
Micro-novels, Short Stories, and Preventive Narratives

It is a unique literary collection that addresses sensitive themes related to childhood, such as abuse, mistreatment, and other dangers children face in their environment. Through captivating and powerful stories, this compilation seeks to raise awareness and provide tools to prevent tragedies and promote a safe environment for the little ones. With endearing characters and realistic situations, each story invites reflection and poses ethical questions, reminding us of the importance of protecting and caring for our children. "Micro-novels, Short Stories, and Preventive Narratives" is an invitation to awareness and action, aimed at parents, educators, and all those concerned about the well-being of children in our society.

Gabriela_Guapi · Fantasy
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15 Chs


In the dark abyss of this heart-wrenching story lie profound lessons that invite us to reflect on the fragility of life and the power of paternal love. Through Lucas's extreme actions, we are confronted with the reality of helplessness and despair that can grip a father when facing the loss of his child.

This story reminds us that amidst suffering and adversity, we must seek the strength to confront our tragedies in a constructive manner. Though revenge and violence may tempt us, we must remember that true power ultimately lies in resilience, empathy, and the pursuit of justice through proper means.

It is essential to remain vigilant and attentive to signs that may indicate danger to our loved ones. The protection and care of our children and those around us must be a constant priority. We cannot underestimate the power of open communication, emotional support, and trust in our instincts when it comes to the safety of those we love.

This story is a stark reminder that the world can be a dark and dangerous place, yet it also challenges us to seek the light within ourselves and in our society. We must strive for equitable justice and a legal system that safeguards victims and appropriately punishes wrongdoers.

Lastly, it is vital to remember that love does not die with those we have lost but lives on within us as an eternal flame. We must honor the memory of those we have loved by finding positive ways to channel our pain and turning it into a driving force for change and hope.

May this story inspire us to be courageous, to fight for justice, and to never forget the power of love in our lives. May we find solace in the hope of a safer and more compassionate world, where parents do not have to face the abyss of despair and where the lives of our loved ones are cherished and protected.