
Might of Serpents

I will keep it short and simple . A guy gets transmigrated to Pokemon world and tries to be the best while surviving the wilderness!! MC isn’t heroish, he is anti-villain so he won’t shy away from killing(There will be killing and torture because I want to write a little realistic world but there won’t be a lot of gore and dark scenes like other dark and realistic pokefics in Webnovel)! He will have his own journey not with Ash and co. Enjoy~~

Noble_K1ng · Tranh châm biếm
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5 Chs

The Beginning after the End

MC P.O.V.—

It's 2021! Quite a lot chaos had been passed but has not ended yet. You ask why? Well Biden is president and doing the most shittiest job at it. Who am I to say such things? Well let me introduce myself-I'm just a shut in, who's tired of this fucking world and the messed up system that's controlling other people! I have no friends and don't need them! I'm like Hikigaya Hachiman and Ayanokouji Kirikata. Yes, I watch anime but don't spend whole day doing it. I just like the unique ones like COTE, etc. I have also seen other other animes like Pokemon but they were long ago; when I was just an innocent child not aware of the dark world outside!

Anyway enough rambling about me I need to find out where I am first. Yeah I know I'm in the middle of a forest but which forest? Seesh looks like I'm going crazy. Did I drink too much last night? I don't remember anything….


Damn! That gotta be a big bird for it to have a screech like that. "GASP" Just when I looked up I saw a big bird that looks to be 5ft. It has large wings, sharp talons, and a short, hooked beak. Its head has a decorated crest that is nearly as long as its body. Is it just me or this bird looks like a fucking Pidgeot!

(A/N: Up until now he was talking to himself, who knows if it was out loud or in his thoughts…not me!! Ehem anyway I don't know what to do. Should I do the standard like shown below "Speech" 'Thoughts' "SFX LIKE BOOM" or without them like shown in the chapter and I would tell you if the POV changes. Cheerio)

"AARRRGGGHHHHHHH" Just when I realized it looks like a Pidgeot I got the headache of the century; so bad that it want me to smash my head with rock in hopes that it would stop the headache. Stupid, yeah I know. And then I was looking at a…film? I don't know. There was sceneries or should I say…memories coming into my head and I was watching them like a bystander. It felt like I was in a fucking pensive just with the pain.

After the "film" ended I realized I transmigrated!! "Motherfu! Hey, who was it? Who stopped e from cursing and made me "Nick Fury"!!!"

Anyway back to me, I'm in pokemon world. As i have said before I have seen Pokemon but up to 6th generation, the Kalos League and some parts of the 7th generation, the Alola League! But not the new generation though from what I heard it's like Boruto…Trash! And from what I saw in the memories it's not as sunshine as the anime but not far from it. I will tell you those differences later as I have to get out of the damn forest.

Oh wait! I didn't tell you why I'm here in the first place right? Well me or the previous me is an orphan. His parents died in the war between Kanto and Jhoto! There seems to be a war that happened when he was a kid! Not just between Kanto and Jhoto because of territories and after the war an alliance have been created. "The Pokemon League" it's name. And for that reason even though the region is stable it's not as stable as it seems on the outside. People still haven't recovered from the aftermath of the war. There's a lot gangs causing chaos. And the league isn't as powerful as it was shown in the anime.

It looks like I'm in the same generation as Lance, Cynthia, etc. And I know that because of the gym leaders and the elite 4. For example Giovani became the Gym Leader of the Viridian City a few years ago and even though Agatha has been an Elite 4 for years, Samuel Oak has resigned from the position of Champion and now seems to be the professor that's gonna be shown in the future. I have

Well back to me again. I, well he wait you know what since I'm possessing this body and not meeting any resistance I will just accept it! So I wanted to be a Pokemon trainer but I didn't have any Pokemon, I didn't even have the money to even buy an egg. So I just bought a Pokemon ball and came to the Viridian forest and died by slipping on the ground! So I only have a poke ball with me.

Well can't just stay in this place forever. Gotta move on and think about my future plans. Well looks like the sun is setting. I will find a shelter and food, see to you tomorrow… hopefully!


800 Words! Not bad I think but don't worry it's gonna increase…. Hopefully!

Hey guys!

Author here, trynna write a Pokemon fanfic! Sry for the typos if you see any tell me in the comments and I will fix it. Also criticism and ideas are welcome as it can help me make the story better.


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