
MILF Harem Of Legends

Story Droped

EverStone · Fantasy
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109 Chs

Hope Ends Academy

After Kathy ran off to find her Prince Charming, Fate looked at Ruby and said,

"Ruby, I'm glad that you treated that prisoner with every bit of respect that he deserves. I'm sure you know I was just joking about killing that man because prisoners have rights. So just make sure that the prisoner can make an appearance when necessary, even if he is a bit stiff from your previous visit."

Ruby nodded her head in understanding, employing her unique ability to twist Fate's words completely around and come up with something far worse. Ruby would make sure to bring that guy back from the dead and have him attack anyone who comes looking for him, hopefully killing them in the process.

"Don't worry, Fate. I will make sure his rights are respected at all times."

Looking at Ruby with an amused look on his face, Fate said,