ground Ranko then clenched her jaw as Damon was braiding her hair "look Ranko I don't know how long the beaver tribe had lived here, but maybe they moved to an area where it's safer around thunder hills, it's a big land after all" Vash then walks around then looks over them staring at Ranko thinking to himself "she is even prettier then I had imagine when her hair is up"

Ranko's mouth began to curve a smile and gave a worried look to Damon "maybe your right, we can just scout around before it gets late" Damon then gave half a smile to her as he finished doing her hair "well your hair is done Ranko, its beautiful" Ranko then got up and turns to Damon and Vash "you really think so" Vash then blushed as Damon stick's his thumb out "damn right��s Ranko" Vash then smiled "my pretty flower is so Gorgeous" Ranko turn's red as she looks away "thank you guy's"

It was 5:45 Silver could see Ranko, Damon and Vash at the distant he then speeds up a head yelling towards them "Ranko, Damon. We need your help!" Ranko then look's around "that sounds like Silver" Damon then crosses his arms "this better be good" Silver then land's on Ranko's shoulder "Mori sent this necklace to you, and Alastair needs your expertise" Damon then sighed "and what about me?" Silver then chuckles "well we need warrior's that are more experienced before the war" Ranko then put's the necklace on and stare's at Silver "well I guess I can go back but in due time I will come and search this land" Damon then sighed crossing his arms "well sounds good to me"



Silver then forms into his human form then looks at Ranko "well first things first, I'll show you how to shape shift so we can get to the village faster" Ranko looks at him then crossed her arms "Well what if I don't get it right? And end up naked like you did" Silver then sighed "that transformation, I did That's when I ran out of energy to harness my abilities and it burnt off my clothes when I formed into my human form, but I was able to do it right, as you can see" Silver point's out to his clothes as Damon then glance at him "Well I'll be fashionably late, as usual, but I'll start traveling to the Cloudstone village, so I'll meet you guys their" Vash then sighed and looks away "I'll search around these area's for you till you come back Ranko, I'll see you guys later" Ranko then nods "thank you both"

Silver then had a purple aroura swirling up around his body "Watch me closely Ranko" Silver then closed his eyes as he starts to form into his Bird formation, he then flew around Ranko "once you have your aroura flaring up, think of Flying, any bird will be good as long as it is fast" Ranko then shuts her eyes as she did her white Aroura blazed up around her, she thought to herself "A fast bird"

Suddenly Ranko's body began to form into something but Silver could not see her aroura was so bright that he had to fly higher, as Ranko's transformation was down she then flew towards Silver "Look I did it, Now let's go" Silver then flew away leading Ranko to the Cloudstone Village "I was not expecting you'll form into a bald eagle this is really getting interesting, Ranko Veil Sure is something"


Damon then glances at Vash before he left "So why do you keep following Ranko around, if you mind me asking"

Vash then smirks at him "Well she promised me some of her blood if I had help her find out about her clan and tribe that her mother and father were in, but that's if she's in the main branch" Damon then sneered at him then glanced away "I see well I shall be off, good luck on finding the Beaver tribe" Damon said playfully as Vash then crossed his arms and sighed "This Damon guy is somewhat strange in a way"


Next day in the late evening Silver had land close to a water fall as he did, he formed into his human form "Okay Ranko Remember try not to use up all your energy at once, otherwise you'll end up" Before Silver could say anything Ranko had already formed into her human self, Ranko had look at him and smiled "that was amazing, Now I know why shapeshifters like being in their animal forms" Silver was pitch red and had a nose bleed he then turn away from her fast "Ranko you clothes burnt off"

Ranko then stood in silent then looks over her self and yells running to the nearest bush and raised her voice at Silver "That's the last time I do a Transformation Silver" Silver then puts his hand on his face "Well I did tell you if you lose all your energy your clothes will burn"

Ranko then yells "shut up and give me some clothes" Silver then sighed and takes off his long black cloak walking backwards "where are you? You can use my cloak I didn't bring any spare clothes" Ranko then turns red, and had give a dread look, she then sighed "A little to your left side silver I'm in the bush" Silver then walks towards Ranko backwards, as he did, he had fell back and he yells "Whoa" Ranko then laughs as he drop his cloak into the air, Ranko had grab it and put's in on to her liking "that's what you get from staring at me nose bleed"

Silver got up turning red "Right and if Mori were to see you it would be an accident" Ranko then walks to him looking over him "what's that supposed to mean?" Silver then clears his voice "Nothing let's go, we are almost their" Ranko then crossed her arm then seen Silver's face "He looks mad, I think I hit a nerve" Silver then notice that Ranko was looking at him "What is it Ranko?" Ranko then smiled "I should have listened to you and trust you, but I got so worked up on how fast that my brother needed me back home" Silver then blushed then smiled back "Yeah"

Ranko was beside Silver as they walked down a trail that led to the Cloudstone village, Ranko then stops to look up at the sky "Silver what would my tribe think if they saw me? Like I did get cast out and everything" Silver then crossed his arms "well that's something you should ask Alastair and Gabriel, they just made a seem that way, Alastair can protect you from Gabriel, but that's my thought, so its best to ask them at the very Least" Ranko then nods as the continued to walk

Page 40

Eskai was waiting outside the village looking around the trails while Mori looks at him "This is the longest that Ranko been away from you?"

Eskai then nods "well yeah we grew up together, and to be honest I Need to be at her side at all times" Mori then glared at him "why is that?" Eskai then sighed looking at Mori" Not as like a couple, but…���

Alastair then walks to them "Eskai is very clingy about his best friend, so either me or Damon have to hang out with either one of them just so they don't get lonely" Mori then crossed his arms then sighed" I see, so sir Alastair why did you agree with my brother about casting out Ranko?" Alastair then sighed "Well I'm glad you ask I need to vent to someone"

Eskai then glance at them as mori sat next to Eskai as Alastair sighed" "well it was during the ceremony of our tribes gathering and our battle for leadership Gabriel wanted to marry my sister, but I didn't agree to it so of course he suddenly change he wasn't himself afterwards"

Mori then shrugs "Gabriel wouldn't just suddenly change I know my brother well enough for him to" before he could say anything Alastair then pat Mori's head "In due time you will find out what your brother is really like, anyways his plan on marrying Ranko didn't work or even getting her cast out, I only said this so I could protect her and made my law: no one shall marry my sister until she finds true love on her own"

Eskai then sighed "Things are even more complicated and twisted then what's going on around us"

Mori then glance down "I'm sorry Alastair I did not know of this" Alastair then smiled at the two "do not worry about the situation at the moment there's nothing more that Gabriel cannot do otherwise he will be in trouble with the elders"

Mori then sighed "I sure hope so, Because I'm not letting my brother have my Ranko" Eskai and Alastair glare at mori "Your Ranko?!" Mori turns red "Ops I said that out loud, didn't I?" Eskai then laughs as Alastair then smiled "You're not that bad Mori, you know maybe I will consider you as my brother-in-law someday"



Silver then sighed "well it took two day's on time to get us here" Ranko then smiled and looks toward the village "I could see my brother and Eskai." Silver then looks at Ranko "how about lover boy Mori?" Ranko then turns red "Shut up Silver" Silver then chuckles then ran up a head "Lets go then we have to start work, a-sap" Ranko then followed him "okay then silver"

Mori could see Ranko and silver running towards them down hill As Eskai then Jumps off the bench running towards Ranko Happily, Ranko had a smile looking at Eskai, she then jump into Eskai arms "I missed you so much" Eskai then shed a tear, smiling back "Same here I'm glad you decided to come back"