
Micro-novels, Short Stories, and Preventive Narratives

It is a unique literary collection that addresses sensitive themes related to childhood, such as abuse, mistreatment, and other dangers children face in their environment. Through captivating and powerful stories, this compilation seeks to raise awareness and provide tools to prevent tragedies and promote a safe environment for the little ones. With endearing characters and realistic situations, each story invites reflection and poses ethical questions, reminding us of the importance of protecting and caring for our children. "Micro-novels, Short Stories, and Preventive Narratives" is an invitation to awareness and action, aimed at parents, educators, and all those concerned about the well-being of children in our society.

Gabriela_Guapi · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs


CHAPTER 5: The Heartbreaking Truth.

We were both shattered after hearing the results of the autopsy. Every word from the coroner was like a direct blow to the heart, revealing the brutality with which they had taken our precious daughter's life. However, the capture of Robert gave us a glimmer of hope, an opportunity to confront him face to face.

My heart raced, and anger boiled within me as I looked at the smile on Robert's face while he confessed his gruesome truth. He was a monster who reveled in the suffering of others. His words were like a knife piercing through my shattered soul.

"Julieta was my favorite. From the moment I saw her, her distinct sweet vanilla scent seduced me," he claimed with wicked satisfaction. "That day I saw her on her way home with her pink raincoat and umbrella. It was an opportunity I couldn't pass up. Although she resisted getting into the car, I didn't allow her to escape my grasp. I forced her and took her to my house, where unspeakable acts were committed."

His words echoed in my mind, each one a deafening reminder of the horror my sweet Julieta had endured. Rage and helplessness mixed within me, threatening to consume me entirely. I longed to tear that monster apart with my own hands, but I knew I had to restrain myself.

The day of the trial arrived, and our hopes for justice were crushed when we heard the ridiculous sentence imposed on our daughter's killer and the other two victims. Fury consumed me, and I felt the world fading around me. Injustice mocked us, tearing apart our shattered souls once again.

In that moment, amidst the chaos and desperation, something changed within me. I looked at Robert with fierce determination in my eyes, the same determination that had guided every step of mine since the day I found Julieta's body in that dark river.

My hand trembled as I held the gun, but my mind was clear. I had nothing left to lose, not even my own life. I knew I had to take action, act on behalf of all the shattered families that monster had left behind.

I slowly approached the wooden bars that separated us, my footsteps resonating in the courtroom like a deafening echo that caught his attention. His smile widened as our gazes met, filled with pain and rage. There were no words to express the storm raging inside me.

Without uttering a single word, without giving him the satisfaction of hearing my voice, I pulled the trigger twice. Gunshots rang out in the courtroom, silencing the chaos and filling the air with an ominous echo. Robert fell lifeless, his face contorted by the impact.

A grave silence engulfed the room as everyone stood in stunned disbelief at what they had just witnessed. I was aware that I had crossed a line, that I had become what I hated the most. However, in that moment, the weight of justice and the love of a desperate father had merged into a single explosive action.

I was quickly surrounded by courtroom security personnel, their voices and questions swirling in a confusing whirlwind. My wife, Anna, watched the scene with tears in her eyes, displaying a mix of horror and understanding. She knew how much I had suffered and how much I loved our daughter.

As I was escorted out of the courtroom, I heard the murmurs of the crowd, the condemnation and astonishment. I was aware that my life would never be the same again, that I would face the consequences of my actions. However, I also knew that deep within me, I had done what my heart desperately demanded of me.

Now, as I sit in this solitary cell, sadness and remorse engulf me. I cannot escape the weight of what I have done, nor the lives shattered by pain and violence. However, I also know that my act, though questionable and heart-wrenching, sent a clear message: the guilty cannot escape unpunished, and a father on the brink of despair is capable of anything to protect his daughter.

Justice may be delayed and sometimes disastrously failed, but that doesn't mean we should stand idly by. My story is a testament to a father's desperate struggle, but it's also a reminder that love can be a powerful force even in the darkest moments.

Perhaps someday I will find peace and redemption, but until then, I will carry the weight of my actions and the memory of my sweet Julieta. Even though separated from her by bars and the abyss of death, my love for her burns intensely.

And so, in my solitude and amidst the shadows of my own conscience, I will seek a way to heal, to find a purpose that transcends pain and violence. Because even though I crossed a line, I will always be the father who loved and fought for his daughter until the end.