
MILF Harem Of Legends

Story Droped

EverStone · Kỳ huyễn
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109 Chs

Who's Your Daddy

Sam slightly blushed at how Fate said she could address him so informally.

Ruby observed all of this without any worry. She could tell that Fate did not look at Sam with any actual desire in his eyes. This woman was nothing compared to her or her sisters.

"Well then, Fate, please go ahead and come to the front of the line to register."

Fate did as he was asked and came to stand at the counter in front of Sam. The other guild receptionists looked at Sam with furious jealousy in their eyes.

Before Fate could start the registration process, he was interrupted by a surprise guest.

"Well, well, well, look who finally decided to come to the academy. Fate Grimsever, have you finally accepted your position as a student and decided to stop acting like some kind of lord? I did not get my revenge yet on you and your maid for that kick to my national treasure last time."

That's right, this voice belonged to Crown Prince Nimrod Bloodsworn.