
Military System god realm revolution

The Maxim machine gun shoots through magical beasts. Intercontinental ballistic missiles fired at Martial Artists. Fighter planes rise above the gods realm. If you can't fight it, throw an atomic bomb for world peace.

sukinovski · Kỳ huyễn
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401 Chs

269 Super Destructive Power

The light that arose was so bright and dazzling as if the sun had been placed before him. The light spreads hundreds of kilometers away. In a distant place, you will notice a light orb appear in a second.

This is a hydrogen bomb that, undergoing nuclear fusion, can release energy from atoms to the maximum.

The weight and force of this explosion are equivalent to fifteen megatons of dynamite. These fifteen megatons of explosive energy were one thousand and five hundred times more potent than the nuclear bomb that Zhao Lingxin used the last time.

One thousand and five hundred times stronger than the hydrogen bomb, it was almost impossible to imagine a great destructive force.

In just a second, all the signaling systems were temporarily interrupted, as the resulting explosion interfered with the air signal.

The screenshot showing the ignition of Zhao Lingxin only saw the light for a moment before the signal disappeared.