
Frozen Empress

Bai Hei walked into the entrance, the ring by his side.

Instantly, the cave entrance behind him shut, the sign disappeared too. Outside, it was once again a normal cliff.

Surprisingly though, it wasn't dark even though there was no bright lights.

Slowly, Bai Hei started to walk, inching his way forward along the smooth, but hard and cold ground.

After walking for hours, he wondered how this was possible. The cliff was definitely not this long, and he didn't go up or down in anyway...

Maybe this was the work of a treasure or Martial Skill?

He carried on walking and walking. Suddenly, he came to a stop.

In front of him was a small stone room. Inside, there was nothing much, apart from a table with some items on top of it along with a bed, that had a coffin on top of it.

Just as he was about to step inside the room, his body was suddenly flung back, and his eyes were forcefully shut. A prideful and arrogant but heavenly voice sounded out,

"This Empress announces that your trials begin now."

A second later, he opened his eyes and was shocked. He was in a completely different room!

It was a room completely made out of glimmering jade! Due to the jades, the room was filled with an enormous amount of spiritual energy! If an average talent were to sit here for a whole twenty years, they wouldn't be able to absorb even half of it!

Bai Hei's eyes glowed in amazement and shock. But he was quickly disappointed when he heard the Empress' voice again,

"You have five days. Reach the second-layer Body Tempering Realm. If you fail, death."

Bai Hei looked up in annoyance, as he grumbled,

"Kill me then, crappy Empress!"

Bai Hei didn't fear some random Heavenly Empress. He did believe that she was some extremely powerful existence due to this special room, but he also believed that giving in would go against the path he wanted to take.

He was cultivating so he could fulfil all of his desires, to do whatever he wanted. If he gave in, wouldn't that just mean that he had already failed his purpose?

Instantly, the Heavenly Empress seemed to be enraged.

"Y-You dare?! Courting death, I'll kill you!"

"Your mother is courting death!"

As if the Heavenly Empress couldn't take it any more, a terrifying pressure came onto Bai Hei. Any normal person would have dropped to the ground begging for forgiveness, and the prideful would still drop to the ground due to the pressure.

But Bai Hei couldn't be described by the word 'prideful', he was absolutely unwilling to give in!

Instead of dropping to his knees, Bai Hei preferred to be severely injured. Currently, his whole body was trembling, not in pain and fear, but in anger.

Soaked in blood, bones shattered, and flesh mangled. He spat out a mouthful of blood as he croaked out,

"F.. F.. Fuck you...!"

The Heavenly Empress was speechless, but also interested. Interested in the way that a person would look at an ant.

She was surprised too. Never had she seen such a prideful person! Even though he would die, this person was still able to curse and keep standing.

Suddenly, Bai Hei's eyes rolled back, he was on the brink of death, half-unconscious.

At that moment, a curvy, robed figure appeared in the hall. Without a word, the figure brought its hand up and flicked something towards Bai Hei's mouth.

This was the Heavenly Empress!

Using her spiritual energy, she opened Bai Hei's mouth, and helped him refine the pill.

In under a second, Bai Hei's injuries had fully healed. One wouldn't believe that he had been injured in the first place if the bloodstains on the ground weren't there.

Bai Hei's eyes suddenly opened in confusion as he said,

"Why am I alive? Who are you?"

The Heavenly Empress just scoffed as she threw her hood down, exposing her face.

A complexion that was white like jade, round lips, and a small, curved nose. Eyes that showed the deep pride and arrogance in her bones. Her figure through the robes was 'rounded' in all the right places, bouncy buttocks and a well-endowed bosom. Her beauty even surpassed Bai Bingyun's by a tiny bit!

Bai Hei's face didn't shift even a tiny bit as he said,

"Tell me. Who are you?"

Surprise flickered through the Heavenly Empress' eyes before it was once again replaced by deep pride and arrogance.

"I've taken a liking to your determination. Kneel to your master."

Bai Hei's face scrunched up as he sneered,

"I've taken a liking to your face. Kneel to your owner."

The Heavenly Empress was enraged once again. Instantly, the same terrifying pressure came over Bai Hei, but it was lessened this time.

"Kneel! Or you won't be leaving here!"

Bai Hei struggled out a chuckle under the pressure as he listened to the sounds of his bones creaking,

"I'll kn.. kneel... after... I.. d.. die..!"

The Heavenly Empress shook her head and shot Bai Hei a disdaining look.

"I don't need you. I'll find another inheritor, although I liked your pride. A pity..."

She extended her finger. A glaring purple beam of Qi was flung out. Bai Hei wasn't even able to see the Qi at all, the speed was absolutely monstrous!

He wouldn't even know how he died!

If it wasn't for a sudden occurrence taking place right at that moment!

Everything froze!

Bai Hei's eyes widened as he saw the purple beam and jumped out of the way on instinct. As soon as he did though, he realised that it was nearly silent. Eerily silent. Apart from his heartbeat, his heavy breathing, and the shuffling sounds he was making, it was silent!

The Heavenly Empress was completely still, along with the purple beam in the air!

Bai Hei's eyes widened in disbelief. He was completely, one hundred percent sure, that everything had just frozen!

His breathing quickened in excitement. This was an opportunity! He went up to the Heavenly Empress and let out a full powered punch right on her face.

However, his fist didn't injure her at all! He couldn't help but to take let out an exclaim,

"This.. How strong!"

Bai Hei had a look of anticipation on his face. If she was this strong, it meant that most likely had some amazing stuff on her..?

He quickly grabbed her robe and instantly threw it off of her.

Her pink, virgin lady gardens and round mountains were exposed!

Her completely naked body didn't phase him at all, however. Obviously, he would have some fun, but the priority was cultivation! Without even a look at her, he looked through her robe and found a few things.

A pill bottle filled with perfectly round, blue pills. He had no idea what these pills were but when he opened the lid, he knew they were something that were extremely good!

The fragrant smell obviously showed that!

He looked through the next items, which were a pair of daggers. They had pitch-black hilts with dark, purple blades. The blades themselves seemed to have a thin, glowing black line in the middle going through the bottom to the top.

Just by holding them, Bai Hei felt his hands sink down.

'So heavy! How can someone even use these?!'

He put the daggers back onto the ground, and looked to the next and final item.

It was some sort of Martial Skill! On the cover, it said:

'Chaos Ray'

Bai Hei's eyes instantly rolled towards the purple beam floating in the air.

'It's probably that, right?'

Bai Hei would go to the purple beam and touch it, but he wasn't sure if it was safe. A sudden thought came into his mind as he realised, everything was frozen, but that didn't mean it would last forever!

He hurriedly shoved the book onto the ground before making his way to the Heavenly Empress' frozen figure.

He eyed her body from top to bottom and clicked his tongue. Seeing her now, she really was a divine beauty! He wondered how old she was since she was that powerful, but from her looks, she looked around nineteen or twenty.

Which he knew was very unlikely for her age to be.

He walked towards her body and grabbed one of her perky buttocks in his hand. He moulded it in circles for a few seconds before realising what he was doing.

'There's no time!'

He looked around her body once again to see if she had anything else. He didn't notice the detail before, but she seemed to have a ring on her finger.

Pitch-black with a purple gem, and it seemed to be made of some sort of metal?

He grabbed the ring and tried to pull it off her finger. But sadly, it wouldn't come off at all, as if it was stuck.

Just then, he remembered the ring he had saw earlier. The silver one.

He looked around his pockets and found it. Before, it was resting in his pockets, but now it seemed to be frozen and couldn't run away.

He grabbed it and put it on his finger. Comparing it to the ring on the Heavenly Empress' finger, it seemed to be extremely similar. But this one had no gem and was just silver in colour, it was a similar metal though.

He grabbed one of the daggers on the floor and cut his finger lightly, before dropping the dagger back onto the floor.

A drop of blood fell onto the ring, and instantly, a silvery-grey glow was emitted in a one metre radius.

He grinned as he felt a connection to the ring. Willing for the connection, suddenly appeared a vast, empty space.

He grabbed the items on the floor and threw them into the ring before jumping up to his feet and giving a regretful look towards the lust-inducing naked figure in the middle of the room.

However, he suddenly froze as he scanned the room and mumbled,

"Errr... How do I get out..?"

There was no exit!

Idk what is going on with the MC. His personality is all over the place.

He’s basically supposed to be a prideful dude who wants to dominate and be the strongest so he can do whatever he wants.

He values cultivation resources, etc over women.

Ermm.. idk what else?

SomeRandomDaoistcreators' thoughts