
Military System god realm revolution

The Maxim machine gun shoots through magical beasts. Intercontinental ballistic missiles fired at Martial Artists. Fighter planes rise above the gods realm. If you can't fight it, throw an atomic bomb for world peace.

sukinovski · Kỳ huyễn
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401 Chs


Zhao Ling Xin came to the Government House. The cabinet has gathered together with the face.

"What happened?" Zhao Lingxin assumed that there must be some events that the government could not decide. It must rely on Zhao Lingxin's opinion.

"Your Majesty, please look at this." General Guo Ling handed the documents to Zhao Lingxin.

Zhao Lingxin received a document and read it, it was a report of the resources discovered in the subterranean region of the 12 bandits. Which is a thousand kilometers away from Qinghua City. A lonely land without rules and high maze mountains. And finally, the resource survey, which was sent several months, had the results.

Within the document, there are many resources found. It is rich in precious resources and a wide range of heavy metal elements required in industrial processes; the empire is lacking.